Time to hear about Jake's Adventures

Dude. We're not gonna talk about rape in my thread. Any other thread maybe, but not in mine. Just not cool, man.

sorry about that
this thread was supposed to be about helping Jake with Jake's problems but we so totally got de-railed
One girl is scared of me and when I asked why she answered "if you really wanted to you could do something" by which I'm sure she meant raping her. Basically I only invited her to my place for a meal and all she thought of was unbound sexual pillage of her intimacy. I had to eat all that kari chicken on my own because of her fear of rape.
If I was a rapist I would definitely rape her though. In this reality my eyes are left to cry in solitude and thoughts of forbidden fruit.
One girl is scared of me and when I asked why she answered "if you really wanted to you could do something" by which I'm sure she meant raping her. Basically I only invited her to my place for a meal and all she thought of was unbound sexual pillage of her intimacy. I had to eat all that kari chicken on my own because of her fear of rape.

If I was a rapist I would definitely rape her though. In this reality my eyes are left to cry in solitude and thoughts of forbidden fruit.

go post that in the males and females thread
sorry about that
this thread was supposed to be about helping Jake with Jake's problems but we so totally got de-railed

Well, I have a girl who can help me with my problems now. So this thread can go in any direction we (I?) want it to now. It's quite amusing for my ADD.

Just no rape/racist shit in my thread. That's my only stipulation.
Just no rape/racist shit in my thread. That's my only stipulation.

Who are you to make stipulations on a public thread?

Also, when are we hearing about "adventures"? You can't get too many adventures from people who avoid rape, so I guess I shouldn't get too excited.
Who are you to make stipulations on a public thread?

Also, when are we hearing about "adventures"? You can't get too many adventures from people who avoid rape, so I guess I shouldn't get too excited.

Well normally I don't lay down the law like that (and I know I don't have the actual authority to) but people were getting pissed off about it. I figured it was better than fighting, cause rape really isn't a funny thing.

I also have quite a few non-rape-related adventures planned today... interviewing with a film school that I'm taking classes at and hoping to produce some metal music videos for some local bands (If I'm feeling real badass, I'll create a horror movie that will be extremely violent. I draw the line at rape, though.)

By the way: "Time" to hear about Jake's "Adventures" was supposed to be a play on Adventure Time, my favorite show, in which Jake the Dog is a character. For those who live under a rock and didn't know.
I also have quite a few non-rape-related adventures planned today... interviewing with a film school that I'm taking classes at and hoping to produce some metal music videos for some local bands (If I'm feeling real badass, I'll create a horror movie that will be extremely violent. I draw the line at rape, though.)

didn't see this part^^ till just now

try to see if you could be already making money from your vids before you start paying for film school

there's a group of local guys here wanting to start a metal band
they want to film all their music vids themselves before signing to label,
if they could come to you, or you to them,
(i'm thinking round-trip-tickets on plane or greyhound)
you could film their music vid(s) for them, if you're interested

they wanna travel around anyway and i think i could prolly get them to go to you if you coming to Dallas Texas would be a problem
Monoxide, for once, you actually make sense.

Not spending my money on more film school and trusting myself and my filmmaking for the next few months. Was so brainwashed by the presentation today. Guess I ned to learn to not be so impressionable.
1) I can talk about rape all I want. I listen to music about rape for fuck's sake.
2) Nobody's "under a rock" if they don't watch some shitty cartoon. I hope in a future episode, Jake gets raped.
3) Talk about yourself less.
1. I think we're all guilty of that. Just a sensitive subject for some. Was trying to mediate.
2. Well judging by your avatar, I can tell you're into shitty cartoons too. Whatup, Butters.
3. I was just self-promoting, making plans to actually develop my film business. But had sort of a setback today. Slow ya roll, man.

P.S. This was actually a thing.

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1) Have you been raped?
2) South Park is really shitty. Adventure Time is shittiest.
3) Talk about yourself all you want, but make sure it's interesting. Add some rape in there.
Not spending my money on more film school and trusting myself and my filmmaking for the next few months. Was so brainwashed by the presentation today. Guess I ned to learn to not be so impressionable.

i just kinda thought that spending money on film school might kinda be a waste of money

just get a camera and film stuff
learning "how to film movies" is stuff you can learn for free
1) I can talk about rape all I want. I listen to music about rape for fuck's sake.
2) Nobody's "under a rock" if they don't watch some shitty cartoon. I hope in a future episode, Jake gets raped.
3) Talk about yourself less.

1) we're prolly gonna end up talking about rape in the "males and females" thread...again...so maybe we could just avoid rape talk in this thread

2) i wouldn't refer to Adventure Time as "shitty"
i would refer to it as "made for and/or made by people who use LSD"

3) this was intended to be a thread about Jake's problems, so if you need to talk about stuff that's not Jake, couldn't we just use the other threads??