This is how kids get strung out.

Real as Candlemass is real.

This picture makes me think of them saying, "Guess who's coming to dinner! Where's the bean curd?"

Don't go check the show out! You'll get hooked and end up a crack whore living in wanton squalor.
Originally posted by turnloosetheswans
looks like the years havent been too good to lars johannson.... and not related... but in the bewitched video i have lars is playing the solo in a cemetary with a cast on his picking hand...
Yeah! They said in that interview on the bonus disc with the Nightfall reissue that he was trying to jump a fence and got caught by the arm. So he did the video, but couldn't do the tour- and Mike Wead (who they had kicked out to take Lars) was asked to come back and do the tour with King Diamond. And eventually he played with KD... Those reissues are the BEST. I have to GET THEM ALL!!
The years may not have been kind to Lars, but goddamned if he isn't one of the best fucking guitarists in metal, particularly doom metal.
Mike Wead is a really good guitarist, but I prefer him in Mercyful Fate, or Hexenhaus. Plus he had a weird attitude when I met him....I think it was because his cat died recently and he didn't want to be here on tour lol
And I'm not making that up either.