This board is going to die soon... no 2 ways about it

YaYoGakk's is cool, but I wouldn't go so far. I hate change. Someone else mentioned something about how this board is special because of its affective diversity. We shouldn't sift out and compartmentalize our wit. For example, I enjoy Soul4Raziel's threads about this or that. It brings levity but it works best where people are being serious about music or various topics. I'd hate to travel to the "chit chat" board, read about this member or that member licking each other, in order to see S4R's threads. Effectively, S4R's threads would cease to have meaning altogether, ie., that would be the death and demise of S4R!! :eek:

Change sucks. For abusive members, I suggest they calm down; the overly frivolous members, to exercise some taste and discretion. It's as simple as that, yet it's as complicated as that.

my two.
Originally posted by E V I L
YaYoGakk's is cool, but I wouldn't go so far. I hate change. Someone else mentioned something about how this board is special because of its affective diversity. We shouldn't sift out and compartmentalize our wit. For example, I enjoy Soul4Raziel's threads about this or that. It brings levity but it works best where people are being serious about music or various topics. I'd hate to travel to the "chit chat" board, read about this member or that member licking each other, in order to see S4R's threads. Effectively, S4R's threads would cease to have meaning altogether, ie., that would be the death and demise of S4R!! :eek:

Change sucks. For abusive members, I suggest they calm down; the overly frivolous members, to exercise some taste and discretion. It's as simple as that, yet it's as complicated as that.

my two.
well said
Originally posted by Juggie
Like ive said before, Is this a board for people to talk about opeth? Or for Opethians to talk about anything?

As a realtivly new member, I see it as a progression from one to the other.

At first, 'newbies' join and ask lots of questions about Opeth. Once the other kind forum members fill them in on the missing info, and everyone is up to scratch, it seems to become Opethians talking about almost anything, and it stays that way until a new bit of Opeth info is fed into this forum.

It would be good for people to be able to identify others who want ot talk about 'serious' Opeth matters, apart from those that just want to talk to Opethians because they have similar intersts.

A hard task to separate, and one I would perceive to be as working against 'Opethian bonding' IMO.

These are but the naive views of an initiate. Decision best left to the founders/regulars.
Originally posted by Jayde
Someone's probably already said this. I haven't really read through the whole thread.

I don't think the off-topic thread should be moved to a completely different forum because the people at the Opeth board sometimes want to discuss off-topic things with the other Opeth-people (Opethians?). If we had to post off-topic things in a general forum then we'd have to go through all the other people first. This is like a little community where everyone knows everyone (well, sort of :rolleyes: ) If our topics were in a general place then "outsiders" would be all up in the business.

Am I making any sense? Probably not, but I tried. It's entirely possible that this has already been addressed. Maybe I should read the whole thread. :confused:
The 'seperate' boards are within the opeth forum, not within the base UM forum... like at the top of the page i guess it says something like: > Official Forums > Opeth > Off-Topic > Thread title
take a look at the Blaze forum for an example
Originally posted by E V I L
YaYoGakk's is cool, but I wouldn't go so far. I hate change. Someone else mentioned something about how this board is special because of its affective diversity. We shouldn't sift out and compartmentalize our wit. For example, I enjoy Soul4Raziel's threads about this or that. It brings levity but it works best where people are being serious about music or various topics. I'd hate to travel to the "chit chat" board, read about this member or that member licking each other, in order to see S4R's threads. Effectively, S4R's threads would cease to have meaning altogether, ie., that would be the death and demise of S4R!! :eek:

Change sucks. For abusive members, I suggest they calm down; the overly frivolous members, to exercise some taste and discretion. It's as simple as that, yet it's as complicated as that.

my two.
ok, i agree with this more.

*runs, cowering, to the corner*
actually all's ok now isnt it, these suggestions should just remain suggestions and only be incorporated if it becomes nescassary in the future (ie prolonged arguments/whatever, more than a days worth. ). everything is good, i love everyone.
You know what's funny? I can't help imagining how back in the day the primitive village folk had to organize themselves, and in that struggle how they per neccesity had to invent something as wild as "politics" and "government". This board takes me there. :)

another two.
Originally posted by Ethereal Sage

As a realtivly new member, I see it as a progression from one to the other.

At first, 'newbies' join and ask lots of questions about Opeth. Once the other kind forum members fill them in on the missing info, and everyone is up to scratch, it seems to become Opethians talking about almost anything, and it stays that way until a new bit of Opeth info is fed into this forum.

It would be good for people to be able to identify others who want ot talk about 'serious' Opeth matters, apart from those that just want to talk to Opethians because they have similar intersts.

A hard task to separate, and one I would perceive to be as working against 'Opethian bonding' IMO.

These are but the naive views of an initiate. Decision best left to the founders/regulars.

What the hell does that mean!
Originally posted by Ethereal Sage

It means that it appears that this forum hasn't survived strictly on Opeth issues alone.

I must agree with that!

I would find this forum rather boring if we only talked about a single topic.
I just realized this is a hell of a lot more populated than it was when i used to post here. Maybe a diffrent section would be usefull

I dunno. I'm not sure compartmentalizing the forum is really going to do anything - the difference the above concerned individuals seem to be making is between that of stuff that is "good" and stuff that is "crap". What these are is completely different from person to person (although there seem to be some common trends in thought amoungst various members), so insofar as I can see it, the growth of the forum makes "crap" inevitable, as there is simply more stuff to read through and thus less that any one person would find interesting.

What this departmentalization WOULD do is divide thread concepts/material between that of music/opeth related and not music/opeth related topics. I think it's fair for me to say that it's been established that our threads often wander off on tangents, and that the off-topic/on-topic mixture and overall LACK of moderation was a preferable, almost "e-utopian" state of a forum.

The "golden era", if I may, of this forum that Metalmancpa refers to derived from the sense of community. The people here were all characters - well known to each other in their various facets and diversity of personalities. I had (have) a strong sense of the actual personalities of the people behind monikers like "Satori", "Orchid", "Xtokalon", "Lina", "Metalmancpa", and so on. This wasn't because these people are any better or more interesting than people that have joined more recently (although it sometimes seems that way in my biased viewpoint because so many people are here and the newer ones feel like "strangers" - not their fault), but simply because there was a small enough number of regular posters that we COULD get to know each other this well.

In a way, I think the name of this thread sums up my feelings on the matter, except it states it more future-tense than I see. The forum was this community, and that community feels impersonalized to me simply by population growth, thus, the forum I loved cannot survive - is dying - has died. I simply have to accept that. Am I just whining pontificatingly? I'm pretty sure I already know who will say no.
Ok, so how do we move from this point on HH? Do we leave it as is, or do we implement any changes?
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn

The "golden era", if I may, of this forum that Metalmancpa refers to derived from the sense of community. The people here were all characters - well known to each other in their various facets and diversity of personalities. I had (have) a strong sense of the actual personalities of the people behind monikers like "Satori", "Orchid", "Xtokalon", "Lina", "Metalmancpa", and so on. This wasn't because these people are any better or more interesting than people that have joined more recently (although it sometimes seems that way in my biased viewpoint because so many people are here and the newer ones feel like "strangers" - not their fault), but simply because there was a small enough number of regular posters that we COULD get to know each other this well.

In a way, I think the name of this thread sums up my feelings on the matter, except it states it more future-tense than I see. The forum was this community, and that community feels impersonalized to me simply by population growth, thus, the forum I loved cannot survive - is dying - has died. I simply have to accept that. Am I just whining pontificatingly? I'm pretty sure I already know who will say no.

Yup - that about says it. And of course I've accepted father-times effect on this board.

Well said.