Thoughts on mastodon?

Used to like them a lot, espicially Scars of the Crucifix, but now I can't even listen to them cause of their lyrics. After I started going to church, started to hate them. They take their lyrics way too seriously so I took them off my iPod. *hides behind a rock before incoming flames starts to bombard me*.

God's a crock. Jesus slaves.

Your listening to one of the shittiest black metal bands in existance called Dark Funeral. Your music tastes are crap,Destruction gets old after about a few months, and I heard that the same goes with Dark Funeral from a few of my friends. Enjoy your crap tastes while it lasts.

Why don't you go listen to "The devil wears prada" or some "stryper" you born again fucker. Leave the real music to the real men.
wow this thread devolved into shit flinging fast. Getting back to topic, I think Mastodon sounds great in terms of having a great heavy guitar sound. They are also unique in their sound which ultimately makes bands stand out and outlive their peers. I think their drummer plays in a metal band unlike most drummers which stick to straight forward drumming with the exclusion of Death's Richard Christy or Gene Hoglan's cymbal use. Overall they should probably quit singing so much, and just stick to the occassional raspy vocals and add some fucking solos. If mastodon had more guitar solos, they'd be incredible. It's fucking metal, through in some fucking lead work. It doesn't have to be Loomis or Malmsteen work, just some solid lead guitar. I do agree the band has a 'hipster' vibe but, who cares, like or dislike the band for their music not lame ass hipsters' tastes. Just remember, metal is just as impermanent as a hipster trend. Hopefully one day you'll believe me.
I liked Remission and Leviathan and just never got around to actually buying the albums.