Probably? Definitely. I have never once denied this.
I mean, I dunno. Look. If I had a kid like this, which is why I'm not gonna have kids, cos it's more than likely and I'd be a fucking terrible parent in such a case, but look, hypothetically, if I had a kid like this, I'd get a plot of land, give him or her a bunch of fields to run through, buy her instruments, give her paint and toys and everything he or she needs to live in a state of PURE CREATION.
I know so many people that would love to be this kid, but they gotta put on a face, pretend to be normal when they're there on the edge of this world and one more akin to this child's Calalini.
Why would you keep a kid like that in a town, in an apartment, sending her to fucking psych wards? In part 2 there's that part about "your" brain and her brain. Your brain is a slow roly poly and her brain is a flap handed CRAZY DANCE, and I totally identify with that way more than being a boring old roly poly.
Seems like she wants to be free to me, but then that's exactly what I want too. So bleeurhghrhr