Thrice - Major/Minor


Jun 30, 2011
Not quite metal but this mix is amazing, it's so crisp and clear not to mention the beats and riffs throughout have so much groove. Thoughts?
it does sound really great. its raw but very clean.

im not a fan of the music though, this and their last album have disappointed me following TAI
Yeah everything has so much life, love the snare!

TAI was good but I was only interested in about half of all the songs and I haven't heard Beggars yet.
Beggars the recorded themselves Major/Minor they used the same producer as Vheissu just so everybody knows :p Teppei said on gearsluts that Beggars was supposed to sound like you were sitting in the room with the band. I've found that i only really like the slower songs on both beggars and Major/Minor and... of course yellow belly because that riff/drum tone combo just kicks assssssssssssssssssss

ALSO BEST BAND IVE EVER SEEN LIVE. Not just because they are good but because of the diversity in their setlist
Great band and I'm really digging the shit out of their stuff recently, it's raw for sure but they are talented enough to carry it off.
ALSO BEST BAND IVE EVER SEEN LIVE. Not just because they are good but because of the diversity in their setlist

Good to know! :D I'm going to see them soon in October with O'brother, Moving Mountains and La Dispute in Ft. Lauderdale.

This is my favorite band, I love every single album they've done. :D Some people just like their "The Artist in the Ambulance" album...but I just see that as their "MTV Phase" haha.. I think they've grown a lot musically and they just keep getting better.

So yeah...this album..I love it! :D Very raw and tons of vibe.
Is it worth checking out if the last thing I truly loved by them was TAITA? Everything after that has been severely downhill IMO, and seeing them live last year on Warped was just depressing. Zero emotion, zero energy... just kind of going through the motions.
Is it worth checking out if the last thing I truly loved by them was TAITA? Everything after that has been severely downhill IMO, and seeing them live last year on Warped was just depressing. Zero emotion, zero energy... just kind of going through the motions.

Probably not tbh, they're a very different band now.

Heard they tracked at Red Bull Studios in LA, definitely not something I expected.
Is it worth checking out if the last thing I truly loved by them was TAITA? Everything after that has been severely downhill IMO, and seeing them live last year on Warped was just depressing. Zero emotion, zero energy... just kind of going through the motions.

yea i went with a friend last year to see them. ive never really liked them but he does. it almost seemed like they didnt even want to be up there performing. and there was about zero banter between any song. i mean sure its cool to just play your songs with no bullshit.... but say SOMETHING.

this is a band ive tried many times to get into and i just cant. they are just so boring to me.
Dustin is the music pastor at the church I go to and intern at. A solid guy for sure.

Right on, I go to Mars Hill too (Ballard). You've probably met my drummer by now (7H7E), Ryan Wood. I believe his main involvement at this point is playing in Dustin's band at the church, pretty cool stuff.
Right on, I go to Mars Hill too (Ballard). You've probably met my drummer by now (7H7E), Ryan Wood. I believe his main involvement at this point is playing in Dustin's band at the church, pretty cool stuff.

I have! Whoa, dude. Small world. He's playing in one of the bands that is more folk style. Funny how that works out. I know Ryan and I chatted up Opeth, Dream Theater, Katatonia and talked about Nevermore and all that. So cool.
Beggars the recorded themselves Major/Minor they used the same producer as Vheissu just so everybody knows :p Teppei said on gearsluts that Beggars was supposed to sound like you were sitting in the room with the band. I've found that i only really like the slower songs on both beggars and Major/Minor and... of course yellow belly because that riff/drum tone combo just kicks assssssssssssssssssss

ALSO BEST BAND IVE EVER SEEN LIVE. Not just because they are good but because of the diversity in their setlist

Thrice themselves said that they asked Schiffman more to give input as mixing engineer. He didn't give much input production-wise.
Listen Through Me and Blur are super tracks, but I'll agree with you about Beggars. Circles and Wood&Wire are masterpieces, especially Circles (currently listening to that solo, oh my god so amazing).

Saw them live at Pukkelpop last year, Dustin seemed a little bit ill and he had a sour throat. Nevertheless an impeccable performance, especially instrumentally.
It's a pity I'll have to wait 2 to 3 years or even more to see them live again.