Time to forgive...

WILKS said:
By the way i dont give a shit where people live.I also have made no personal comments about anyone.If i did live in a council house would it matter? I found this comment way,way out of order.Sweeping comments like that are the first towards biggotry(sic).

Well said Wilks! That comment is exactly why I jumped into this argy bargy in the first place. I don't particularly care what people on here call each other, go for it - but when it starts getting more personal, and totally incorrect, at that, then I object strongly! Not everyone is lucky enough to have life's luxuries - does that make them a less likeable person, or a different class? Not in my book, it doesn't. There are good and bad people in all walks of life. Some people on here are showing their true colours, and no mistake!
EarthSkynSea said:

WE Canadians hav gone right down too?? i am willing to bet youve never been to Canada, yet another poster talking out of his ass. Forming an opinion on a whole country based on a Saxon message board.
You guys don't even appreciate your great metal artists ->>Saxon,Sabbath,Priest,Maiden...etc....

you have all got your heads up Robbie Williams ass


Ive been to England a few times. when i mentioned i love the brit metal bands, some of the natives were actually snickering at me??

Saxon, you are way too good for your own country

What I actually meant was that the Canadians who have been bitching on this board recently have gone down in my estimation - I apologise to the rest of your fellow Countrymen for tarring them with the same brush :) For your information, I have been to Canada three times (Toronto twice, Ottawa once) - so I think you have lost your "bet" there, haven't you? I loved it there, and the people all seemed really friendly. Clearly you weren't one of the people I met! :D

So we don't appreciate Saxon?? You do make me laugh!! What the hell do you think all this is about?? We LOVE Saxon, and that is why we don't appreciate you slagging the band off on here, you muppet!! Again, yet another imbecile who makes sweeping generalisations about people - you cannot speak for anyone in England, you do not have a clue what bands we appreciate or hate.

Yes, the people you met in England may not like Brit Metal Bands - so what?? It is probably those people who love Robbie and wouldn't know a good tune if it slapped them in the face!!

By the way - I'm a woman, so in future, could you please say "talking out of her arse"! :lol: Thank you and goodnight!
EarthSkynSea said:

don't understand why England hates the USA so much, London is becoming more and more like an American city everyday.

you bash them, yet you copy them?

Do I see another sweeping generalisation before me?? I'll give you this, you're consistent!

Who said England hates America? I know lots of people who love America and it's people - god knows why, but they do! Each to his/her own, I say. I, for one, do not "copy" America - and I'm sure if you read this board at all, you will see that I have slated English/British people many a time for using "Americanisms"...but, you know what? None of them came back at me and got aggressive or abusive. As for London - well, they can do what they want - I live in Manchester :) :headbang:
EarthSkynSea said:

don't understand why England hates the USA so much, London is becoming more and more like an American city everyday.

you bash them, yet you copy them?

What was that about tarring everybody with the same brush? You ask why ENGLAND hates USA from a couple of peoples posts on here! Unbelievably,London isn't the only city in England!
BTW I do speak a little German. You can thank your Grandfathers/Great-grandfathers for me. Better late than never,eh? You can also thank our grandfathers too. 1914-18 and 1939-45!
Golden_Goose said:
I did take offense to Sammi saying that Americans are loud and brasho_O

That is IMO painting with a broad brush as well as being a blanket statement and without even spending time here with fellow Metalheads to see how they really are is just idiotic imo.

I do think that there might be a difference between how we might express ourselves from one side ofthe pond to the other BUT................when you boil it down we're basically the same.


I believe I said that was the "impression" I got of Americans, and of my experiences with the ones I have met - and now, of course, my experience of the ones who have been posting on here of late. I do happen to know, from posts on here, that there are some Americans who seem really nice, and I think it would be great to meet...I did mention them in my other post :) I did acknowledge that not all Americans are "loud and brash", didn't I? How come you lot are so uptight? 'Saxonfan' is American, and he read what I had written - did he come back and start having a go at me? No, he didn't - he said he'd have liked to meet up with me/Paxoman in Berlin!! Whether that was so he could give us a good kicking, I don't know! :lol: I do have my views on things - but I have an open mind, and I can change my mind about things, and admit that I may have been wrong - but the torrent of abuse I've had back since that post has pretty much proved my point!

And yes, Saxon does rule! That I will agree with :)
lastv8 said:
Do you speak German? if not you can thank my grandfather.

Can I really?? Wow, what a man! For your information, my Paternal Grandmother was German and my biological father was born in Berlin. So maybe I want to speak German?! Nice one - you have probably offended the very nice German friends we have on here!
Cruzado said:
You must be fucking kidding with that post. Have you ever travelled out of your neighborhood? :Smug:

No, I haven't - I've been sitting in my council house, watching crap on the tv, and spending far too much time on here replying to tossers. Don't you just love it when you're right?? :D
You know, I'm getting the feeling you American/Canadian boys don't like me! :lol: Still, you have helped me boost my 'post' figures up a treat, so thanks!! You know how important it is to make lots of posts, after all! :D I think I need a lie down - all this nastiness directed at me is upsetting my fragile ego...NOT!!
Paxoman said:
Well you have pretty much replied for me luv! :lol:

This is going to be the last thing I say on this subject, because I can’t see the point in writing something when some people are too stupid to understand them.

I must say hats off to EarthSkynSea. I had an opinion, and I expressed it succinctly. EarthSkynSea read my comments, obviously didn’t like them, but still replied succinctly. So that is fair enough, respect to him for that. Everyone else (apart from Saxonfan) responded in a manner that just showed themselves up. Maybe you Americans/Canadians should take a leaf out of Saxonfan and EarthSkynSea’s book on how to conduct yourselves.

Liama – OK, have read my original post many times (just for you and Golden Goose), and it definitely does not say, or imply, that unless you post on this forum regularly you haven’t got a right to an opinion, or to call yourself a fan. It is only you and Golden Goose that think that I said that. Heavycelli was only responding to what you two said. You really should read more carefully what is written.

Saxonfan could see what I was saying, so at least there is someone out there from America with a brain. Mind you, thankfully he is not alone. As Sammi said, there are others too, as well as Saxonfan, people like RicknRoll, Twisted Tony, jmillion, and Mveneck who are all great blokes. All blokes I would gladly like to meet and buy a beer.

As much as it is a great title, I am not ‘Lord of the board’ (nice one Wilks!). The board is for all, whether you are posting for the first time, or you have posted 1,000+ posts over many years. But if you are going to post, don’t make such a twat of yourself.

Anyway, I am bored s***less with this. I shall go and carry on with my life that I do actually live away from this board, in my non-council house.


I was attempting to smooth things over and call a truce. I even apologized for any misunderstanding that may or may not have occurred. Why the smart ass comments?

You should take a lesson from you buddy Wilks.


Liam Apperley
Sammi951 said:
I believe I said that was the "impression" I got of Americans, and of my experiences with the ones I have met - and now, of course, my experience of the ones who have been posting on here of late. I do happen to know, from posts on here, that there are some Americans who seem really nice, and I think it would be great to meet...I did mention them in my other post :) I did acknowledge that not all Americans are "loud and brash", didn't I? How come you lot are so uptight? 'Saxonfan' is American, and he read what I had written - did he come back and start having a go at me? No, he didn't - he said he'd have liked to meet up with me/Paxoman in Berlin!! Whether that was so he could give us a good kicking, I don't know! :lol: I do have my views on things - but I have an open mind, and I can change my mind about things, and admit that I may have been wrong - but the torrent of abuse I've had back since that post has pretty much proved my point!

And yes, Saxon does rule! That I will agree with :)

I know you said "impression" but to quote what you said a few posts up " Again, yet another imbecile who makes sweeping generalisations about people"

By saying the above there isn't much difference imo. Not all of us are uptight Sammi:D

I've never been nor am pissed at Biff & Co. they rule! I have too much respect for them to feel that way.

Shit, I didn't even get pissed at Bruce Dickinson when he made comments about the American Metalhead. I think Bruce has some valid points and while I'm not fat, I do like to drink beer and eat hotdogs but didn't disagree with his views and think those who were? might have viewed themselves as he described. I give the bands my all when I see them live and the only exception I had was Bruce's blanket statement about Metalheads in general.

I think the band are a great bunch of guys :cool: They let everyone on their bus and signed EVERYTHING even though they were in the middle of eatting dinner.

We told them we were very grateful for them coming over and we even hung outside with Nibbs for about 45 mins - 1 hr drinking beer and talking about family, music and all sorts of things:cool: Nibbs is one of the nicest people in Metal today.

We even had to "remove" a piece of metal fence so the bus driver could exit the parking lot.:D

Don't make me come over there and spank your arse:tickled:

all of us Saxon fans rule!
liama said:

I was attempting to smooth things over and call a truce. I even apologized for any misunderstanding that may or may not have occurred. Why the smart ass comments?

You should take a lesson from you buddy Wilks.


Liam Apperley

I was actually typing my post when you posted yours. By the time I sent my post, your post was already there, so I didn't actually see your post before I posted mine.

Talking of Wilks - Cheers Wilks for your support. :headbang: I am not sure why just because he came to my defence, that should entitle him to some abuse as well. But there you go!

Anyway, end of, as far as I am concerned.