Time to forgive...

Yes all yanks are loud and brash.In yhe same way all brits are all are uptight.As to why do brits have a problem with America.Its simple we are worried.
Britain as whole is turning into America and not the millions of great things but most the bad ones.Our gun crime has gone apeshit as our estate try to copy 50cents take on life.
Tony Blair is a wanker and what makes it worse is he has got G.W.s cock in his mouth.Our problem is we have become like New Model Army said 25 years ago 51st state of America,rather than our own country.
I wouldn't go that far..... However, I am continually shocked at the continued "Americanization" of England every time I come over for a visit.

I mean people are actually drinking Budweiser in England! What the hell is that?

I’ll take a good pint of bitter anyday…..
Come on guys. Enough already.

The Americans and British are brothers across the ocean. Let's all be friends.

Yes, Saxon have cancelled their U.S tour. I'm sure it is very disappointing. If it was me, I'd be upset but it's hard enough getting into the U.S as a tourist these days, let alone on a work permit.

Let's try to move on now people. There's enough problems in the world.
liama said:
I wouldn't go that far..... However, I am continually shocked at the continued "Americanization" of England every time I come over for a visit.

I mean people are actually drinking Budweiser in England! What the hell is that?

I'm not sure cos I don't drink any type of beer at all but is Budweiser not a German beer - I tried it once at Christmas and honestly it tasted like pond scum lol!!!!! Give me a Morgans & Diet Coke any day, now that is beautiful stuff.

I remember a while back Sammi mentioned people talking americanised - I have found myself sometimes saying I watched a movie instead of a film, and sometimes saying I'm going to the movies rather than the cinema or the flicks. And of course soemtimes I say butt instead of arse but arse seems a bit crude and butt seems much more acceptable. I think thats about the only American words I use - I do say the word Awesome loads of times but that's really an English word isn't it and I've been using that word for yonks but loads of Americans use that word. I've been trying to think of a better word than awesome but haven't been able to find one yet.

We have all these shopping centres now that you didn't use to have years ago and they are like the American shopping malls and I've even heard some folk saying they are going into town to the Mall, so that sounds really strange someone saying that.
No, Budweiser is definitely an American beer….unfortunately!

I guess maybe I have a different perspective, having one foot on each side of the pond so to speak. It seems that every time I am over, which is usually at least once or twice a year, I see a little bit more.

For example, last month while in Gloucester, I went go to club that I have frequented over the years. Only to find out that it is now an “American” country and western bar. However, it seemed to be mostly populated by Kosovo’s…Strange.

The past year or two I have also noticed the distinct increase in the popularity of American Football and baseball.

I mean hell that idiot Malcolm Glazer owns Man U!
That sounds horrific a country & western bar. I hope you about turned and walked straight out. I only go to places like rock pubs or venues to see a band where you can also get drinks. I never set foot in like those poseur pubs/wine bars or C & W bars but there has been the odd occasion for works nights out and my sister's birthday recently and I had to go to a poseur bar - OMG what a nightmare. Sitting there for about 3 hours without hearing one decent song and there was no point in me talking about music to anyone cos they probably couldn't even spell Saxon let alone know what I was talking about. I avoid those places like the plague. I love the dark and gloomy and smoky atmosphere of rock pubs with the music blaring - I feel right at home in those places, whereas my sis wouldn't be seen dead there.

Maybe its more Americanised down in England but I don't think there's many folk in Scotland who are into American football or baseball - I could be wrong right enough - but I don't know anyone whose into it. But if they are into it, well thats ok by me. I think USA will win the World Cup next year - and I'm that confident I'm going to be a £50 bet on for them to win it.
There are 2 Budweiser beers.

One is the US waterbeer (sorry folks, but that's how it is for us ;) ) and then there is the Chzech Budweiser, prolly one of the best "Pils" you can buy.
KellyM said:
There are 2 Budweiser beers.

One is the US waterbeer (sorry folks, but that's how it is for us ;) ) and then there is the Chzech Budweiser, prolly one of the best "Pils" you can buy.

Yeah Budvar is the Daddy !

I believe the mighty Anheuser Busch did try and sue, the Czech's at one time claiming they are the owners of the name Budweiser, but lost due to the Czech brewery being older than ABusch. 1-0 to the smaller brewery ! :worship:
Pretty obvious, I found the court answer in the net.
The "real" budweiser are brewing beer since 1265, while the company which is now holding the name was founded in 1798.

Anheuser Busch started in 1876, and even had to ask to use the name from the Chzech brewery, which was granted in 1911... later Busch tried to sue the real guys... hilarious.

Sammi951 said:
Steel tits could hurt...but look on the bright side - they wouldn't be saggy! :lol:

I had not thought of that! I gues the could be used a a going about town pair. Howeve,r would also need a softer pair for "home" use.....
Wow! Great keyboard skills!!!

I had not thought of that! I guess they could be used as a going out about town pair. However, would also need a softer pair for "home" use.....
Golden_Goose said:
I know you said "impression" but to quote what you said a few posts up " Again, yet another imbecile who makes sweeping generalisations about people"

By saying the above there isn't much difference imo. Not all of us are uptight Sammi:D

Don't make me come over there and spank your arse:tickled:

all of us Saxon fans rule!

When I said "yet another imbecile", it was directed at EarthSkynSea, as a direct reply to something he said to me regarding myself and also English people, etc. The other imbecile I referred to was Liama for the sweeping statement he made about council house people, etc (ok, he has now apologised, so we'll leave that one!) So therefore, when I said "yet another", that was indeed the correct terminology (in my opinion) - and was not a sweeping generalisation, as you have taken it to be.

As for spanking my arse...maybe I quite like that sort of thing? :lol:
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
I remember a while back Sammi mentioned people talking americanised - I have found myself sometimes saying I watched a movie instead of a film, and sometimes saying I'm going to the movies rather than the cinema or the flicks. And of course soemtimes I say butt instead of arse but arse seems a bit crude and butt seems much more acceptable. I think thats about the only American words I use - I do say the word Awesome loads of times but that's really an English word isn't it and I've been using that word for yonks but loads of Americans use that word. I've been trying to think of a better word than awesome but haven't been able to find one yet.

We have all these shopping centres now that you didn't use to have years ago and they are like the American shopping malls and I've even heard some folk saying they are going into town to the Mall, so that sounds really strange someone saying that.

As everyone on here will know by now, "Americanisms" are my pet hate! :Shedevil: Now don't get me wrong - I didn't say "Americans"! :lol: Americans using "Americanisms" sounds totally natural, but it just makes me cringe when I hear English/British people using them. We have plenty of our own words, so why don't we just use them? If my son (age 12) ever starts using words like "guys", "movies", "candy" and "awesome", etc, I would shoot him! :lol: Ok, maybe that would be a bit harsh...but I'd "gently correct" him! :D He is already into all that "gangsta" rap/hip hop/RnB nonsense and Basketball, so the next step is probably him coming home and calling me a "ho"!! :lol: While I'm at it, I'm not particularly fond of the word "British" either - I don't know many people who are, to be honest...I much prefer "English" :)
liama said:
Wow! Great keyboard skills!!!

I had not thought of that! I guess they could be used as a going out about town pair. However, would also need a softer pair for "home" use.....

That would be great, if you could have different types of boobs for different occasions/outfits, etc! :lol: