ALKALINITET (bestämning av alkalinitet i vatten från sjö)

Karbonatsystemet kan beskrivas med följande jämviktsreaktioner:

Bestämning av alkaliniteten med titrering.

1. Fyll byretten med 4 mmol/dm3 HCl
2. Mät upp 100 ml provvatten.
3. Tillsätt 15 droppar indikator
4. Titrera under omrörning tills vattnet blir grått. (the volume of HCl required here is about 3 cubic cm)

Beräkna alkaliniteten. Alkaliniteten uttrycks i mmol/l.
Christ, brings back some memories. Annotating my Food Technology diagrams the morning it was due, then colouring them in in the break half an hour before the deadline. Doing most of my Geography coursework the night before, sat in front of the compy with a scanned world map colouring Ethiopia in yellow in MS Paint wondering how the hell it ever came down to this :loco: I got Ds in both subjects funnily enough (Food Tech GCSE, Geography A-level).

Mope all you like, jump to the compy all you want to escape, all it boils down to is that you've gotta sit your ass down with everything you need and DO THE PAPER. Very obvious. Didn't need me to tell you that. Now go do. Don't understand something? Revise it and refresh your memory. Can't find some info? Hello internet. Just do it! Treat yourself to alcoholic relief and some major self-mutilation once it's all done. Not before.
You Stress Over School, You're Gay :p

I remember I had one day of stress in college, I had something like 50 pages worth of essay due in a week (none of which I had started) and a big group presentation in less than an hour and I had a giant hickey on my neck so I was nervous. So I went to the store, but 2 jumbo bags of Doritos for the presentation (here, eat them shitz so you'll think that we're cool) and a pack of smokes. Panicked, chainsmoked, sorta shook a little bit, then calmed down. Presentation went well even if two of my friends pointed at my neck and laughed, and by the end of the day the due dates for my essays were pushed back. That was definitely my hardest quarter though, 4 upper division classes in my major + working full time. But I had a new chick to suck me off most days of the week so that definitely helped. :rock:

Cliff notes: you'll be fine, just settle down and it'll all be over soon enough.
Erik you CAN do this, bruder.


Well, I got one of my chemistry-digging friends to look at the task.

Espen: Hmmmm, yeah, I would probably be able to do that lab exercise if I had all the stuff and equipment here with me.
Henrik: Lolz, I don't even know if he's done the actual exercise.
Espen: Tell him it'd be a good idea to do it before starting on the report.
Henrik: I think the report is the major problem here.
Espen: Well, he should include his "findings" (what happens when he adds the indicator etc) in the report, as well as the correct calculations and explanations.
Henrik: I think he's in desperate need of some calculations, tbh
Espen: I'll see what I can do..

Wow, well I've done the actual experiment (I THINK?) so that's not actually a problem, I just need to make shit up like "lolz I poured chemical A into this here container and there was a huge BOOM"

The only measured value that should be needed is there, i.e. 3 cubic cm of HCl

Muchly appreciated.
I fucking hate chemistry.

somehow I bullshitted out "C" grades in my first year engineering (while completely or near failing everything else). Chemistry is bullshit. All bullshit. I'm glad that I'll never have to take another Chemistry course in my entire life because it is BULLSHIT
Well, well, well, I turned it in. REALLY SHITTY, I mean if I were my teacher I'd just point and laugh, but hey, here's hoping

Thanks to everyone for encouragement (and stuff)
Vel, din svenske venn har kort og godt ikke peiling på hva i alle dager han prater om, hvis dette er det han gir deg. Dette er ikke en oppgave, dette er et forslag til en analysemetode.

(Og alkalinitet heter surhetsgrad på godt norsk...)

Uansett står det at antatt forbruk er 3 cm^3, og dette er en vanlig sterk syre-titrering. Antar at byretten inneholder 4E-3 M saltsyre, og at prøven er av ukjent (basisk) konsentrasjon, og har et volum på 100ml.

HCl(aq) --> H+(aq) + Cl-(aq)
H+(aq) + OH-(aq) --> H20

Gir forholdet 1:1.
n(H+) = [H+]v(titr) = 3E-3dm^3 * 4E-3mol/dm^3
n(H+) = 1,2E-5 mol
n(OH-) = n(H+) = 1,2E-5 mol
[OH-] = n(OH-) / V(pr) = 1,2E-5mol / 100E-3dm^3
[OH-] = 1,2E-4 M
[OH-] med korrekt besifring er da 1E-4M

Dersom det ønskes angitt i pH:
pH = 14 + lg{[OH-]}
pH = 10,08
pH med korrekt besifring er da 1E1, evt 10 hvis vi kan se rundt på det

Edit: Kinda ironic that this help probably came too late :)