Thoughts on mastodon?

I saw them live on the Unholy Alliance Tour and I was thoroughly disgusted. I got the same reaction watching a couple of their bizarre music videos.
When do you contribute to anything?

Obviously you don't know Dave's track record. This is probably the third Mastodon thread he's made. All because someoen disagrees with his opinion about them, then tries to seek support so he can rub in whoever's face it was that disagreed with him. Just like EVERY OTHER THREAD HE HAS EVER MADE.

Why the fuck do you care?
Obviously you don't know Dave's track record. This is probably the third Mastodon thread he's made. All because someoen disagrees with his opinion about them, then tries to seek support so he can rub in whoever's face it was that disagreed with him. Just like EVERY OTHER THREAD HE HAS EVER MADE.

Why the fuck do you care?

will you give it up already? jesus fucking christ, nobody cares.
I checked mastodon before when they were getting a lot of praises. I still don't get what's special about them. To me they seemed pretty bad and uninteresting.
Sludge and stoner rock are FAR from interchangeable terms.

Kyuss sounds nothing like Crowbar.
The Atomic Bitchwax sounds nothing like Grief.
Colour Haze sounds nothing like Isis.

Leaving aside the fact that Isis sounds like neither Grief nor Crowbar (nor any other metal band, for that matter - funny, probably on account of not being metal and all), both Grief and Crowbar sound very much like Sleep, Cathedral and Electric Wizard (you know, just the biggest names in stoner doom). What differences exist are entirely cosmetic, and mostly come down to variation in vocal style.
what id really love to fuckin kno is how in the hell the music vid for colony of birchmen made it all the way to mtv. i never would have guessed tht was gunna happen
what id really love to fuckin kno is how in the hell the music vid for colony of birchmen made it all the way to mtv. i never would have guessed tht was gunna happen

You would never have guessed there were two m's in 'drummer' either, so excuse me if I don't take what you would have guessed to be something with any connection with reality.
Leaving aside the fact that Isis sounds like neither Grief nor Crowbar (nor any other metal band, for that matter - funny, probably on account of not being metal and all), both Grief and Crowbar sound very much like Sleep, Cathedral and Electric Wizard (you know, just the biggest names in stoner doom). What differences exist are entirely cosmetic, and mostly come down to variation in vocal style.

Oh holy hell, you may have a good grasp on black and death metal but you just completely dropped the ball here. It is quite obvious you're playing in the wrong court here.

Grief and Crowbar have next to nothing to do with bands such as Sleep, Cathedral, or Electric Wizard - and what little they do have stems from their being doom bands and thus having the Sabbath influence shining through to varying degrees.

It isn't even a vocal thing, but rather a complete stylistic difference that is shown between the bands. Sludge being more influenced by a bluesy sound, while the stoner doom bands taking on a more "psychedelic" approach. I'm sure you would never say a band like Acid Bath sounds remotely like Orange Goblin now would you?

As for Isis you're a fool to say they're not metal, well nowadays not so much, but in their early days from The Red Sea through Oceanic they quite obviously were metal.
They were decent live, but on record they seem a bit crap. Lost interest after hearing one of their albums once, I forget which. I can't seem to get into this hipster stuff.
It isn't even a vocal thing, but rather a complete stylistic difference that is shown between the bands. Sludge being more influenced by a bluesy sound, while the stoner doom bands taking on a more "psychedelic" approach.

Tonally, 'psychedelic' and 'bluesy' mean the same thing. Psychedelic rock IS blues rock: the 'psychedelic' element in stoner doom is the use of jammy extended structures designed to create a sense of submersion in the music. And while it's true that this tendency is more pronounced in the UK doom scene (and in American doom scenes that were heavily influenced by a UK aesthetic - chiefly LA), this doesn't alter the basic similarity of both 'sludge' (a term that has more to do with geography than with music - it came out of the NOLA scene and was initially only applied to bands from the area that, had they been from England or Continental Europe would have probably been called stoner rock, stoner doom or doom death) and 'stoner doom,' nor the fact that whatever their genesis, there's NOTHING in Mastodon's music that hasn't been done before by better artists.
They have some cool weird and sludgy elements and some interesting, whacked out drumming. But there's still something very bland and middle-of-the-road about their sound. I can just remember a lot of people I know with really good musical tastes praising them over the last 5 years, and every time I go back and give them a chance, they never do much for me.