Time to forgive...


How can you be so certain of Saxons financials??
are you with the band is some capacity?? i am thinking NO?, so as i suspect you are basically guessing.
whats the point of that?
Saxon travel all over, Spain or maybe Greece isnt a 5 minute drive for them, so for the band to get there, they basically have to go through the same channels and expenses as a trip to N America. And the venues there are not much larger then a US venue. You guys can say the US venues are small, but ive read my share of Saxon concert revues online from places like the UK, where the reviewer said that the venue was abut the size of a 2 car garage . How profitable is that for the band??
Anyhow, these US or Canadian (as rare as they are) tours are not solely out of pocket expenses for the band anyhow. The record company puts funds towards the tours , and along with Ticketsales, Merch sales factor in to expenses. and knowing how hard it is to find Saxon gear on this side of the atlantic. i'd expect that the fans here would gobble up merchandise , as you wont be finding too many Saxon Tour shirts at your local "Hot Topic" mall outlet. So please, enough talking out of your ass, Try a little "Fact", its a real buzz.
and in regards to Biff thinking twice about it if he ever reads all the stupid comments from Saxons supposedly loyal, die-hard fans.. Well the alternative is No one giving a shit , no one posting on here and no one showing up too any gigs. so i am thinking Biff and the boys would probably prefer it this way. We N .American fans are pissed the tour didnt happen and are bitching about it. Saxon should be thrilled!
But i guess YOU will decide how Saxon feels about it.

how about this, Start your own band, book your own US tour, then cancel it, then you can think twice about your US fans drivel. good luck with that
EarthSkynSea said:

How can you be so certain of Saxons financials??
are you with the band is some capacity?? i am thinking NO?, so as i suspect you are basically guessing. whats the point of that?

Biff has said himself on more than one occasion that Saxon always lose money touring America. So no, I am not guessing. Unless Biff is bullshitting of course.

Most of the venues that Saxon are playing in the UK now are at least 1,000 capacity. And even bigger in Europe.

Don't get me wrong, the lack of any update from the Saxon camp about the US tour, and subsequent cancellation is pathetic. In fact, it is completely out of order. I have already said that on another thread. And in fact, I have bemoaned the lack of imput from band/management for years.

I may be die-hard, but I am also not blindly stupid. I don't kiss the bands arse just because I am 100% Saxon. I say what I see.
Paxoman said:
Sorry mate, but like so many others from America who have posted on this site over the last couple of weeks, you have made a complete tit of yourself. Like the author of this thread?

Where in my ‘silly’ thread does it say that the more you post, the more die-hard a fan you are? You inplied that

I know many die hard Saxon fans that are not even registered on the Saxon forum! I bet you must get on them ALOT then LOL

All I asked was how come you lot have suddenly gone from not posting a single post, to posting 20-30 posts a day between you. All i'm saying is...It's none of your business

That is a fair enough question I think. I mean, why inundate the site over the last two weeks, Why not?

but yet not have anything to say in the past? Because this is the internet

Not even an occasional post. Not even a post about such trivial subjects as Saxons new album, or Biff and his family nearly dying in a house fire. Biff's house burning doen TRIVIAL? what are you smoking?

But god forbid Saxon should cancel a tour to America! And they did........BUT, We'll be there WE'RE HARDCORE

Talking of tours to America. When Saxon tour in America, they not only do not make money, but they don’t even break even. Yes, Saxon actually LOSES money by going to America. Why Biff would want to take Saxon to America, play in front of 70-200 fans, and lose money I have no idea! BECASUE THEY LIKE TO PLEASE THE FANS? DOH!

But for some reason he does. Mind you, he might think twice about it if he ever reads all the stupid comments from Saxons supposedly loyal, die-hard fans. Yeah, he's be pissed to read your dumb post

So do us all a favour and go back to your busy lives, wives and kids. And you'll continue not having a life aside from the board

And we will see you all again in March, WE? who is WE? you got a mouse in your pocket? (American humor) *all smiles*

and you can treat us all another two weeks of constant drivel. you are the master at drivel

The thing with me is, I say what everyone else is thinking, but are too polite to say. I know for a fact I am not alone in my views. I hear an echo......echo..........echo lol

So to coin an American phrase, screw you!

Here in the NY/NJ area we say FUCK YOU!

:wave: :D

*all smiles*

You ignorant ass.

1) You did in fact imply that the one’s level of activity on this site directly corresponds to your imaginary level of being a fan. I quote your previous post:

I can understand all the American Saxon fans being p****d off and wanting to fuel their anger about the tour being cancelled. But what I want to know is this, where the f**k have you lot been all this time? Most of you have never posted on this forum before, a few of you occasionally post on here. So why have you suddenly come out of the woodwork?

Have we trespassed on your personal domain? Should we check with you prior to expressing our opinions? Would that make you feel more important? You silly little wanker.

If your intent was not to question our so-called loyalty, then you may wish to take a refresher course in the written form of the English language. You may just learn to express your self in a clear manner.

As you can clearly see there are several other people (i.e. Heavycelli, Golden Goose, Earth) who took your statements to have the exact meaning as I did.

Express your self clearly boy!

2) As far as having noting to say in the past, I have had plenty to say on many different subjects. However, as I have recently located from sunny San Diego to lovely San Antonio, I spent nearly (4) months with out regular access to a computer. This is what happens when you purchase a custom built house. Sometimes you arrive and things are not ready when they are supposed to be. I apologize as this lapse in my presence seems to have offended you in some odd way. I will try to not let it happen again.

3) Your comment regarding Saxons financial does not deserve much of a reply. However, I will firstly state that they would not tour here unless there was at least some benefit to them. This is standard Economics. Secondly, I would like to ask if you have any support to back your statements or are you, as both Earth and suspect, simply talking out of your ass.

Regarding your buddy Wilks comments about the Saxon bashing:

1) I din not say anything derogatory about the band members themselves. What I did (VERY CLEARLY) state is that with little no effort from anyone in the Saxon (Band, Manager, Promoter, Webmasters, etc) camp, many people would have saved a significant amount of both time and money. I am sure that it was apparent to all of the above mentioned individuals that this tour was not going to come off earlier than the (1) day prior to its start.

I am personally out well over 500 quid. This impact would have been significantly less had someone simply said something….anything! I mean people were e-mailing the band, their manager, their promoter and anyone else they could think of to try and ascertain what exactly was happening. I know for a fact (from the mail receipts) that my e-mails were received and read. I received not one response.

This shows a measurable lack of respect and this, my dim witted friend is what has upset the fine upstanding people here in North America.

Please re-read the thread and you will see that this is what I and others are complaining about. You may be able to absorb more information the second time around.

In closing, I would like to offer some friendly advice. You should just sit there in your council house and keep quiet. When you post you make your self look like an ass.

Please from all us, when you feel like saying something….Don’t! Just back away from the keyboard and go see if there is something mind numbing on the tele to keep you occupied. You will be viewed by your peers as much being much brighter this way.

And as for calling me a tit…do you even know what one looks like? You tosser!

By the way here in Texas we say FUCK YOU!
Have you any more 'moving-house' stories because that one was fascinating! Would y'all like some cheese with that w(h)ine? I'm beginning to think they should fuck the US off all together if these are the 'die-hard fans'.
Wow,this is better than TV.What excactly is a tosser.Hey Bert looks to me like the band has already fucked off the US all together.And what might a wanker be.I guess since this is only my 6th post I am not qualified to give an opionion.Too bad since I first saw Kiss in 75, ACDC and Aerosmith in 76,UFO in 77,Rush in 78,Skynyrd in 80,MSG in 81,you get the picture.

The great unwashed US equivalents are as follows:

Tosser = Jack off
Wanker = Dick

I thought both were appropriate.

You should just start posting like a mad man…..One word per post! Pretty soon you will know what you are talking about! I don’t know exactly posts you need for a qualified opinion. However, I am SURE that Paxoman can tell you.

I mean he is the arbiter of all things that relate to anything. However, remember to ask if your opinion is OK prior to expressing it.

You wouldn’t want to offend anyone!
"Don't get me wrong, the lack of any update from the Saxon camp about the US tour, and subsequent cancellation is pathetic. In fact, it is completely out of order. I have already said that on another thread. And in fact, I have bemoaned the lack of imput from band/management for years"

This is still the big story which still needs an answer from the band. By the way I like the custom built house also. Been looking at homes myself. I am now operating on dial up to to a screw up from my service provider. Feel like I am in the dark ages.

play it loud

Did anyone here attend any of the Killing Ground U.S.shows? I went to 3 of them.The ticket prices ranged from $8 to $12 per ticket.There were maybe 100 at 2 of the shows,maybe 75 at another.I went to take a piss,next to me is an open shitter (no stall) and who is sitting there.Go ahead,take a guess.Fritz Randow.How degrading is that?I only mention this so one can see what Saxon had to experience.I am doing short math here but what is 100 tickets by $10.$1000 per show max,not all that goes to the band.I don't get the feeling they made money at all,and I'm no math wiz.I had the opportunity to meet Saxon that tour and speaking to Quinny,he told me they don't make money touring America,they do it to keep the name alive here,that they do have fans here and want to reach them when possible.I took it that basically it was a gift from the band(them even coming here),them losing money,under bad conditions like the toilet story.Did I mention that at one venue,no catering arrangements were made for the band?They got screwed over the last time around and was actually surprised they were coming back.I was upset this time too,I lost money on airfare,etc.I agree there should have been more notice,but its time to move on.There will be an explanation,hopefully one that will mend all this,there is too much anger now on this board. I would like to add that I have met many good people at Saxon shows.I have travelled twice to the U.K. and most recently to Germany to see my heroes.I read Pax's comment and don't see the big deal.I don't think he was accusing anyone of not being enough of a fan,just he was making a general observation.I don't know Pax personally,but know him enough(by his posts)that he is not the ass that a few are trying making him out to be.I just think that his statement is being misunderstood and shouldn't be made into a verbal assault.It seems enemies are being made for no good reason,just out of anger over the recent events.
bert said:
Have you any more 'moving-house' stories because that one was fascinating! Would y'all like some cheese with that w(h)ine? I'm beginning to think they should fuck the US off all together if these are the 'die-hard fans'.

Sorry, but 98 miserable posts doesn't entitle you to show us how pathetic you are. You need at least 1,000.

Although 1,000 posts full of your bullshit would certainly be unbearable....
saxonfan said:
I went to take a piss,next to me is an open shitter (no stall) and who is sitting there.Go ahead,take a guess.Fritz Randow.How degrading is that?

Did I mention that at one venue,no catering arrangements were made for the band?They got screwed over the last time around and was actually surprised they were coming back..

What a nice entry Saxonfan, did read it several times. Let me tel you. In my life I had the opportunity to help organizing concerts for starting (!) bands during a one year period. I always phoned with their amateuristic-volunteer (but good) management with questions like: “What kind of soup they wanna eat, which kind of brandy, beer, wine, milk, soda etc.. they wanne drink..? It was always on the house the costs .We always wanted to make a band feel at home. We offered a private room with enough m2, enoughchairs, even a bed to lay down for a while, plenty toilets, even a shower we offered.. When the band arrived we always had a shake-hand..and questions like : “Everything going well? Have you got more wishes, so we can arange that now or in the future. We always had on the table flowers (often tulips) with a ‘welcome-card’ on it. Compare Saxon with a good friend. When you invite your best friend or friends at your home.. you do not let “her” or ‘him’or ‘them’ shit on the streets or let them pay for the consume ..do you? Thats how we did it in the Netherlands.. Oh yeah and always a ring after the show with the band, and ask was it ok? Complaints? Just tell.. so we can learn…(Procesevaluation)
devilridesout said:
I think there should be an effort made to email the band's management or anyone connected with the band and urge them to make the tour more than 5 stops. I mean come on, 5 stops? There should be at least 15 I would think! Any decent band who's been around more than 20 years, definitely needs more than just 5 tour stops...I mean come on, this isn't like it's Benny Hinn or something...

Thats a good thing. Or make an e-mail-ring. But of course NOT with a nickname, but with your real name and telephonenumber. Or when you have a webcam you can see eachother and have a chat.. Just one reliable USA-metalhead with good orgnisation-quality and leader-talents could trigger this whole organisation and spread the news. Take the map of the USA, put neadles there where people live who really wanne visit a saxon-concert. (you have their names, living-place etc, maybe a face-to-face visit, if possible otherwise phone or cam, makes it more reliable)… After a while you will have a hundred people in a certain area and another hundred in another area. See if there is a concert facility. If in case such a group is familiar with eachother and you know there is not a single faker in it. Give a (!) Saxon-management an e-mail or lay contact, and you can say : “There and there and there etc…we are waiting..make a schedule, the management can solve that visa-burocracy ( The song ‘We came here to rock' just gets in my mind.. what a good lyric and so realistic.) So in fact this model is more bottom-top instead of top-bottom…

Maybe you can start a ‘topic’on this board ..think about a text .. Which USA-metalheads would like to have a Saxon concert in The USA? Put an e-mail adress at the end and maybe things get roling…


Of course instead of USA there can also stand Canada or in fact every country, but the USA was what it was all about…
spaster said:
Wow,this is better than TV.What excactly is a tosser.Hey Bert looks to me like the band has already fucked off the US all together.And what might a wanker be.I guess since this is only my 6th post I am not qualified to give an opionion.Too bad since I first saw Kiss in 75, ACDC and Aerosmith in 76,UFO in 77,Rush in 78,Skynyrd in 80,MSG in 81,you get the picture.

wank (v) To masturbate.

BTW Spaster you've seen some quality bands there. Funnily enough the only one I haven't seen is MSG. I had tickets for a gig in Bradford but Schenker and Barden had a fight in the hotel and Schenker drove to London and blew the gig off! The venue said it was due to Barden having laryngitis or some bollocks. Plus ca change! :headbang:
Oh dear, oh dear!! I have never been fond of Americans - no real reason why, but the "stereotypical" Americans are all loud, brash and have their heads up their own arses, full of their own self importance...not too far from the truth, reading this!! Apologies to Saxonfan, Ricknroll, JMillion, Mveneck,Twisted Tony, etc who seem to be remarkably sane and nice American people. There are exceptions to the rule. You Canadians have gone right down in my estimation too! :Smug:

For the record - I can confirm that Paxoman has indeed seen a "tit", in fact, he's seen a matching pair!! ;)
I think what Paxoman was trying to say was that you lot have only come on here because you have something to bitch about - you didn't join in when we were all excited about Lionheart being released, or when they released their DVD, did you? Or when Nigel rejoined for that matter, etc etc. You say you all have better things to do with your time than post on here - but you seem to have found enough time over the past couple of weeks to "neglect" your families, etc in order to do just that!

Liama - get a fucking grip! The personal comments you made were uncalled for and pathetic. This is like being in a school playground. I don't believe Paxoman has made a personal comment about any one of you directly, so to make it personal is quite ridiculous. He simply posed the question "where have you all been until now?" He at no time said that you are required to post X number of posts before you can be one of the "in crowd", I think he just wondered why you had now suddenly started voicing your opinions when you have something bad to say. Yes, Paxoman has made a lot of posts on here - but that has been over a three year period, he is not on here all day, every day, he does have a day job and a life! For those of us that do post regularly on here, we have built up a good rapport, and we have a good laugh and chat about non-Saxon related things as well. However, I'm sure Paxoman will reply for himself in due course :D
WILKS said:
By saying didnt like Saxon or beer or sex.In fact i wish i could combine all 3(hmmmm what is Saxons shortest song).But When smaller U.S. bands play the U.K. its nomaly 1 show in London.

Sorry, Wilks - I don't think you have thought this through properly...I mean, have you thought of the consequences of having sex whilst drinking beer?? You could spill the beer if you got too excited at the "crucial" moment, couldn't you? Tut tut!! Myself, I would favour combining chocolate with sex and Saxon - far more sensible, in my opinion! As for Saxon's shortest song...would Jack Tars cover it? ;) :lol:

As for the US bands playing the UK palaver - yep, one show in London, usually for a grand total of 45 minutes!! :Smug:
Sammi951 said:
Oh dear, oh dear!! I have never been fond of Americans - no real reason why, but the "stereotypical" Americans are all loud, brash and have their heads up their own arses, full of their own self importance...not too far from the truth, reading this!! Apologies to Saxonfan, Ricknroll, JMillion, Mveneck,Twisted Tony, etc who seem to be remarkably sane and nice American people. There are exceptions to the rule. You Canadians have gone right down in my estimation too! :Smug:

Sammi, Sorry we didn't meet in Berlin.I don't know Pax or you but wish I did.The real saxonfans must stick together.Its only about the music,without it how would life be? Saxon forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!