This forum is in desperate need of moderation

Erik said:

See previous reply, Erik. I'm not easily offended, certainly not by a swastika. I'm just bored with arse-bandits like Deimurge that think they're big,bad and dangerous because they have a little swastika on their avatar. Correct me if I'm wrong - wasn't Demiurge the guy that posted to people that disagreed with him "I hope your mother gets cancer"? Add that to his swastika and you see how scary and frightening big Demiurge is. What a MAN! :err:
Sieg Heil Erik, and next time a fascist dicator invades your country, try not to roll over like a nation of cowards and beg the real men for help. :Smug:
This board does not need any mods IMO and is the most civilized metal board by far on the internet. Being at other metal boards it could be much worse and I mean a lot. I think by saying we need mods here is almost a disrepect to this board for taking it for granted on how good it really is. Stop being a baby, it is not like we have 4 pages of flame wars and no one can look at someone elses opinion with alittle open mindness. Sarcasm is key.....
I think the fact that even this thread has managed to degenerate into a flamewar pretty much illustrates my point.
polarity said:

What is exactly so horrifying about the things that he posted? Perhaps something that you just didn't agree with? If everyone had the same opinion about everything, then these forums would become as boring as some of the band hosted forums, where everyone sits around and just says the most stupid, boring, inane shit possible.

If you don't like debating a subject in a(n at least semi-) intelligent manor, then maybe YOU should stop posting.
Walter_Langkowski said:
What is exactly so horrifying about the things that he posted? Perhaps something that you just didn't agree with? If everyone had the same opinion about everything, then these forums would become as boring as some of the band hosted forums, where everyone sits around and just says the most stupid, boring, inane shit possible.

If you don't like debating a subject in a(n at least semi-) intelligent manor, then maybe YOU should stop posting.

I already posted above what was wrong with his post. If you seriously believe he's even semi-intelligent, you have some really low standards.
HannibalGuy said:
I'm SO offended :waah:

I make one mistake and you think I'am a retard. Get a fucking life and worry about your own problems!
Not once in my post did I use the term "retard". I was actually making a serious point.You're so dedicated to getting a rise of out of people with PC inclinations that you don't realise how ridiculous it looks when you misspell a word that's short and simple like "avatar".
ShroudOfDusk said:
:lol: this thread rocks

haha yes...the irony is suffocating

as for the idea behind this thread...a moderator might be a little bit much, i think. if you want intelligent conversation, start one. engage in an intelligent conversation and ignore the people who don't. it seems like this is not only about the people who just curse and spell EVERYTHING wrong and use all the internet lingo, but people who aren't effective debators, and who you think can't hold their own in a metal forum when, obviously, they're trying. so basically, everyone just needs to chill out (good advice, eh?)
This whole thread is fucking stupid. If you don't like a post, then don't answer it; it's just one more line on your screen. God damn, it seems like half the posts on this entire board are smartass remarks that aren't even music related. Get a new cause.
face of godzilla said:
haha yes...the irony is suffocating

as for the idea behind this thread...a moderator might be a little bit much, i think. if you want intelligent conversation, start one. engage in an intelligent conversation and ignore the people who don't. it seems like this is not only about the people who just curse and spell EVERYTHING wrong and use all the internet lingo, but people who aren't effective debators, and who you think can't hold their own in a metal forum when, obviously, they're trying. so basically, everyone just needs to chill out (good advice, eh?)

I agree that the blame can in no way be placed entirely on the less 'desirable' posters, but they are the cause of the problem. Enabling the removal or at least silencing of them would be the easiest way to solve the problem, seeing as it's most likely not going to be possible to stop people from getting angry at moronic comments and flaming them.
LordFireworm said:
You're so dedicated to getting a rise of out of people with PC inclinations

How I am I dedicated to getting a rise out of people? Is it because I posted that pic. of Hitler? Is it because I like Anal Cunt and write my own A.C. songs? I don't think I'm dedicated to gettng a rise out of people. I do that stuff because I feel like it. I couldn't care less if people get a rise out of it. I really don't know why you have a problem with me, because I never did anything to you to make you have a problem with me. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Like someone else said, the fact that this thread has more or less broke down into a flame war shows why this forum needs moderation. My question is how can those of us who want moderators go about pursuing it? Should we contact Mike (is that the administrators name?) or is there someone else we should contact?
I already message Deron (new admin, Mike was the old one) with a link to this thread, which should be a start.
I agree this board needs a slightly more stringent degree of moderation due to curtail some of the silly posts and street teaming. the question this degree of moderation will be managed. I suggest adding 2 or 3 veteran posters (around before 2003) to this forums mod team with clear guidelines they have to abide by.

I also think the non metal forum might need some. didn't some cretin by the name of 6in6flames6 or 6arch6enemy6 (one of them) start conservations about Machine Head and Motorhead in there
Barth Vader said:
I just hope that people relatively new to this site (like me) who have genuine questions about different metal bands do not fall under the microscope of "getting rid of the noobs."
The point is to eliminate idiotic threads created by trolls, so I don't think you should worry about someone banning you :p.

suggest adding 2 or 3 veteran posters (around before 2003) to this forums mod team with clear guidelines they have to abide by.
Barth Vader said:
I just hope that people relatively new to this site (like me) who have genuine questions about different metal bands do not fall under the microscope of "getting rid of the noobs."
I think the role of any moderating team would be to regulate the activities of all regardless of their musical tastes without any bias. those who were around here a fair while will know that as many problems if not more have been caused by the followers of Prozak and ANUS.COM as there have been by allwithinmymonster. any newer members whose varied tastes annoy some more musically selective members should in my opinion be treated just as anyone else here