Thoughts about Angra

Silent Spirit

Sup Dudes!
Dec 5, 2002
Southern California
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Hey guys, I was just wondering what you thought about Angra's lyrics. I really like the band, but I can't figure out if they are Christian, Power Metal with Christian themes, or if they critize it. Most of the lyrics on Rebirth seem pretty uplifting and bright, lightfull, etc. But then the new CD, Temple of Shadows, they seem to have a sort of anti-God feel. I don't know, maybe I'm missing something or haven't read enough about the album. Have any of you heard much about their lyrics and stuff. I'm just wondering if I should spend my hard earned dough on their new cd. Thanks in advance.
Don't know why you find it hard to understand because the lyrics are portraying the crusades. I find it neither Christian nor un-Christian. Just based on history to a certain degree mixed with fiction. All I say is if you don't get it then you are missing out on a masterpiece.
You can read lyrics here

You can make up your own mind from there.
Their new CD is amazing. I never really got into Angra until I heard ToS. It's just a story, and it's not anti-God. Of course, if you think Gnosticism is heretical, then maybe it will be to you.
You know, evenm in clean vocal bands, i don't pay attention to lyrics, but i can say this..

Angra kick the ass of a LOT of bands around today
They aren't anti-God. The fact is that Rafael Bittencourt has a different image of God. But, in Rebirth, things like " fallen angels will arise" are relationated with their "rebirth'', the fallen angels are the own band

I found this Rafael's explanation about his faith. Since I'm really lazy I used Google's translator to translate it. Hope You'll understand

I am not a sympathizer of Lucifer, but also I am not a antipathyser. But, I find that we would have to take it out of hell and invite it to sit down it in our tables. I find that the key for the great revolution of the relationship between the people is the forgiveness. If the people pardoned the demon, would live tranquilas and without fear more. The culture occidental person is very primitive and ignorant, it divides the universe enters well and badly, and following this reasoning, it finishes dividing all the society between culprits and accepted and not accepted, tolerable and not tolerable innocents, and for it goes there. For me, God is a bigger force that congregates the good and the evil in a thing alone, inexplicavelmente composed for the everything and the nothing. The only way of if creating the life are collating opposing forces. For example: an electric taking has two holes, one is the positive and the other is the negative. How to judge which hole of the taking is better? It is necessary that the two exist so that the things function. The presence of an angel rejected for God, responsible for all the bad one of the world in our culture, as it is said of Lucifer, is a stingy thought, exceeded and that it must be fought. This is confusing and very the evolution of the race human being. For me, the society can evolve its technologies and communications but it continues living as the thousand of years behind. We never will evolve our conviviality if not to win the barrier in our limited way to understand the life. It is fact that the conviviality between the peoples is each more difficult and intolerante time, and the religion, in the way that is practised today, allied to the ignorance and to the natural dullness human being they are the motor force of this chaotic situation. Everything that is fruit of one to think that I finish to baptize of Theology of the Full Conformismo. A philosophy that is arraigada in all the people, practitioners or not of a religion. Because we inherit of the greco-roman culture, the Christianity and the judaism the brick blocks that construiram them pillars of the current society, strong characterized for the capitalist individualism. It is what perhaps psychology would call unconscious collective. Exactly disagreeing, we have this inherent one in our thought. Some icons and stigmata populate our minds and are very difficult in freeing them of them, however I believe deeply that the reason human being alone will exceed if surpassed the fears of these ghosts. It seems madness, but the belief in God is taken the world to the collapse! Symbols as God of the love, Satã, sin, final judgment, hell and sky are completely irrationals. I find everything this a great igorância! The Theology of the Full Conformismo is the summary of the base of all the occidental religions. It nails indirectly that the world never goes to improve and that it is not necessary to fight so that happens the the opposite. She is enough to be satisfied itself. It blind you and becomes its more easy life, transforming you into a lamb conformed with the injustices. After all, this religious thought that we create in them frees of the pain that is to have the conscience of our limits and our vain existence. The base of the Theology of the Full Conformismo is: A creator who punishes the ones that acts contrary its approval created everything that exists in the world. But, for loving its creatures he is capable to pardon them, owner of an infinite compassion. The Satan are the culprit for having spread the sin in the world after to have been banish from the Kingdom of God. This thought in them exempts of our proper guilt and mediocrity attributing to an impersonatied entity everything that has of bad in the planet. After the death, exists the paradise. Therefore, as with the sufferings and fatalities of the life therefore back in the "sky" the life will be better. In the Christian philosophies, it was improved technique of the conformismo, giving itself it Christ, the rank of insuperável son only e of God, the proper God in the land. In placing in as a plain one, the condition of original pecadores. Basically alleging that never we will reach the perfection that Jesus would supposedly have reached. I ask: Because to improve our behavior if the Satan he is the true culprit for our shunting lines of behavior? Because not to miss if God in he will pardon them in the end? Because to improve our way of living if, no matter how hard let us try, we will never obtain to love our fellow creatures and the life as Jesus loved? Because to fight to improve the planet if exists a world well better that this private after the death? I say more, if God created a perfect world that later was stained by the dissemination of the bad one through the Devil, then the world that we know today was created by the Good and the Evil Then, the society cannot say monoteísta, therefore deuses considers the two existence of. The majority of the occidental religions advises to adore the good and to reject the bad one, and this confuses the people. More complicated this it is, when in we give account to them of that the certain e the made a mistake one is relative terms and that they vary as the evaluation of each one. Vide, the priests who find that he does not have badly none to rape criancinhas. Few cultures of the race human being had obtained to understand and to practise a belief really monoteísta e, certainly, in the current world occidental person, none of them practises. In my opinion, a pacific mentality would have to be born that joined and served to all the people. Simple and easy to understand, taught obligatorily in the schools. With breaches for personal opinions and opened the quarrel. That if it transforms constantly with the society, therefore nothing is invariant. That it never dictates its way as being the only one. E, that considers one real transformation of the reality that we live. I distrust and not accepted as religion, a thought that does not serve to all the people. For me, that is what Jesus wanted and that the people had understood so badly. Tormented for incapable fears and of if undressing of dirty vestments of obsolete beliefs. I wait that in some centuries the people if have freed of these chains and look at for our time with the same scoff with that we look at the cultures more primitive currently than ours. Are not ridicule some practical religious ancestral? The death of the virgins, the Olimpo in its heroic anecdotes, the thunder, the sun and the moon? With the same incompreensão I see the fidiciary offices of today, of the main religions. Harmful blind people and. Everything that if it sees for there is the Theology of the Full Conformismo, in which, will always have a theory a reasoning that leads you if to conform with what it is bad in you yourselves or to its redor. The confirmation of that I am saying deferred payment in the day the day and saying them current: "after all, to make a mistake he is human! "

Something tells me that nobody will read it ! :tickled:
the lyrics are religion-free in all albuns basically
the positive messages do not necessarily relate to religion, but to human things, human "spirit"

in Temple Of Shadows, it's narrated the story of a crusader who realizes the atrocities his kind was comitting in name of religion, the album criticizes the fanatism for any kind of religion