This girl GETS IT

I wrote a load of stuff but meh........i'll put it this way:

Being a little crazy can be great, being a whole lotta crazy can be kinda great. But whatever astral plane you think she's on, it's not the same as almost everyone else's and I'm glad I'm not her parent trying to teach her road safety or why it's important not to jump into canals even if your imaginary friend tells you it's custard.

edit: but yeah, I wouldn't wanna talk to oprah if i was in her position either!
Probably? Definitely. I have never once denied this.

I mean, I dunno. Look. If I had a kid like this, which is why I'm not gonna have kids, cos it's more than likely and I'd be a fucking terrible parent in such a case, but look, hypothetically, if I had a kid like this, I'd get a plot of land, give him or her a bunch of fields to run through, buy her instruments, give her paint and toys and everything he or she needs to live in a state of PURE CREATION.

I know so many people that would love to be this kid, but they gotta put on a face, pretend to be normal when they're there on the edge of this world and one more akin to this child's Calalini.

Why would you keep a kid like that in a town, in an apartment, sending her to fucking psych wards? In part 2 there's that part about "your" brain and her brain. Your brain is a slow roly poly and her brain is a flap handed CRAZY DANCE, and I totally identify with that way more than being a boring old roly poly.
Seems like she wants to be free to me, but then that's exactly what I want too. So bleeurhghrhr
well, being schizophrenic isn't really the key to happiness, i've read that under the facade of hyperactivity there is a persistent feeling of emptiness, which doesn't sound all that spiffy to me. Anywho, I f*ing hate oprah
Meh - I don't think this girl is capable of living a very fulfilling life; she's already complaining about how her rat makes her bad and how she doesn't like "this world" as much as Calalini. The parents are living in hell, too, and her little brother has to grow up with his batshit older sister always freaking out and possibly attacking him. This is a case where I would be fully in favor of a late-term abortion.
i take that you think that be schizophrenic would add a "flavor" in a mundane life? that a scape from reality would be nice every once in awhile? talk to any person that at one point had to deal with a schizophrenic, is not fun or cool, do you have any idea of how many of schizophrenics commit suicide? it is a burden, both for family and the person.
You have to be kidding me? Your not a doctor and know nothing about mental illnesses other than the ones that you think you have. To make a judgement not only insults your intelligence, but the intelligence of modern medicine. There is nothing cool about any mental illness, period, there is no, happy creative hippy bullshit out of being in a different abnormal state of mind. If you want said state of mind, maybe you should try a never ending high of LSD, 24 hours a day 7 days a week for the rest of your life. I am pretty sure after some time it wouldn't be too fun anymore.
becoming insane is the best thing that ever happened to me
thank you

I'm not usually one to get offended by shit like this, but it kinda seems like you guys are taking the piss out of serious mental illnesses. I'm going to stop there before I rant for pages on what I hope is a misunderstanding. Don't compare "I don't fit into society" to serious illnesses like this.
All this talk of fucking MENTAL ILLNESS are just creating these fucking voids between PEOPLE and OTHER FUCKING PEOPLE.
Once you stop treating these people as though they're "ill" and start listening to what they have to fucking say, maybe you'd goddamn learn something.

Jesus fuck.
All this talk of fucking MENTAL ILLNESS are just creating these fucking voids between PEOPLE and OTHER FUCKING PEOPLE.
Once you stop treating these people as though they're "ill" and start listening to what they have to fucking say, maybe you'd goddamn learn something.

Jesus fuck.

All hail the mighty Thomas Cruse. :Spin:
All this talk of fucking MENTAL ILLNESS are just creating these fucking voids between PEOPLE and OTHER FUCKING PEOPLE.
Once you stop treating these people as though they're "ill" and start listening to what they have to fucking say, maybe you'd goddamn learn something.

Jesus fuck.

You seem to want to celebrate mental illness.. please explain the upside? She gets to live in a fantasy world? All kids her age get to do that, except they don't have "bad friends" telling them to do stuff they don't want to, and they can leave when they want to. Can you not see that she's not happy?
There is such a thing as having a brain that works in such a way that surviving in the world becomes very hard. Whether or not it's called "illness" doesn't matter, the fact remains that just coz it might look like a cool trip doesn't mean it's fun to have to spend your whole life in it.