thoughts on new paradise lost album

gone said:
Now honestly ask yourselves this question: what would happen on this board if Nick or Gregor from PL bashed the new Katatonia album on their forum? :Spin:

I could care less what anyone has to say about anything i listen to. What do you think the pope would say about a new album by Katatonia or PL? Should it matter even though i'm sure you could already make a guess as to what he would say. This whole thing is ridiculous, talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill. People need to stop worrying over shit that doesn't concern them and lead their own lives. Anders said what he said as a FAN. As was pointed out earlier he said it on this forum, not the PL forum. People need to learn to let shit go instead of falling prey to some twit that wants to start some shit between two bands by announcing that OH LOOKIE WHAT HE SAID.
About where/how Anders heard the album, again WHO CARES. Whether he heard it via a promo that was sent to him or someone he whos or whether he downloaded it, what does it matter to us the fans of these 2 bands? It shouldn't matter at all since it, again, has no direct impact on our personal lives. Leave things be and live your own lives people.
The thread on PL has been was really beginning to get under my skin a bit.....Katatonia bashing etc........I did get the last word in on that thread too.......

I would like to NOT thank all of you who went there and bashed really made us look like retards.....
Come on people, don't give up, that one dude called Anders a " fat dude ranting on about how much life sux to a bunch of monochromatic drab rock tunes"
Allan said:
Hey hey, you're the special voice of reason, now don't fall to that level.

At this point your just trying to keep this shit going here.....and here I feel that I can go to whatever level I want to to prove my are the one who is being the shit starter, if you really want to get flamed.....keep it up.

I was respectul of PL when I was on their forum...not starting shit....and then you come here and expect me to sit here and be cool when you are clearly trying to undermine the civility of our forum.....GO AWAY.
its funny when you go to the PL forum and see the hostility and come back here and see the friendly discussion ( exception=jinn ).

I never bothered with PL after Draconian times. IMO they are not really a good band.
Deliverance6 said:
At this point your just trying to keep this shit going here.....

No no, I was saying: "fight fight fight" to make this as civil as possible.

(think you might succed in having me going away, however shitty you are in your attempts at it though hehe)
Allan said:
No no, I was saying: "fight fight fight" to make this as civil as possible.

(think you might succed in having me going away, however shitty you are in your attempts at it though hehe)

:lol:, you have succeded in making a complete ass of yourself....congratulations......just kidding.....have a good day..... :)
looking at the thread title...
my current thought on the new album is that I like it more and more.. its a cd you need to listen to 50 times before it gets you. and the last song is beautiful. I've heard it from other ppl as well that it needs a lot of listens, so dont give up, and loop your playlist! :)
Jinn said:
at the rate they're going, I was considering days.

possibly weeks.

It depends on how long I would want to let him live.......I would probably get bored with the whole needles under the fingernails thing and finish him off quickly...... :lol: ....just kidding Allen.....I think this is out of our system now...
Dora said:
looking at the thread title...
my current thought on the new album is that I like it more and more.. its a cd you need to listen to 50 times before it gets you. and the last song is beautiful. I've heard it from other ppl as well that it needs a lot of listens, so dont give up, and loop your playlist! :)

Nice spin on a thread that was quickly getting ugly Dora. I think she's right about the LP. It is not a masterpiece at all, but it does grow on you, and the last song is just magnificent, maybe the best since Draconian Times. I think we can all agree here that the old PL will NEVER return, so perhaps we should lower our expectations of them a little so we can start enjoying what they are doing that much better.
And I also agree with UCSBdude that this was turning into a PL bashing session. So no more, ok? Just enjoy the album for what it is.
The Scourge said:
Nice spin on a thread that was quickly getting ugly Dora. I think she's right about the LP. It is not a masterpiece at all, but it does grow on you, and the last song is just magnificent, maybe the best since Draconian Times. I think we can all agree here that the old PL will NEVER return, so perhaps we should lower our expectations of them a little so we can start enjoying what they are doing that much better.
And I also agree with UCSBdude that this was turning into a PL bashing session. So no more, ok? Just enjoy the album for what it is.

One of my favorite sayings::::
Expectations are premeditated resentments......