This board is going to die soon... no 2 ways about it

We are all Opeth fans here, aren't we? I mean, it's basically a place where people can come to have fun and talk about Opeth. Anyways Wolff, you post shit on boards too... Just like you did on the Children of Bodom forum. There wasn't any need for that there, but you did it anyways. This forum won't die, because we keep it alive, and that's all that matters!
I was NEVER talking about censoring.

I'll try again to explain myself, because I'm obviously I'm not doing a very good job. My points have nothing to do about ANY individual - more of a "feeling" here. Most people seem to notice that the discussions are a little deeper (and more intellectual as some also say) than other boards on the net. That being said, what purpose is there to come here and try to take it down. There are some who do try - who think it's their right to do what they please - posting with the "fuck you" attitude. And if you've read what I've said before - I agree, they're right - it's a free world.

But I again ask - why? It's the childish holier-than-thou attitude that makes most internet sights pure garbage. So why not educate the "newbies" into at least trying to explain what we have here. Call it moderation - but no one is censoring anybody - just asking people to use some judgement.
How do you propose to 'eductate newbies'? Send them to forum boot camp?

Actually Hearse's idea isn't a bad one, although will people be happy with a kind of split forum? The chat for quick stuff and the forum for more long term ideas and discussion is great, but who would go to chat?

I don't know.. perhaps I'm being a stick-in-the-mud.

Maybe it's worth a shot. But I think we shouldn't just assume that the new kids need educating. I think they'll pick it up easily enough if the rest of us pull them into line every now and then. Even if it means hurting their feelings a bit ala Jayde and Howebie (or whatever his name is)...
None is talking about censoring, but I proposed some moderating. For example there are 2 Britney Spears threads currently running, created within 2 days of difference. Now since Britney is no Opeth, not metal, and not even music according to some, a moderator could close one or dump into the other.

Hearse came up with the idea of compartmentalizing the forum, i.e. Opeth forum, music forum, chat/rambling, polls; all within the existing forum. It's a good idea, not perfect, but it works for Blaze the second forum to us in terms of posts.

Nothing's final, but before shooting everything down, why don't you suggest something else instead? Again, I'd like to read no bitching, no persoanal stuff, just solutions if you have 'em.

We've gotta do something, cuz sure as hell, I don't want things to remain like last week.
Sorry Wolff, but I don't give ideas, I simply shoot them down... :cool:

But seriously, I'm all for the departmentalising of the forum. I didn't realise the Blaze forum already had this system initiated.

Maybe it is the way to go.

But will this thread be here long enough for someone to notice?
I suggest you all take a hard look at your suggestions. Ultimately Opeth and MAYBE ultimate metal should decide such things you are just users of the forum all your ideas are great if you were to create your own forum but does not matters how long have you been or interested in "the good of the forum" you are all because Mike himself and opeth should have the final word and you oldtimers are but the smaller of the smallest part of all the opeth fans out there and your opinions hold true but as long as i know this is a place for all opeth fans and opeth should regulate and dictate what happens.

I say this without trying to be offensive but guys: Go out there and build your own goddamn forum
Just leave everything to us, we'll keep the board going, I mean, we have had it going for a long time, right? So, why not just let us take care of it? Hearse has a good idea, but I'm not sure about it, it seems to complicated. Although I'd love to help, I'm sure most just like it how it is. So, how about you just let us keep the board how it is. People do post on it a lot, but not too often.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Ultimately Opeth and MAYBE ultimate metal should decide such things you are just users of the forum all your ideas are great if you were to create your own forum but does not matters how long have you been or interested in "the good of the forum" you are all because Mike himself and opeth should have the final word and you oldtimers are but the smaller of the smallest part of all the opeth fans out there and your opinions hold true but as long as i know this is a place for all opeth fans and opeth should regulate and dictate what happens.

Are you serious? Did you really say all that in one breath?
Yea but im just saying this opinions sound like everyone here thinks the forum is in the hand of the forum users when its not. Your opinions could be heard but no one in Opeth is obligated to hear them or consider them at all, you guys are really talking about the forum like you own it or like you want to do stuff only the owners could manage to do, i understand your concerns but the direction you are all taking is towards having your own forum for the old timers and everyone else who wants in, old timers style, an old timer forum within the forum, etc. The general Opeth fan should remain free of being here regardless of what the may2001 forum opeth fan thinks, you guys head towards elitisim, thats fine with me go ahead but you cannot drag a forum is not yours to begin with to that, you just use the forum you dont own or dictate about it.
yeah, of course.... but I'm sure that a slice of suggestion pie from the users would hurt in initiating something.

I mean, for fuck's sake, is Opeth likely to suggest a splitting of the forum for our conveniance? I think if it's going to happen it has to occur from within.
metalman - sweet. i'm starting to understand what you're getting at :) you are urging new people to appreciate that there is a kind of universal respect shared by the existing members. cheers for clarifying that :)
We've got a few soft toys sitting on the bar fridge in our house, and when I was getting another beer I looked up to see Mr. Hanky, the Christmas Poo staring at me with a crazy smile on his face, not a foot from my own.

It was quite weird :loco:
Yea but listen: Is just an option. Realize that it involves a lot of work for ultimate metal, realize that this might not look like a good idea for mike and opeth, its a great idea to me but what happens if there is a clean NO to it? the name of the thread suggest the forum will die, it will in the effect that the long time users that marked the style of the forum for so long will take their bussiness elsewhere but the official opeth forum will remain here. I just think not everyone here is talking like its aware this forums within forum thing could be rejected outright, and that an option to that is creating a forum acording to the old timers needs, the change could happen if this attitute towards the current state continues ( the constant whining makes it almost for certain ), and we already can see who will run away or try to do something and who will look foward to the change and to meeting new Opeth fans with a different outlook, so i think is for the old timers best interest to consider a separate forum in case the forum within forum or chat within forum thing does not becomes true ( wich is a possibility )
Originally posted by Hearse

moderator will deside what is best for opeth board.
But I have disagreement. Ofcourse Opeth (more specific moderator) runs all in here and makes things as he/she likes, but forum people are those who uses this place, so their (our) opinions matters the most... IMHO.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Hey, try reading this with a Japanese accent....

:lol: I'm sorry, but I just started doing it for some reason and I can't stop laughing!
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Yea but listen: Is just an option. Realize that it involves a lot of but what happens if there is a clean NO to it?

I don't think the forum will suddenly end.. if that's what you mean.

It's at least worth discussion, don't you think?
@requiem: read the whole thing or shut the fuck up. Im trying to be serious here i SAID it will NEVER end it will just change for me and end for the old timers....try reading next time you goddamn idiot
My, you do have a nasty habit of attacking, don't you!

Perhaps little Misanthrope needs a trip to the chat room....
Misanthrope, why are you such a little kid?

Things CAN change. If the users want it, I don't see why not? Afterall the forum it is for the users, not for Micke and the band.

And no need to call names. Your point was read, and argued. Move on.