Time to call it a day?

Life gets stale
Then it gets interesting again
I think your next new fav metal band is waiting just around the corner.

If you are earning from what you are doing make sure you think before throwing in the towel. All jobs suck in some way.

Plus you're really good at mixing, you shouldn't stop.

As far as soundtracks go, I think the majority are being produced by the composer. Big time films may be different, but I think you will have a hard time finding an "in" into that world
I think Ermz should drop everything and follow the path of being a Dark Ambient musician as his gut instinct is SCREAMING at him to do so.
Ahh, someone finally nailed it!

I promised myself I'd only start writing again if I was ready. But the idea was always to do a fusion of metal(semi-djent)/ambient & cinematic styles. The best parts of all the game osts I love with the best parts of the chunkiest metal. Very drone-like, more about layering and progressions and soundscapes building up towards something massive rather than 'watch DIS RIFF BRO'.

Closest thing I found that exists to that was that one Blut Aus Nord EP 'Thematic Emanations of Archetypal Multiplicity'. They decided to get non-blacketal and un-shit for a few brief songs, turning into pure genius, before regressing again for the next record.
Ahh, someone finally nailed it!

I promised myself I'd only start writing again if I was ready. But the idea was always to do a fusion of metal(semi-djent)/ambient & cinematic styles. The best parts of all the game osts I love with the best parts of the chunkiest metal. Very drone-like, more about layering and progressions and soundscapes building up towards something massive rather than 'watch DIS RIFF BRO'.

Closest thing I found that exists to that was that one Blut Aus Nord EP 'Thematic Emanations of Archetypal Multiplicity'. They decided to get non-blacketal and un-shit for a few brief songs, turning into pure genius, before regressing again for the next record.

Just do it then, write your own shit :D
If you don't enjoy it than at least you know who to blame :lol:
Ambientic semidjent sounds intresting anyway :rock:
Naw it's cool I don't need a break from production. I love all the mixing I'm doing right now. I think some people misunderstood and think I'm fed up with doing this job, when the reality is anything but that. I'm just fed up with the trendy metal scene!

Still gladly work on radio rock, power pop, death metal, grindcore etc. etc. My job has nothing to do with these observations. I still take most things I get and do the very best job I'm able for the sake of the client, whoever they might be.

I mean in teh last week I've gone from mixing this: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/285689/The One Mix 15.mp3

to this: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/285689/Empty Strings 2.mp3

to this: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/285689/Forum/OlaFortin-ErmzMix5.mp3

Granted, the last one wasn't a paid job :lol:

.. and yeah by weeks' end I will have mixed a power-pop/pop punk single, and then started on a symphonic chickmetal record. It's good stuff, I can't complain about the work at all.
Naw it's cool I don't need a break from production. I love all the mixing I'm doing right now. I think some people misunderstood and think I'm fed up with doing this job, when the reality is anything but that. I'm just fed up with the trendy metal scene!

ah I see...well, I don't even have the chance to get fed up with the "trendy metal scene" because it doesn't affect me in any way...in fact I only come in touch with it trough this forum. I only know ONE person who knew AA (brought the lulz to some of my buddies :lol:) and it was a chick.
same with all the scene core stuff over here. nobody gives a shit anyway^^
exept for deathcore maybe.
but for some reason we always had a LOT of death metal bands, dunno why. so going at local gigs is quite interesting still.
just ignore the stuff that isnt of any interest for you I'd say...and post some of the symphonic chick metal when you work on it man :D
basically the same as Mago and Drew and Dan, ive only ever encountered them twice, once at a sufocation show (with 2 deathcore bands supporting) and a black dahlia murder show.
Ermz, just thinking about the BAN EP.... you should definitely spend some time checking out Esoteric:

Not a new band by any stretch, but this should give you something new to listen to for a while...
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