This is unbelieveable!!!

And we took it from them through force of arms. Which would be at least... immoral and it was performed by xenophobes. As for legal immigration, doesn't matter to me. We don't have any more right to live here than anybody else.

You know what? No one who did that is still alive, and the world is a dynamic place. This country has worked pretty hard over 200 years to become one of the better places to be in the world. It's time to move the fuck on from this silly argument.

Not to mention the fact that so much of the entire world's land was obtained through some type of warfare at some point, be it big bad conquering empires or local nomadic warring tribes, or whatever (still going on today in many places) yet it's the U.S. that is always made out to be the ones who are evil because of it.

I agree, saying we don't have anymore right to be here as anybody else is just backward thinking. Lands have been conquered since the beginning of time. Spain was the 1st to conquer this land but for mere exploitive reasons. America was developed with the ingenuity, and on the backs and with the sweat, of hard working individuals who saw the potential of this land. Otherwise, this territory would be just like Mexico and that simply is not an option.
Having lived in AZ for the better part of 20 years I gotta agree with J-Man, you can't really understand the situation unless you live near the border. Whether you agree with the decision made in Arizona or not at least it will spark discussion amongst citizens and the other political leaders in this country and hopefully some changes will be made on a federal level. The law has been in effect since the 50's, just never enforced. For those that think that the police will be stopping "random" people on the street and asking for ID, that's not gonna happen. First of all there has to be some type of "reasonable" suspicion within the framework of an investigation (ie - traffic stop or other arrest). The police here in AZ simply don't have the time or the manpower to be stopping people just because they're Hispanic or Russian, or Jamacian or whatever. Yes Sherrif Joe here in Maricopa County does do occasional sweeps of Hispanic neighborhoods but I truly don't believe you'll see the Tucson or Phoenix or Mesa or Glendale or whatever police doing the same things. With Arizona in the midst of the worst budget crisis ever it's simply not feasible. Having worked in the healthcare industry for the past 10 years I can say that the illegal immigrant problem needs to be addressed. It's one of the reasons why healthcare is so fucked up in this country. I see it everyday where people from Mexico come here to Phoenix to have babies or get medical care and then go back to Mexico never to be heard from again. Since it's against the law to turn away anyone who comes to a hospital for medical care, who do you think pays for the medical care? I can tell you that it's taking a HUGE chunk of the bottom line out of the hospitals. This is on top of the gov't cuts to Medicare and Medicaid. Layoffs are prevalent because the hospitals simply can't afford to keep on staff while losing money. We simply cannot afford to sit idly while these cuts continue to mount. There is no perfect answer to the immigration problem, someone is always going feel offended or left out. But reform is needed now not later.
One death of an American citizen by the hands of an illegal immigrant is one too many.

And in today's news, an Arizona sheriff's deputy was murdered; illegal immigrants are suspected.

John, why do you feel that you have a right to live here while they don't? How about you move to Mexico and show them how its done!

Under Mexican law, without a valid passport and visa, he would be placed in jail for 2 years.

Funny how THAT "little" difference in the law doesn't get mentioned too often in the press.
And in today's news, an Arizona sheriff's deputy was murdered; illegal immigrants are suspected.

Fuckin' pathetic!

Under Mexican law, without a valid passport and visa, he would be placed in jail for 2 years.

Funny how THAT "little" difference in the law doesn't get mentioned too often in the press.

Liberals like Cheiron won't pick up on that. They just spout whatever the lamestream media crams down their throats as gospel.
Only difference is conservatives are on the correct side of the issue 9 out of 10 times. Liberals? Hardly ever. ;)

Yeah, sure. You were super correct when you elected George W. Bush to lead this nation into the deepest hole ever.

Good job.

Jeez, why do I even bother sometimes...
Don't forget a majority liberal Democrat Congress put us in the ditch. Barney Frank & Chris Dodd had nothing to do with it...right? LMAO! GW's fault? He did listen the the Democraps & folded to yeah he carries some of the burden.

Talking to a wall is sometimes easier than talking to you the least a wall has some common sense. ;)
:lol: Touche'!!

That deserves a beer in Atlanta. But next year, since I'm not making the trip down this year...

Next year it will have to be. :kickass: l'm not making it this year either. Hopefully at least 1 night of the lineup will be worthy of a trip next year.

Maybe l can get Ascension down from the frozen tundra.
Next year it will have to be. :kickass: l'm not making it this year either. Hopefully at least 1 night of the lineup will be worthy of a trip next year.

Maybe l can get Ascension down from the frozen tundra.

Well damnit, this ain't right, no Miltie, no Ascension, no Up&Away, no Drew, no Todd and Colleen, what next?:waah::waah::waah:
I was aware of that, but I'm not sure this little part of the law will actually be followed "by the book."

Of course it won't.

As someone who frequently gets mistaken for being Hispanic (mainly by other Hispanics), laws like this do bother me. What happens if I leave the house without my license by mistake? It has happened before. As a matter of fact, will a driver's license do, or do I have to carry proof of citizenship at all times?

I recognize that illegal immigration is a problem, but this is NOT the solution.
