Time to hear about Jake's Adventures

Nephilim, I'm sorry my life the way I presented it isn't that interesting to you. Would you be more interested in hearing about the time I went to prison?
Well, I was in sixth or seventh grade, can't quite remember, and as part of one of those "scared straight" things, they brought my class to the prison in my town. Which honestly looked like a resort. Dues were walking around, It was one of those "drug-related" prisons, so it made me realize, if I ever go to prison for selling weed, it won't be that bad.

Sorry, that's my only prison story. Though I do have a friend who went there (for reasons far too funny for this board) and he was a really small guy... :erk:
1. I think we're all guilty of that. Just a sensitive subject for some. Was trying to mediate.
2. Well judging by your avatar, I can tell you're into shitty cartoons too. Whatup, Butters.
3. I was just self-promoting, making plans to actually develop my film business. But had sort of a setback today. Slow ya roll, man.
1) thank you

2) aren't Adventure Time and Southpark kinda sorta aimed at sort of similar audiences??

3) get a camera and start filming, everything you "need to learn" you can learn without paying for an as-expensive-as-hell film school


1) Have you been raped?
2) South Park is really shitty. Adventure Time is shittiest.
3) Talk about yourself all you want, but make sure it's interesting. Add some rape in there.

1) does painfull pegging count as being raped by a girl??

2) if you don't like southpark, why is your avatar a picture from that show that you don't like??

3) not sure if Jake's life includes anything that you would find interesting
ever woken up with a girl you don't know, not remembering the night before and worrying if you were forceful?
ever woken up with a girl you don't know, not remembering the night before and worrying if you were forceful?

once, i woke up fully dressed, wearing clothes that i didn't remember putting on, next to a naked woman whom i didn't recognize
she told me that i'd eaten her pussy, gave her the best orgasm she'd ever had, and she wanted to return the favor
she then told that she had no idea what my dick looked like
and when i pulled my dick out of my pants she freaked a little because i had a foreskin
she admited that she was a total slut, claiming "i've seen a whole hundred cocks" and she told me mine was the first time she'd ever seen a foreskin

aparently in USA most guys are circumcized
To somehow relate all these seemingly unrelated subjects (this is one thing I'm really good at, by the way) Monoxide - I do have a camera, a pretty good one, and I've been looking to see where I can get film editing internships. Because they're basically really hard to get. And you know what the number one advice I heard from someone was? Porn.

Maybe then my life would be interesting.
To somehow relate all these seemingly unrelated subjects (this is one thing I'm really good at, by the way) Monoxide - I do have a camera, a pretty good one, and I've been looking to see where I can get film editing internships. Because they're basically really hard to get. And you know what the number one advice I heard from someone was? Porn.

there's a huge number of porn-versions of youtube

maybe you could make money filming for one of those
there's a huge number of porn-versions of youtube

maybe you could make money filming for one of those

Yeah, I'm still an amateur cameraman and novice editor, but once I get the experience, I'd consider it. Just wondering how I could word it on a resume...

I never said I don't like South Park. I like Taco Bell, and that's shit. Shitty =/ I don't like it.

Taco Bell is shit. South Park, however, is THE shit.
Yeah, I'm still an amateur cameraman and novice editor, but once I get the experience, I'd consider it. Just wondering how I could word it on a resume...


looking for a new job and your job history includes being a porn movie director...you can't really put that on a resume... unless you're trying to direct more porn movies...