This guy has got to be the biggest pussy I have ever met


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
Just so everyone sees the guy that posted here telling everyone how he was going to kick my ass. I sent him an e-mail and he showed me exactly what a punk he is and more importantly just what kind of person he really is. Deep down inside he is a scared little girl. Remember, He was going to kick my ass when MOD played california. hahahahahaha. Look at this little bitch.
Internet tough guy.

Museum of Anthrax.
Location: In a house by the beach
Join Date: Dec 2003
A couple of things you might want to be made aware of.

1) I dont live in San Diego, I do live in California, but not San Diego, so nice try.

2) Your threats have been forwarded to my local police, and I have 7 days to file a formal complaint, which I possibly will. Its one thing to call someones mom a bitch, or cunt, or call someones uncle a faggot, but you crossed the line. You threatened me and my family, and I am going to press charges against you. Thanks for mentioning skinheads, because that just ups the charges to hate crime status.

Dont bother to reply to this, because I dont really care what you have to say. A complaint has been filed, and I will decide by next Monday what I will do.

So long Billy
:OMG: :hotjump:
If anyone gets a chance, write to this woman and tell him what you think of him now. But don't scare him or he'll call the police on you. Oh, after he changes his underwear. wwwwwwaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Words can not describe what a little girl this guy is. when i think of Cantraxian , i close my eyes and i see a little girl with her dollie in hand with her fist in her eye cause shes crying. But this is more like going like a go out of town, picking up some slut, banging the shit out of her, getting some nut on her sweater which pisses her off , and she goes and cries rape. a beating ( whoops can i say that without getting charged?) is to good for this fuck.............WARNING PEOPLE!!!!!! there are people out there like this, this is proof .
There are a lot of motherfuckers out there who talk a line of shit a mile wide, but won't back it up in's best just to lay low, and wait for them to be walking home...then smash their head in with a rock...
"thanks for mentioning skinheads, that just ups the charges to hate crimes"

What a fuckin cocksucker, he doesnt know shit about real skinheads, if thats what you were talking about Milano. The only charge that will bring would be assualt with a deadly steel toe to his fucking head.
Now im pist and going to cook a fucking steak and take a shit and smoke a cigarette. I feel better already.
Hey Aaron, want to go drink and jam out some shit, oh fuck your in... wherever the fuck you are.
Remember to send the all the whores my way.
what a cuntbag, he didn't expect to be called on his bullshit and he is so afraid of getting hurt he runs to the cops. once he left the police station the cops probably laughed at his pussy ass.
Yo Imma Teya I Tinka Yawl Dat Da "canthrax Hooda Fuk Eva" Iz Charlee Ow Scotti An Chit - Hoodafuk Bee Soe Downe Wif Da Anthrax Crakaz An Evan Hava Screennamez An Chit An Tawkun Smak Bowt Bille,imma Teya Daz Gowts Ta Bee Own Ov Dem..........

Buzzard said:
THis punk ass muthafucker is hiding now.
probley at charlies house .......... with charlies dick in his mouth ........could exsplain why you havent heard from him. he cant talk right now.......... :rock:
everybody is a tough guy when they're in the safety of their home in front of a computer. heartlees gutless punk.these are the dudes at shows who hide in the back. get sars and die you fucking bitch ass nigga. excuse the ebonics. :ill:
Yo Imma Teya I Tinka Yawl Dat Da "canthrax Hooda Fuk Eva" Iz Charlee Ow Scotti An Chit - Hoodafuk Bee Soe Downe Wif Da Anthrax Crakaz An Evan Hava Screennamez An Chit An Tawkun Smak Bowt Bille,imma Teya Daz Gowts Ta Bee Own Ov Dem..........


We do exscuse the ebonics Bobo C