This forum is crazy close to dying

Final_Vision said:
Hey Gums, you ever visit hmas anymore? I decided I'd write for them but I'm rethinking it... the place is dead as hell and I'm not getting positive vibe at all.

:yell: Don't do it man! I was part of the staff for a while but it was so goofy that I started making fun of other staff members until they banned me :( It's not my style to judge but I know that the man in charge there has some sort of bipolar or something, and he freaks out at people all the time. If you're the type that can easily ignore politics then by all means write and it'll be good practice, I guess. But I certainly can't and I almost went mad haha. Feel free to msg me on msn though!
Gums said:
:yell: Don't do it man! I was part of the staff for a while but it was so goofy that I started making fun of other staff members until they banned me :( It's not my style to judge but I know that the man in charge there has some sort of bipolar or something, and he freaks out at people all the time. If you're the type that can easily ignore politics then by all means write and it'll be good practice, I guess. But I certainly can't and I almost went mad haha. Feel free to msg me on msn though!

This is the vibe I was getting exactly. I sent Reno a resignation letter. I was respectful, I don't wish the 'zine to crash and burn or anything. I just didn't feel like it was all that organized. Thanks for reinforcing that. We should indeed catch up sometime though, I'll look for you on MSN sometime.
This thread, being ironically titled, is the closest thing we've had to a two-pager in a very long time. :tickled: I wonder how many posts it takes to go to two pages? 50? Come on peepz :O keep the magic happening!
Yeah, but it doesn't fill them both up. It's not a two-pager as soon as the first post on the second page is made. It would be like me having gratuitous sex with non-minors because I'm in my 18th year.

Actually. It's a two-pager.
Yeah, we're like at 2.8 or something right now, heh.

Why do I always have to come up with the forum saving threads, eh? EH!? EH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Didn't we used to have a really long thread about nothing?

Actually I just looked back and we had about 50 threads about nothing :ill:

I rarely ever post anymore when it involves actually discussing specific topics that have any meaning at all. I just joke around and post about nothing :(
Anyways I'm gonna go sit in my recycling bin bye
Gums: while you're hostage of your recycling bin...what're you going to do after you graduate? any job planseseseses? take a trip to europe? grad school? law school? pro baseball?
Gums can be one of those thoughtful people who want to help me by organic viagra and refinance my mortage even though they don't know me, and send me helpful email offers. One of those "random act of kindness" things, I guess.
Haha..well, gummers..after being in your presence..I can believe that you have plenty go around. :ill:

Just good luck widely distributing it! That would take quite the effort. Though I'm sure you're man enough for the task. :headbang: