This is fucking bullshit

Ecstatic Youth

...playing with fire
I've been trying to download the new trailor for Lord of the Rings- The Two Towers, and so far i've downloaded like 10 filles and none of them have actually been the trailor! It's bullshit. the files range from Lord of the Rings parody trailors, to the trailor for Fellowship the Ring, to shit that I have no idea what the fuck it is. And they are all fucking called "Two Towers Trailor" or something among those lines. People are fucking cocksuckers for renaming their files something they are not. Overnight, I had like 50 people download off of me the many files I thought were the trailor, but they are all getting fucked too. People are god damned pricks, that's all I have to say. Fuck them.
I thought you all might give a rat's ass that people are sons of bitches, thank you for your time.