thoughts about downloading

I don't support it. I know a couple of guys in Celtic Frost and read about the suffering they went through for their art and walking away from it all.

Just remember that copying a cd for yourself is legal. Distributing it is not. The tape trade in the 80's did break many bands, but the fact now is one can make a high fidelity recording, where tapes lost fidelity after the first generation.

I sample online, but I always buy. My friends also know that I won't copy my cds for them because I know they won't buy it as a result.

While we're at it, I'll plug Celtic Frost:

And Ron Marks, of Celtic Frost:
i agree with you it doesn't help the band and the other people that work hard to make the band what it is. if you like the band you should support the band not copy it on a cd and claim you own the cd. its not supporting the band if you download it and copy it on a cd
My opinion on downloading is circumstantial. People who download entire CDs and distribute them (or worse, make a profit off distributing them) are the thieves - but they are in the minority. Being able to download some tracks for the sake of sampling, though, I have no issue with. It's how I discovered Evergrey and Pain of Salvation, after all - and I now own all of their discs.

I think what really scares record companies is that people will find out just how much the majority of their releases SUCK, *before* they've planted down an obscene amount of money, 75% of which goes back into the record company's pocket and not the band's.
while i agree with all the above, i'd like to point out a case in exception:

the band DragonForce got popularized from the 4 songs they had for download on before their debut release. this was legal, but they aren't the only case where downloads have helped a band sell albums.

still i believe if you support a band you buy their album and concert tickets. when i burned cds for friends to get them into music, i did a few songs of different bands so they'd get not a whole album of any one, but may end up buying them all.
I download music for a few reasons:
- I like to hear an album before I buy it, so that I don't buy it and waste my money if I hate it
- I can't always find rare stuff here (Alive In Athens CD3, Enter The Realm, etc...) But if I do come across them, I'll buy them
- Some artists don't care if they make money off of their work

For the most part, I support artists, but what am I going to do if I like one song from an album? Buy it just for that song?
jaimek said:
My opinion on downloading is circumstantial. People who download entire CDs and distribute them (or worse, make a profit off distributing them) are the thieves - but they are in the minority. Being able to download some tracks for the sake of sampling, though, I have no issue with. It's how I discovered Evergrey and Pain of Salvation, after all - and I now own all of their discs.

I think what really scares record companies is that people will find out just how much the majority of their releases SUCK, *before* they've planted down an obscene amount of money, 75% of which goes back into the record company's pocket and not the band's.
Yes, the band has to put out a high quality release and the fans will care. That alone will pay dividends.

Speaking of money going into the pockets of the record companies, it's obscene that only this month, Celtic Frost has received their first royalty check, 20 years after the fact. It took them 20 years to become a meagerly profitable entity after all the lawsuits and the wars.
its good to sample music before buying that what i do. i never copy it on a cd. i always keep my music on the computer so i can listen to them when im bored. then when i get the money i would buy the album.

ipod what do you think 3 hundered bucks to apple not the people who make the music. money helps musiciancs make more music. si if you want to hear another releae you should buy the album. download it to ample it first is ok but putting it on an ipod or cd i going to far. support the band
I transfer all of my music to HiMD and only use my cds in my car. So I have all the Evergrey albums on one minidisc, along with half the Opeth albums. I probably could do the Mp3 thing, but I usually already have a clear sense of whether I'll like the band or not before I buy because I listen to Gotham radio on my computer. I like a band there, I buy the albums online or go overseas. Any album is available in any country, it's simply a matter of if one wants to pay for it. I heard Evergrey on Gotham Radio and I knew I liked them right away.

In the case of Theatre of Tragedy's Closure:Live, if I knew, I wouldn't have bought it. The good songs are amazing and the others are a totally different mood. Not a quality disc for their fans.

Again, if the artist even makes one penny from the sale, then it's worth it.
I download music and I put it on cd to hear the cd, if it's good, i buy it 100%.
And I download for musicbands i can't find on cd.
I have a more recent exception. I just got into The Haunted and I bought their One Kill Wonder cd last week. I like it a lot, but there's a big problem. I looked at the song list and it looked like it was long, so I'm thinking a nice, long cd. Nope. The first three songs are over in under four minutes. The entire cd is only about 36 minutes long and I paid $16 USD for it. I would think twice about buying another one of theirs new. It's used from now on. The album is good, but doesn't provide the level of enjoyment a full cd would. Additionally, I feel the song listing was deceptive because they broke up the first three songs to make them appear distinct. Albums that short went out a long time ago and 60 minutes is the norm now. This cd being so short will most likely have a finite lifespan for me, unlike progressive albums which will stand up years from now.
For a student, cd's are expensive. But most of the time my boyfriend buys them and I borrow the cd's. When I really like it, I make a copy for myself but I would never sell any of these. It's stupid to have the same cd's as your boyfriend.
So I'm not completely against downloading and burning cd's, just as long as they are for your own use.
I agree with christmaschild that when you're downloading some songs you only have to use it for yourself. most of the time I buy my records, but sometimes when I suddenly have to do an interview I use Soulseek, but not very often.
It's pretty simple. You download a few tracks to sample, nothing wrong with that.

You download an entire album as a substitute for purchasing the album? You're a pathetic thief that needs to be shot.
Well one of my friends has one of those mp3 player things, and he borrows my cd's and copies the tracks he likes on there. He however is pretty poor and he will buy a cd if the price is right or its Evergrey or Dream Theater. :D

Anyways, I've always bought my cd's and I see downloading as both a possitive and negative.

Positive is that it shows what the band an do.

Negative is that you could walk away with a whole album without spending a cent.

I think its safe to see why the big bands like Metallica and others are against it. What Downloading also does, is kill a bad sale. Like lots of people downloaded "St. Anger" 2 years ago. Anyways many thought the music really sucked, so they didn't waste they money on the album.

Downloading is the Death and the rebirth of single hits. Now A band is going to have a hard time sell a album with only one good song. But the upside to this is, if they start charging for downloads, then the single track could be downloaded for a fee, wich then would make some money for the Band.

I think in all honesty, Little bands have nothing to fear, nor do bands that make good solid albums. The Downloading is going to instead make it a bit harder for a one hit wonder to get great sales.

Which is a good thing right?!
I download music (among other things) all the time. I burn compilation CDs for myself, but I never distribute them. And it's not because I don't respect the bands (or directors/producers/developers), and their efforts to make a living as well as good music (or movies/software), it's because I cannot afford to buy the media. If I had an enormous fortune, I wouldn't bother with file sharing, but since I have zero income, I simply cannot buy such items. I will download entire albums so I don't waste money on single tracks in the future. I do plan on puchasing every full album that I have downloaded over the last 2 or 3 years (Evergrey, Nightwish, Symphony X, Kamelot, etc etc). The reason why I don't buy CDs when I do have money, is because I can never decide what I want to buy, and then want something a week later that I can't afford.

With that said, I do support being able to download music free of charge; however, I do not support those who distribute pirated material illegally to make money (Which is kind of hypocritical of me, because I USED TO do so)
in general, downloading hurts record companies and bands who rely on a single to sell their records.

bands who put out albums that are quality made in every song, or bands who have never been heard of before, benefit from the publicity in downloads. the only downside is, you then are on the honor-system to buy this band's cd even if you can easily obtain the whole set of great songs for free, or if they are so unknown that no record store has their album in stock. i usually end up paying more for imports and rarities, but i try to buy straight from the band's site or from their own label if they have one, so that my money goes to the music i love, and not some corporate asshole. thats how i fight the system, not by stealing whole albums.
All you who are against downloading music, I ask you this.
What is the difference between d/l music and having software programs on your machine that you haven't paid for ?

Both are illegal and the person who created the software/music isn't getting paid for it.

I am willing to be the the anti mp3 people have software on there pc that hasn't been paid for.