all of the muslims I know, they don't care at all about Islamization of Europe, or North America..
And all those I know don't have 12 children... They are really pretty regular families...
So I don't get why we say "it's a known fact that they want to control the world". Do they really? All of them want that? Or perhaps just a minorty? Could it be just a fraction of them?
Those ''Muslims you know'' (I assume people who live near you) are the higher IQ ones, who fled their (probably messed) country & religion, for a better life. They're largely westernized, so, in a sense, they're 'bad Muslims’ (not 'real Muslims’) as long as they don't practice the radicalism of their ''religion'' (read: ideology), instead just identifying with their place of origin.
That doesn't make Islam (the ideology of world dominance) any less unacceptable. It just means your 'Muslim' friends are more westerners than Muslim.
The migrant refugees overflowing Europe, on the other hand, are largely low-IQ population. Two thirds of them are illiterate/can't even read or write in their OWN language, according to refugee center tests. And they’re coupled with infiltrated jihadists, as you know. 25% of ALL Syrian refugees declare themselves as ISIS sympathizers, for instance.
Forget any illusion/deceit by the left that those refugees are ever going to become functioning tax-paying members of society within Europe, with productive, high-skilled jobs to replace the local population. Reports from asylum centers show most of them can’t even perform menial jobs, due to language barrier. Those refugees are the equivalent of a human Molotov bomb, sent namely to make the welfare super state of Europe implode, and become violent occupying forces, once the state can’t provide them with benefits anymore.
Why would you possibly want to bring people like that into your country? The left wants them simply to grow their voter base, as that’s been part of their political strategy for the last couple decades. If they would REALLY want to help those people out, they’d help relocate them inside safe zones in the Middle East (that’s what Trump is negotiating with the Saudis and governments in the region right now).
For the cost of resettling 10000 refugees in the US, you could settle 121797 of them in the Middle East. And for the money spent on every 1 refugee brought into a European country, you can help more than 12 of them in their own region. But of course, then they don’t become voters in western nations, and the left doesn’t get to virtue-signal their fake (or misplaced) compassion; plus, those refugees you didn’t help are then going to get bombed, murdered in the crossfire, or will die of starvation and disease.
Inside their own country, they share language, culture, climate, etc. Brought into the West, these migrants are simply unable to adapt, and grow resentful and antagonistic as they feel out of place, frustrated, discriminated against, and humiliated. That’s part of the reason why a good number of them become radicalized, once inside Europe. Not good for Europeans. Not even good for the refugees, who are being used in this way by both the mullahs, and by power-hungry politicians in Europe.
I’m guessing Trump could eventually come up with an ‘IQ test’ (coupled with personalized interviews performed by competent psychologists) as a solution for the migrant crisis, by reframing it that way. If you are around 85 (the sweet-spot for high criminality), sorry, you cannot pass.
You can’t ‘read the minds’ of migrants, to discriminate which ones want to immigrate in pursuit of a better life and will contribute to society, and which ones want to blow things up. But, you could get close to it with a specialized psychological exam, and an IQ test.
Whatever the case, expect protests from the liberals.