This forum + "Prog"

Originally posted by dimensionidol
but i like some of them expecially in the near past like:
watchtower,aghora,gordian knot(not the second!),cynic,spiral architect,nocturnus...
You've heard the second Gordian Knot album...? I thought it's coming out in January and they had only released an mp3 of one song.
Originally posted by Fervisson
Progressive doesn't really have to be used in a positive sense either. Someone could say that Dream Theater's Images & Words cd progressed from very skilled songs into more boring material.

Methinks that would actually be regression, not progression.

The definition of Prog is as difficult to pinpoint as the definition of metal. But to me, Prog can mean the seventies prog rock sound outlined by bands like Yes, King Crimson and current bands like The Flower Kings, and it can also mean music which is progressive, breaking new boundries, Such as Maudlin Of The Well, and Enslaved, as well as the power prog movement brough on by bands like Dream Theatre and Pain Of Salvation..

Prog is such a broad genre, like metal. And when the two genres are combined, some confusion is understandable.. But who really cares. Everyone has their own personal way of classifying music, just so our minds can get around the sheer volume of varying styles of music. But lately it has been getting so difficult, because styles are mixing, and multiplying. But i try not to let myself get bothered by other peoples definitions of a genre, because I know that just like me, they are classifying their music in their own way. So I don't really care..
Originally posted by Stinkfist
I class prog as anything that does not have a conventional song structure.

By this definition Radiohead would be a prog band. Frankly I don't see why it wouldn't be, 'avant-garde indie-rock' just sounds like a fancy way of saying 'prog rock' to me!
"...and now prog seems to be nothing but scales, non constructed wankery and musical nonsense."

~ I disagree, just listen to the new Spock's Beard cd, Snow, or Dream Theater's latest 6DOIT...much more than scales going on there.