This pisses me off.

Do you know what is REALLY pissing me off at the moment?

The fact the people seem to have forgotten until recently that soldiers are trained to KILL.
Every fucking paper i've read today seems shocked that soldiers are dying from *GASP* Being shot.
What the fuck? Seriously.
Soldiers are trained to kill. They know that. They fucking sign up for it. You cant join the army saying "i really dont agree with killing people for (INSERT BULLSHIT REASON HERE)"

I know its hard if you have freinds and family in the army but just remember THEY FUCKING GET PAID FOR IT. Its a job. And don't be too surprised if they get wounded or killed.

Harsh, but it really has been pissing me off.

Calm again.
I guess they are surprised cause they expected the Iraqis to fight back with sticks and slingshots. That taught em a good lesson.
Ihreil i am with you 1000% man !
they went there to kill only to get lots of money .
It was their choice... i will say it again, i saw this bastard u.s. marine in the news saying "oh well , it is just bussiness "
Some fight for money, some others to protect their children.
the grand liberation program by Bush
i actually agree with you again junk, the other time being your comment that there is no such thing as a war hero. all thats showing is how stupid people can really be. whats even dumber is that here in the USA, when they said this would probably be a short war, people actually thought that the war would be over in a week or less. im personally predicting 1 month, so i got 2 weeks to go.
The U.S has lost its stomach for war........
.....well you can imagine....
my mom's side of the family is German and Irish; my dad's side (the Burrs) are from I believe Suffolk. the oldest ancestor we can trace is Sir Richard de Bures (the name mutated over time), he has a memorial brass in Acton All Saints Church. here's a pic of olde Bob:

apparently when Cromwell's Roundheads were melting memorial brasses down for cannons, they missed this one, and consequently it provides a window into my heredity.
I was lucky, a cousin of mine did all the research, travelled to the Isles, etc., lots of information is available on the web now...

and as a side note, I'm not a direct descendent but Aaron Burr is one of the most prominent, famous neer-do-wells in American history :) he killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel (the guy on the $10 bill), and then tried to carve out a huge piece of the louisiana purchase for his own kingdom.

Every family needs a good, quality bad black sheep!