this thread r srs


Burger King Diamond
Sep 18, 2008
Washington State
It's been kind of at the back of my mind waiting to break out in here

but what do you Europeans think of my country's President?
and my fellow Americans, do you like the job he's doing?

Personally I don't agree with him one bit, and I'd care to elaborate if a debate ever starts up.

Let's keep it civil, otherwise I'll asked this to be closed, so that means no elitism, and no personal attacks ("you're a dumbass" "NO U!")
I personally think Obama is a fresh change, after the puppetering of the previous excuse for a President. Yeah so his 'abortion' policy and others have been doctored purely to gain him votes, so what? He's not been in power a long time and he's already altered various high power situations such as the ordering of the closure of Guantanemo Bay, high profile and not a sitation people would confront yet he tackled it as soon as he was in power.

I know Obama does not have full reign due to the "Three Branches", however, I think his input will be valued and he will (in the long run) help to create a more thriving and positive enviroment for the American people after years of someone merely nonchalantly pushing the button of the panic topic's to create a following.

Thats my opinion anyway, why do you not like Obama? If I may ask.
I like him... I know you lot are whinging about him trying to get health insurance for all at the moment, I don't see what's wrong with that. I find it both hilarious and slightly sickening the way the American media has been attacking the British NHS at the moment using lies and outdated statistics to portray the NHS as terrible... believe me, the NHS is a great thing. Also I agree with the closure of Guantanemo... it's a human rights abomination... though I know he's having severe problems trying to work out exactly how to go about closing it... but really I think he's a breath of fresh air. He's young, and there should be more young people high up in politics because old fucks like McCain are out of touch and can't relate to the majority of their population... and as for being black, that's cool too... the American dream is alive! It would have been entriely demonstrative of the closed world of American politics if it had been Hillary... Bush Snr, then Bill Clinton, then Bush Junior, then Hillary Clinton... how many people are there in America? Is it really reasonable to believe that two families would have two presidents each in the space of 15 years? I don't think so... it might as well be a monarchy if you aren't going to let all different people and families in... Sorry I kind of got a bit side-tracked... basically I think he's good for America... I haven't even mentioned the improvement in Foreign perceptions of America since he came to power...

i dont know to be honest i dont understand (want to understand) politics ill leave it to oosa. but i saw a video about him on GMD

obabo hitler? health care is a nazi policy? IS UK NAZI? WTF I DONT GET IT FUCK POLITICS.

also lol obabo
i dont understand the outrage over the health system debate, our NHS is a wonderful wonderful thing. example...

If i have a heart attack in the UK, i get to taken to hospital, treated, saved, looked after. done. thanks NHS and the taxpayer.

if i have a heart attack in america, i get taken to hospital, asked if i have insurance (i dont so the answer would be no) then i assume i would be asked if i have a credit card (i do, but say i didn't and answer no), so i have no means to pay to save my life... what would happen to me?

scary fucking business, i'll take public health care anyday. if people who want private health care can afford it and can get it then brilliant, go for it, be happy, but for those who can't afford it, an NHS is a lifesaver. i think obama has the right idea on the health service, other than that i dont have a fucking clue i live in england.
Mainly our healthcare debate is more about how much it would cost the American people, our projected 10 year deficit is $9 trillion now.
If I remember correctly, even if you don't have insurance, they can't turn you away. If you have something as serious as a heart attack I don't see why they'd turn you away. Half of the people who are uninsured are uninsured because they choose not to, even though they could afford it. If a public option is created, then businesses would more than likely drop their healthcare coverage for their employees. You also got to look at auto insurance, which is pretty much the same as health insurance, but auto insurance isn't failing. We should really ask ourselves why one kind of insurance is failing why the other one isn't. You look closer and you see that there's really no competition with health insurance. Auto Insurance can be given across state lines, yet health insurance can't? There's no motivation (currently) for healthcare providers to make health insurance affordable.

I have mixed feelings about Guantanamo, I think we should have given them trials at least, and there were cases in which torture did work.

I'm not a fan of his foreign policy of greeting nations like Iran with an open hand, or at least trying to. Iran being the same nation that wants the Jewish people out of "the holy land"
I don't agree with the stimulus, his omnibus bill, his cap and trade bill, energy policies, policies on crime

Policies on crime is really a huge one, when he was a state senator for Illinois, he was the only one to vote "no" on a bill that removed the possibility of parole for child rapists/molesters. I fail to see any logic in that, just as I fail to see why it should be made easier for convicted felons to find jobs when they get released.

He hasn't pulled us out of Iraq, and he hasn't done much to fix our economy. Although I shouldn't say that because quadrupling the deficit Bush left us with (in just a few short months) is a pretty huge deal.

Granted I didn't like Bush either, but I really don't like Obama.
He's not really doing anything different from bush other than LIGHTLY pushing for a new health care system so I don't understand why people are calling him a "socialist"

the economy is going to turn around on it's own and he's going to get credit for it.
Socialism = A mix between statism and a welfare state

Government backed purchase of General Motors, Bailing out the banks (he supported it), increasing the size of government, that would be statism

Government run healthcare, the cash for clunkers program, welfare state

it is a small taste of socialism.

The economy also can't turn around if Obama doesn't let it. With Cap and Trade he put so many regulations that it'll be difficult for someone just to sell their house. Not to mention it forces companies to drive jobs overseas (I'm sure the Chinese love us now).
i imagine car insurance is strong because everyone wants a car and wants to drive it, but people won't think the same about their health because they'll probably think "it will never happen to me, i don't need to pay for that"

just a guess. argh politics, the best i can do is be obsessed with the west wing.