Thoughts on mastodon?

Crap band, crap indie-fag fanbase, and crappy songs about crappy whales. Anyone who likes this shit is a moron and a fucking fudge-packing AIDS magnet.

:lol: :lol: quite a cry for attention there. You usually do a better job masking your (blatant) trolling. Not so much here, though.

Oh yes, because Slayer has even remotely done anything resembling sludge and so has Cathedral.

don't feed the troll
There's absolutely NOTHING this band does that wasn't done better by Slayer and Cathedral.

Crap band, crap indie-fag fanbase, and crappy songs about crappy whales. Anyone who likes this shit is a moron and a fucking fudge-packing AIDS magnet.

way to go ahead and piss off PETA and all the other animal rights activists lol
One of the new breed of popular metal bands that i hate. Hardcore vocals are an instant fail. Just sounds like sludge for the sake of sludge. The only talent the drummer has is throwing in repetitive fills every 5 seconds.
It's quite obvious you don't have any metalhead acquaintances. Nor any indie fag acquaintances, I'll wager, as you're soooo wrong about both of 'em.

I've got a few indie fag friends, none of them smell funny, all the people I know into metal (mind you this does include the inbred Pantera fans, but it also may just be an American thing) aside from my friend Rob ... smell. Really bad.
I've got a few indie fag friends, none of them smell funny, all the people I know into metal (mind you this does include the inbred Pantera fans, but it also may just be an American thing) aside from my friend Rob ... smell. Really bad.

Well, I happen to come across dozens of indie fags every single year, due to my unfortunate profession, and the absolute majority of them are all, stuck-up, stupid, queer, strange little people, with no interesting traits about them at all.
Well, that is how they are - but at least they don't fucking smell like they bathed in a sweat bath :p

Though I've got a mallgoth on my mind, so who am I to judge people.
Oh yes, because Slayer has even remotely done anything resembling sludge and so has Cathedral.

'Sludge' and 'stoner rock' are interchangeable genres, and Cathedral is probably the emblematic stoner rock band of their era. I repeat: there is nothing new or interesting about this band to anyone who is familiar with metal. It only seems 'unique' to outsiders and 'metalheads' under the age of twenty, which is why their fanbase and that of The Sword are for all intents and purposes one and the same.
Sludge and stoner rock are FAR from interchangeable terms.

Kyuss sounds nothing like Crowbar.
The Atomic Bitchwax sounds nothing like Grief.
Colour Haze sounds nothing like Isis.

i like em alot. blood mountain was fantastic

any band who can bring great guitar playing and technical prowess (sp?) into the "mainstream" also gets my support
Actually, if you could the female vocals on Agalloch's Pale Folklore there have been, seein' as how John's girlfriend (who did the vocals) is a trained opera singer.
Mastodon sucked at first, but I liked it after a while.

Leviathan is way better than Blood Mountain though. I don't see why people fellate it like they do..