Thoughts on mastodon?

Hell Awaits Us All

New Metal Member
Oct 22, 2006
Killing You
comments about this band in American metal thread inspired me to make this thread

any thoughts on the band? I loved them when I first got into metal, still like them somewhat but not quite as much as I used to.
lol glad i could inspire a thread, and i do enjoy mastodon. im not big on their stuff, but its good and i gotta respect them for doin sumthin really original sounding.
They play well, but thats the extent of it. I find none of their material remotely interesting.

After I read an interview in Guitar World with them last year, I came to the conclusion that Brent Hinds is indeed an idiot. He was bashing Dream Theater for being "uninteresting" (and having a Chinese bass player, which qualifies him as a racist douchebag)), while Mastodon is some of the most boring crap I've ever heard. He also made some remarks abou their appearance as though that had something to do with their musical talent, and he complained that James LaBrie sounds like "a fucking opera singer". I'd take opera over Mastodon's shit anyday.
I like Remission sometimes. Can't say I am interested in anything else. Overrated as hell, in my opinion...

Jesus fucking christ dave. Do you honestly have to make a goddamn thread about every fucking band you like? Goddamn!


God, dude, you really need to shut up.
Leviathan was excellent. Some songs on Blood Mountain, but overall it was failure. Everything before Leviathan I hate.
I like all of their albums, but I haven't listened to them in a long time. When I got Blood Mountain I listened to it for a week and I don't think I've touched it since. It's good, but it doesn't move me at all. I listened to Leviathan pretty often the year it came out. Hearts Alive is a really great song. Remission is alright, but I'm not much of a sludge fan.

Overall, this band is neither as bad or as great as many would have you believe. They're much more respectable than just about all of the other trendy Hot Topic bands.
They're trendy because they are on a lot of magazine covers (not strictly metal mags) and you can find their shirts in Hot Topic. It doesn't have to do with their music. They're also on a major label, and they have lots of promotion.
There's absolutely NOTHING this band does that wasn't done better by Slayer and Cathedral.

Crap band, crap indie-fag fanbase, and crappy songs about crappy whales. Anyone who likes this shit is a moron and a fucking fudge-packing AIDS magnet.