
I'm just tired of the constant bullshit by a lot of "thrash fans": "new thrash sucks, old thrash roolz, you're only trve if you listen to ancient kreator dark angel slayer and sodom" and on and on. The new stuff is awesome and it's keeping the genre alive. I can think of no other current genre where the fan base is as stuck in the past.

Yes and for every narrow-minded old school rules metalhead there's some whining cunt telling him he's stuck in the past, that he's limiting himself or that he's wrong.
It's a boring, old as fuck argument.

I question what you mean by the new stuff too, do you mean bands like Fog of War or Bonded By Blood? Bands that play a certain brand of bouncy, beer and pizza Bay Area Thrash? I purchased the new Merciless Death cd directly from the band, unfortunately it turned out to be very fucking underwhelming but the point is I definitely put a lot of effort towards supporting new bands in Thrash and new Thrash releases by bands not so young anymore but not quite old.
If anything I'd say I listen to more post-2000 Thrash Metal than I do the old shit.

You jumped the gun with this and just made yourself look like an intolerant, crying twat.
Merciless Death suck ass, and so do Bonded By Blood ... but what the fuck is "beer and pizza bay area thrash"? That doesn't even make any sense.

Some of the good "newer" stuff ... Vektor, Hexen, Dekapitator(not really new), Exmortus, Witchaven, Warbringer, Assaulter, the last two Fueled by Fire albums ...
Merciless Death suck ass, and so do Bonded By Blood

Some of the good "newer" stuff ... Vektor, Hexen, Dekapitator(not really new), Exmortus, Witchaven, Warbringer, Assaulter, the last two Fueled by Fire albums ...

I disagree, Realm of Terror is a fucking killer piece of Thrash Metal, agree about Bonded By Blood though, Warbringer, Exmortus and Fuelled By Fire are all shit in my opinion too.
Vektor are pretty cool, especially liked their debut, Dekapitator aren't shit but not that great either, Hexen I don't think I've checked out yet and Assaulter are okay.

Newer Thrash bands I really like are Deathhammer obviously, Nekromantheon, Atomic Roar, Inculter, Sauron from Michigan, Insane, Antichrist and there are heaps that I only have demo tapes by but Droid immediately comes to mind.

... but what the fuck is "beer and pizza bay area thrash"? That doesn't even make any sense.

I was being facetious, I just mean bands that play mainstream style Thrash Metal.
lol, Realm of Terror is absolute garbage, and that band is practically one of the worst thrash bands from that "new wave" you love complaining about so much.

You don't like these?

Check out Hexen asap. Vektor and Hexen are the two best thrash bands that have came out in the last 15-20 years ... by far.

Oh and Dekapitator are the fucking shit:p
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I love complaining about new wave Thrash Metal?
If you're going to talk shit at least be coherent, haha, I just said I listen to more new Thrash than I do old.
Merciless Death are faaar from being the worst of that middle 2000's Thrash revival thing, not that I'd expect a Fog of Bore fan to agree.
That band is absolute trash.

I'll check those links out in a bit, I prefer Deathhammer and Aura Noir to Vektor if we're talking about the best of the last 20 years though, by a fucking huge margin.
Warbringer, Exmortus, Fueled By Fire, Skeletonwitch, Violator, Havok, Black Fast, Evile, Hexen, Deathraiser, Hatchet, Warfect, Entropy,...

+1 to just about everything mentioned there.

The last Violator album wasnt as good as Chemical Assault or Annihilation Process. And the first Hatchet album isnt too good either, but yea their last one was awesome. Beyond the Permafrost is definitely a top 5-10 album when it comes to the modern stuff. And Violent Aggression is the fucking shit! :kickass:

bla bla bla

lol, you'ra a fucking joke. And yes, i like Fog of War, but never have i mentioned them when talking about the best new bands. Far better than fucking merciless death. But we get it bro, Boreguts, Snoreguyts, Fog of Bore ... oooh, you're so coool and creative! Lol, where did this guy come from?

If you honestly believe all three of those tracks are shit, then we will simply never agree on thrash.

War Without End was decent mid-to-late 80's Slayer worship, but everything after that album is pretty shit in my opinion.

That Exmortus track sucked even more than I remember :ill: and that Fueled By Fire track wasn't as shit as I remember the debut being.

I know you're new here, but if you go back a few pages, you'll find my playlists of 50+ bands each per year (for more recent years) of thrash that I recommend checking out. Some highlights:

Warbringer, Exmortus, Fueled By Fire, Skeletonwitch, Violator, Havok, Black Fast, Evile, Hexen, Deathraiser, Hatchet, Warfect, Entropy,...

I hate every band you highlighted just now except for Hexen who I'm yet to check out, so yeah safe to assume we won't ever see eye-to-eye on Thrash Metal, I mean Skeletonwitch? Really?


So I checked this out, it was okay, didn't do a great amount for me, those clicky drums were horrible but the vocals are fucking killer, I might try out some other releases.
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lol, you'ra a fucking joke. And yes, i like Fog of War, but never have i mentioned them when talking about the best new bands. Far better than fucking merciless death. But we get it bro, Boreguts, Snoreguyts, Fog of Bore ... oooh, you're so coool and creative! Lol, where did this guy come from?

It's funny how salty you are. :lol:
You definitely should check it, ASAP. I think it's better then their first one, guitar work, vocals, drums... That album sounds pretty much how I think modern thrash should sound.
I prefer Deathhammer and Aura Noir to Vektor if we're talking about the best of the last 20 years though, by a fucking huge margin.

I dig both bands, but they're nothing special. And neither of em are in the same league as Vektor, let alone the same ballpark.

Also, Destroyer 666 > Aura Noir, in just about every possible way.

Did you like the last Nocturnal release? I thought it was pretty fucking solid.
I dig both bands, but they're nothing special. And neither of em are in the same league as Vektor, let alone the same ballpark.

Agreed. Though Aura Noir is a bit more special for being one of the first bands to enter that late 90's black/thrash scene.


Vektor>>>Aura Noir>>>Deathhammer

Still, I would say the 'big 4' of late 90's black/thrash are: Destroyer 666, Aura Noir, Nifelheim, and Nocturnal Breed. Something like that. Desaster and Gehennah could be mentioned.

It's just that Vektor is in a whole other league above any of that early black/thrash, to expand on what TB said.
Vektor is cool but man their albums are just too long. I get bored and turn it off before its done. Would rather listen to Voivod.

I still haven't checked that Nocturnal release just because it seems a bitch to find stateside. It on the same level as Arrival of the Carnivore?
Oh and just to be clear, Vektor aren't black/thrash ... not that i'm saying anyone said they are.

Would rather listen to Voivod.

Ummm, they really don't have much in common with Voviod outside of the fact that they both play progressive/technical thrash and their logos are similar.

I still haven't checked that Nocturnal release just because it seems a bitch to find stateside. It on the same level as Arrival of the Carnivore?

Just as good if you ask me. There's a chick on vocals now, and she's surprisingly good.

edit: Vice versa for me when it comes to those Vektor albums, they're so good that i just cant stop listening once i pop one of those discs in. They're dangerously good.
I'm not really into technical metal so it's not overly a surprise I'm not big on them. I get the appeal, I really do... I just think I have too short of an attention span for them.