Time to forgive...

Hey, I never knew that somebody owned this forum and controlled what people had to say. I've moved on from the cancellations since my vintage tee shirt arrived today(great). I am not going to get into a war of words with somebody I don't really know over the internet. I will occasionaly post something when I come to the site. All the metal people I have met have generally been solid people with great enthusiasm for the genre. Would love to go overseas to the german shows but I don't think it will happen.

Never Surrender


"I am Canadian":worship:
rockandrollsteve said:
"I am Canadian":worship:

Well that is ok! You Canadiens liberated my Provinz in World War 2. So you can make a breakthrough I guess:wave: You are the stormtroopers to get a gig to Canada! I know for sure!
Alright already, I give up! I am done arguing with everybody. This is taking up too much time and we seem to be getting nowhere...

I agree to disagree........

Also as far as Americans being loud and brash….I hold dual citizenship (America/UK) so therefore I am a brash and loud individual from both sides of the pond….
Oh for fuck sake!
In jumpping to defend a person i would call a friend i miss read yours and others comments.In the same way i think people miss read paxomans.I will defend Pax 100% because he a great person.
By the way i dont give a shit where people live.I also have made no personal comments about anyone.If i did live in a council house would it matter? I found this comment way,way out of order.Sweeping comments like that are the first towards biggotry(sic).
I have admitted i miss read your comments i hope your man/woman enough to admit yours,and lets all look forward to next year.
All right, I may have misinterpreted Paxoman’s comments and in doing so, slammed him a personnel nature.

I apologize.

By the way I am definitely male.
Ahhhhhh, that's better, let's all just kiss and make up, after all, we're all only here for the music.HEY!!! YOU THERE! NO TONGUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEUUUKKK:yuk:

WE Canadians hav gone right down too?? i am willing to bet youve never been to Canada, yet another poster talking out of his ass. Forming an opinion on a whole country based on a Saxon message board.
You guys don't even appreciate your great metal artists ->>Saxon,Sabbath,Priest,Maiden...etc....

you have all got your heads up Robbie Williams ass


Ive been to England a few times. when i mentioned i love the brit metal bands, some of the natives were actually snickering at me??

Saxon, you are way too good for your own country
Looks like i missed an interesting discussion whilst i was absent! I figured you would be thirsty Paxo !!!

don't understand why England hates the USA so much, London is becoming more and more like an American city everyday.

you bash them, yet you copy them?
If it is worth anything I like Canadians. I worked up in Toronto (Markham) for about (8) months. I found the Toronto be a great place. I actually got to see Voivod while I was there.
Sammi951 said:
However, I'm sure Paxoman will reply for himself in due course :D

Well you have pretty much replied for me luv! :lol:

This is going to be the last thing I say on this subject, because I can’t see the point in writing something when some people are too stupid to understand them.

I must say hats off to EarthSkynSea. I had an opinion, and I expressed it succinctly. EarthSkynSea read my comments, obviously didn’t like them, but still replied succinctly. So that is fair enough, respect to him for that. Everyone else (apart from Saxonfan) responded in a manner that just showed themselves up. Maybe you Americans/Canadians should take a leaf out of Saxonfan and EarthSkynSea’s book on how to conduct yourselves.

Liama – OK, have read my original post many times (just for you and Golden Goose), and it definitely does not say, or imply, that unless you post on this forum regularly you haven’t got a right to an opinion, or to call yourself a fan. It is only you and Golden Goose that think that I said that. Heavycelli was only responding to what you two said. You really should read more carefully what is written.

Saxonfan could see what I was saying, so at least there is someone out there from America with a brain. Mind you, thankfully he is not alone. As Sammi said, there are others too, as well as Saxonfan, people like RicknRoll, Twisted Tony, jmillion, and Mveneck who are all great blokes. All blokes I would gladly like to meet and buy a beer.

As much as it is a great title, I am not ‘Lord of the board’ (nice one Wilks!). The board is for all, whether you are posting for the first time, or you have posted 1,000+ posts over many years. But if you are going to post, don’t make such a twat of yourself.

Anyway, I am bored s***less with this. I shall go and carry on with my life that I do actually live away from this board, in my non-council house.
Paxoman said:

Liama – OK, have read my original post many times (just for you and Golden Goose), and it definitely does not say, or imply, that unless you post on this forum regularly you haven’t got a right to an opinion, or to call yourself a fan. It is only you and Golden Goose that think that I said that. Heavycelli was only responding to what you two said. You really should read more carefully what is written.

Saxonfan could see what I was saying, so at least there is someone out there from America with a brain. Mind you, thankfully he is not alone. As Sammi said, there are others too, as well as Saxonfan, people like RicknRoll, Twisted Tony, jmillion, and Mveneck who are all great blokes. All blokes I would gladly like to meet and buy a beer.

Paxo, I took offense just a bit when you implied ( and you did knowingly or not) that the more you post the more of a fan you are.

I don't know how old you are but I've been a SAXON fan for at least 23 years now and while the length of time one is a fan of a certain band OR the amount of posts one has on said board means nothing in terms of who is a BIGGER fan then someone else.

I never did nor would bitch at the band members for backing out due to visa issues, the fact that they don't make money here OR if the ticket sales weren't there (Which they were) because I'm a fan first and foremost and whenever they do come here I'll be there:cool:

My complaint if any was about the fact that SAxon's tour manager waited til the last minute to cancell the tour. I, unlike others didn't have to spend alot of money with securing plane tickets, time off from work, hotels etc,etc.

I was looking forward to seeing 3 shows while they were here.

NYC- which is maybe 20 miles from here.
Morristown, NJ- 20 mins from my house.
Allentown, Penns.-which is about 175 miles round trip.

I feel bad for those who spent alot of time planning for the shows like I would feel bad for those Metalheads in the UK if that happened to them.

We're all SAXON fans afterall. I'm well aware of the state of Metal in the USA but will venture a guess in that we have a much more broader spectrum of musical genres here for people to indulge themselves in then you people might have there.

There are alot of hardcore Metal fans here who were just venting because they, like you are diehard SAXON fans.

I did take offense to Sammi saying that Americans are loud and brasho_O

That is IMO painting with a broad brush as well as being a blanket statement and without even spending time here with fellow Metalheads to see how they really are is just idiotic imo.

I do think that there might be a difference between how we might express ourselves from one side ofthe pond to the other BUT................when you boil it down we're basically the same.

I see you've mentioned Twisted Tony and he is a very good friend of mine, we've hungout quite a few times, and the very first time I met him (2002) we were driving to see SAXON :cool:

I see you've mentioned buying beers for the above people, and seeing that I'm flying over to see IRON MAIDEN for the next tour you'd better meet me in a nice pub and buy me a beer ya bastid! :D

I'll buy beer #2 :p

Sammi951 said:
Oh dear, oh dear!! I have never been fond of Americans - no real reason why, but the "stereotypical" Americans are all loud, brash and have their heads up their own arses, full of their own self importance...not too far from the truth, reading this!! Apologies to Saxonfan, Ricknroll, JMillion, Mveneck,Twisted Tony, etc who seem to be remarkably sane and nice American people. There are exceptions to the rule. You Canadians have gone right down in my estimation too! :Smug:

For the record - I can confirm that Paxoman has indeed seen a "tit", in fact, he's seen a matching pair!! ;)

Do you speak German? if not you can thank my grandfather.
Sammi951 said:
Oh dear, oh dear!! I have never been fond of Americans - no real reason why, but the "stereotypical" Americans are all loud, brash and have their heads up their own arses, full of their own self importance...not too far from the truth, reading this!! Apologies to Saxonfan, Ricknroll, JMillion, Mveneck,Twisted Tony, etc who seem to be remarkably sane and nice American people. There are exceptions to the rule. You Canadians have gone right down in my estimation too! :Smug:

For the record - I can confirm that Paxoman has indeed seen a "tit", in fact, he's seen a matching pair!! ;)

You must be fucking kidding with that post. Have you ever travelled out of your neighborhood? :Smug:
Hey lastv8,dont forget your great grandfather for the first time around.I bought the new UFO album Showtime today.They should stop trying to top Strangers In The Night.Never be another live recording like that one.The tone on Vinnie Moores guitar is lousy.Saxon should release a live show of Killing Ground and Lionheart tunes.I might even play it after they autograph it and buy me a couple of diet Cokes.