Time to forgive...


May 24, 2003
Western Mass.
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Like so many others who have posted over the last few days, I have been feeling a lot of emotions about the recent cancellation of the US tour. Disappointment, anger and betrayal, to name a few. There is no doubt that somebody screwed up. In fact, several people screwed up including the band's managment, promoter and the band members themselves.

I truly feel sorry for the die-hards who lost a lot more money than I did for plane tickets, hotels, etc. (I only lost a few bucks worth of service charges as I was going to drive to 3 shows). The whole thing really sucked.

But here is the thing - at this point I have heard just about enough from so-called fans saying the band members suck, or their music sucks, etc. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I respect that. But here is an idea: for all of you who have now decided to end your alliance with one of the hardest working and energetic bands of all-time by burning your CDs and LPs - how about taking it one step further and removing saxon747.com from your favorites and LEAVE THIS SITE TO SAXON'S TRUE FANS!!!

Let's face it, if it was only about the money Saxon would NEVER come to the US. By the time they pay to get the band, crew and equipment to the States, rent a bus to drive across the country, and pay for hotels, food and even a few beers along the way, they are probably lucky to break even. Yet, they have still managed to tour for each of the last three CDs and play more than two hours each and every time no matter how many people show up to enjoy the show. I have personally seen Saxon play to a "sell-out" of 300+ people in NJ to no more than 50-70 people in New Hampshire, and they gave it everything they had EACH AND EVERY time!!! Plus, they are always available for the fans after the show for autographs and even invite many onto their tour bus just to chat about metal and share a beer or two. And remember, this is a band that can still headline in front of 30,000+ at Wacken in Germany!!!

Bottom line - it is time to forgive!!!

I for one can't wait until March, or whenever they next make it to the States again! The thought of never seeing Saxon live again it way worse than the feelings about this recent series of unfortunate events.

Saxon has been my favorite band for over 25 years, and nothing will change that fact!!!

Ok,here's the problem.Saxon's management or the band itself should have posted the cancellations sooner than 1 day before the first show.Us ticket buyers deserve more time to change our plans,reservations,etc.That's where all the anger comes from.Speaking for myself,I'm still a Saxon fan and will see them if and when they get their visa shit together.However,I WILL NOT BUY ANY TICKETS IN ADVANCE! I got burned 3 times by buying in advance.As the Who says,"WE DON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN!":yuk:
I absolutely agree that the entire situation was not handled correctly, and I don't blame you one bit for being angry about losing money. But the fact that you say that you are STILL a Saxon fan shows me (and everybody else) what kind of real fans Saxon has!

Maybe I'll see you at one of the future Saxon US shows after you buy your ticket at the door! :D
Fans are pissed yes. with good reason. but to keep it all in perspective.
The last 30 plus hours since the message board posted the cancellation, the thread has had well over a thousand hits and tons of fans coming together to give their 2 cents no matter how accepting or defient they were.
If anything, this should make Saxon thrilled. The worst thing that could happen for any band , is to have to cancel a tour, and be met with indifference or no reaction at all due to lack of fanbase. Saxon has now heard the North American fan speak LOUDLY and have proven themselves to be a loyal, stubborn and intellegent crew of metalheads. I am actually a bigger Saxon fan now because of the fans that have posted here. I go to countless shows and meet alot of people , and i hate to say it, alot do not impress me, and i sometimes understand the stigma metal fans get from the masses. Saxon fans are defient because they feel like they have been given the "GEARS". And really, isnt that what Saxon's music is all about? Standing up for what you believe in.
yes, this reaction to the tour cancellation willl subside , especially as the tour gets closer. But what i will remember looking back at this particular moment in Saxon history is that The fans made themselves heard and SAXON NATION is better for it.

CHEERS Saxon Fans, each and every one of you

long live SAXON
I can understand all the American Saxon fans being p****d off and wanting to fuel their anger about the tour being cancelled. But what I want to know is this, where the f**k have you lot been all this time? Most of you have never posted on this forum before, a few of you occasionally post on here. So why have you suddenly come out of the woodwork?
Paxoman said:
But what I want to know is this, where the f**k have you lot been all this time? Most of you have never posted on this forum before, a few of you occasionally post on here. So why have you suddenly come out of the woodwork?

Not posting in a band's forum doesn't make one an untrue fan. Most of us like more bands than Saxon, at least I do. Besides, I have been registered in forums of bands I love but what was written day after day was pure crap. In my case, I wanted to get some info about the shows. If I like what I read I'll stay. That will mean I can relate to what people have to say and therefore I will feel connected to those people (I've met people in real life after knowing them from a forum, which is fucking great).

Btw, the response people had to the cancellations and the stuff that I have read so far speaks very well of Saxon's fans, especially in the US.

Cheers to all.

Paxoman said:
I can understand all the American Saxon fans being p****d off and wanting to fuel their anger about the tour being cancelled. But what I want to know is this, where the f**k have you lot been all this time? Most of you have never posted on this forum before, a few of you occasionally post on here. So why have you suddenly come out of the woodwork?

No offense but only a fool would think the amount of posts on this board would determine how BIG a fan of Saxon they are:err:


Do you REALLY Think the average run of the mill, "i'll see Saxon for the fuck of it" kinda people would be pissed off as they are if they didn't LOVE the band and want to see them?

Maybe you have time to post alot but for some of us,we have a life, family and kids which is why seeing Saxon for a show or 2 was much anticipated.

Now, if you want to talk about the piss poor state of Metal and the support they get in the US that's fine but THAT is another story.

You can bet your ass I'll be at the SAxon shows if and when they come!

not because I have a few posts here but because I'M A DIEHARD FAN :D
Yes you are right. Alot of us have more important things to do when you get right down to it. But when we put aside precious time to see or do something that we enjoy, we like to do it. It takes planning, financial commitment as well as the family aspect of being allowed to take off to see 5 grown men plaing music 6 hrs away, not to mention the dedication to the music. I , like most others feel like the band could and still should have handled this much better. Tommorow morning I would have been driving to Cleveland. I had put this show in front of being with my family.

I had planned a long response to Paxomans silly comment above. However, both Earth and Cruzado said everything that needs to be said.

However, I do feel the need to point out that Paxoman's comment about the number of posts is just plain ignorant.
Heavy Mettle said:
Ok,here's the problem.Saxon's management or the band itself should have posted the cancellations sooner than 1 day before the first show.Us ticket buyers deserve more time to change our plans,reservations,etc.That's where all the anger comes from.Speaking for myself,I'm still a Saxon fan and will see them if and when they get their visa shit together.However,I WILL NOT BUY ANY TICKETS IN ADVANCE! I got burned 3 times by buying in advance.As the Who says,"WE DON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN!":yuk:

Who the hell am I fooling? I'll be getting my tickets in advance like I always do.I'm a fan and that's what I do.However,it doesn't mean I'm going to hold my breath waiting for them to actually show up. :Smug:
Off course its not so that the more you post on this board the more die-hard fan you are...And time to forgive the band? There is in my opinion no blame resting on the band... so to forgive the band is no-issue at all .. Its just a weird situation in which band and fans are placed in because of....people who just think they know how the world works these days! Those so called 'people' (everybody can for themselves fill in what they mean by 'people' But I can only say that that kinde 'people can be labeled with the slogon' :"Innocence is no excuse."
And I can understand Paxoman's craving for more people contributing on this board.. Paxoman is a die-hard Saxon fan that defends his band like it is his own family ... never met him..but he has his heart on his tongue and his Saxon-heart on the right place..Maybe what happened can give a push to a better Saxon-board with webrings etc...Of course it will take time to forget... Let everybody work to get March 2006 become a big succes!
heavycelli said:
Off course its not so that the more you post on this board the more die-hard fan you are...And time to forgive the band? There is in my opinion no blame resting on the band... so to forgive the band is no-issue at all .. Its just a weird situation in which band and fans are placed in because of....people who just think they know how the world works these days! Those so called 'people' (everybody can for themselves fill in what they mean by 'people' But I can only say that that kinde 'people can be labeled with the slogon' :"Innocence is no excuse."
And I can understand Paxoman's craving for more people contributing on this board.. Paxoman is a die-hard Saxon fan that defends his band like it is his own family ... never met him..but he has his heart on his tongue and his Saxon-heart on the right place..Maybe what happened can give a push to a better Saxon-board with webrings etc...Of course it will take time to forget... Let everybody work to get March 2006 become a big succes!

I think there should be an effort made to email the band's management or anyone connected with the band and urge them to make the tour more than 5 stops. I mean come on, 5 stops? There should be at least 15 I would think! Any decent band who's been around more than 20 years, definitely needs more than just 5 tour stops...I mean come on, this isn't like it's Benny Hinn or something...
Paxoman said:
I can understand all the American Saxon fans being p****d off and wanting to fuel their anger about the tour being cancelled. But what I want to know is this, where the f**k have you lot been all this time? Most of you have never posted on this forum before, a few of you occasionally post on here. So why have you suddenly come out of the woodwork?

Been reading "how to win friends and influence people", have you darling? :lol:
liama said:
I had planned a long response to Paxomans silly comment above. However, both Earth and Cruzado said everything that needs to be said.

However, I do feel the need to point out that Paxoman's comment about the number of posts is just plain ignorant.

Sorry mate, but like so many others from America who have posted on this site over the last couple of weeks, you have made a complete tit of yourself. Where in my ‘silly’ thread does it say that the more you post, the more die-hard a fan you are? I think you will find that it does not say anything of the sort. I know many die hard Saxon fans that are not even registered on the Saxon forum! All I asked was how come you lot have suddenly gone from not posting a single post, to posting 20-30 posts a day between you. That is a fair enough question I think. I mean, why inundate the site over the last two weeks, but yet not have anything to say in the past? Not even an occasional post. Not even a post about such trivial subjects as Saxons new album, or Biff and his family nearly dying in a house fire. But god forbid Saxon should cancel a tour to America!

Talking of tours to America. When Saxon tour in America, they not only do not make money, but they don’t even break even. Yes, Saxon actually LOSES money by going to America. Why Biff would want to take Saxon to America, play in front of 70-200 fans, and lose money I have no idea! But for some reason he does. Mind you, he might think twice about it if he ever reads all the stupid comments from Saxons supposedly loyal, die-hard fans.

So do us all a favour and go back to your busy lives, wives and kids. And we will see you all again in March, and you can treat us all another two weeks of constant drivel.

The thing with me is, I say what everyone else is thinking, but are too polite to say. I know for a fact I am not alone in my views. So to coin an American phrase, screw you!
Pax i didnt know you could be so forcefull.Get you.Pax has made agood point.I just got carried away in the diss Saxon vibe.By saying didnt like Saxon or beer or sex.In fact i wish i could combine all 3(hmmmm what is Saxons shortest song).
On this here forum good comunity has been built,and i think Pax was just pointing out that there was suddenly a lot bad shit flying around and it was all aimed at the band rather than the correct people.
If you wanna dis Saxon go for it i do it all the time.but be consructive.We have all been down that road of tours being cancelled.Motley Crue snow on the roof hmmmmmmmmm.
What we should be thankful for is the fact that Saxon evan bother making new albums after all the shit they have had to put up with over the years.And the albums keep getting better.Lionheart can stand proudly next to any of the classic 80s albums.Do you think many other bands could do that(yes im looking at you Metallica).
One more thing this aint no U.K vs the U.S. type thing .But When smaller U.S. bands play the U.K. its nomaly 1 show in London.
So can we join together and praise PAXOMAN LORD OF THE BOARD:worship: :worship: :worship: :headbang: :headbang: