TITLE:Brooks is the man. SUBTITLE:A few things regarding Nevermore.


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2001
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Brooks recognizes that Jeff has a secret NU fetish. And he, unlike some others around here, is honest with himself, and the neverboard regulars. A lesson 90% of the ppl around here should learn, and/or accept.

Some ppl seem to think just becouse a band just so happens to be their "MOSTEST FAVORITEST BAND IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD" the band can do no wrong (and this reminds me of SOME of the regulars at the Opeth board. And they are the worst at UM regarding this "BLIND EYE/DEF EAR syndrome".) And/or these ppl would like to think it impossible, not improbable, but IMPOSSIBLE that CERTAIN aspects of their FAV band could be grouped or associated with a genra these ppl have claimed to detest. Even when said band have crossed certain lines, and in turn, not covering their tracks while STEPPING ON THE LINE WITH MUDDY SHOES on their way across.

Oh yeah, when I say "MOSTEST FAVORITEST", I mean the type of ppl who's FAV band over-rides their FAV show.......THE MICKEY MOUSE CLUB.

Ok! For all those of you who have yet to grasp just what it is that I'm saying, and especially for those amongst us who would never get the point without further explanation and coaching.............
Other than the obvious props to BROOKS, Its Ok to like the NU METAL sounds that are on DEAD HEART. But don't deny the NU METAL sounds being there. Don't deny the Radio Rock Rythems. Sure, the rythems are infected to 666th power with distortion, but lines have been crossed, and some ppl, well, they just cant accept it. And I suppose they will continue to "pray to the neon God they made".

If only Trapped were here.

Alright. Now that the above has been somewhat adressed. Let us take a quick look at a few songs from DEAD HEART IN A DEAD WORLD and discuss these NU METAL sounds, and these Radio Rock Rythems.......SHALL WE??

-Narcosynthesis- Jeff must have taken the opening riff from some SYSTEM OF A DOWN song. I mean shit, thats so NU it sucks ass. The rest of the song is top notch....one of my favs from the cd.

-Evolution 169- Great ass tune. Top Notch. BUT! It has one of those rythem intros that could have originated in the BOWELS of the old Rock Band BOSTON. "strum strum chik chika strum chika strum strum"

-Heart Collector- Another good song. All the way. But yet again, the Chorus rythem......BOSTON. But hey! Boston was a pretty good band. And lots of seattle bands had Boston overtones and vibes.....they were grunge bands.....but none the less, they were from seattle, and had those vibes...

-Sound of Silence- A great ass job overall on covering a super good original. The pre-intro is simple, but clever and effective, it's remenicant of the original. But the second intro...WHAT IS THAT? It's not even a riff. It's shit. Then you have the part that sounds like 1968's "In The Days Of My Youth" By ZEP. Very nice touch i might add. I've ripped that same riff a time or two myself in the past.

-Believe In Nothing- Good stuff, as usual from the band, but the first fullblown FM radio song from the band. I don't blame them though. They want to make a living with music. They need a retierment plan.

There are more songs, and more parts we could chat about. But i do believe the above five mentioned songs should do a rather good job.

I really hate to close with a quote from ICED EARTH's Jon S. But the quote does tie into this subject matter like a good knot.

"There are lots of popular bands in the mainstream right now who are playing metal riffs. They say they are'nt. Well,they are lieing to themselves and the masses. The masses being somewhat brainwashed, believe this BULLSHIT. They believe it becouse they are being told that metal sucks. If metal sucks, then their fav band just cant be metal. Even if they are, in reality, playing metal riffs."
^ haaaaaaaaaaa considering the circumstances you did quite well!

Expect interview part 3 soon. I've been real lazy typing it. heh heh.
Yeah, I agree, although I still love the cd. Sure, DNB and PoE completely obliterate it and the s/t and IM kick its ass, but it is still very good. And the lyrics are some of the best Dane has ever written, imo.
Everyone's just an amalgam of their influences...

yeah, its got some nu- in it, and I'll agree I don't go for that as much, but ehhh, whatever they wanna do.
aguy>>>I made it a point not to get out of line...too bad. I think i did well. I think i also used the apropriate spellings, and marks as well. Or at least i tried this time hahahha.
LOM>>>YOu noticed all i talked about was the guitar. WD did wonders on this cd, as did the rest overall, including JEFF

RP>>>Ahh, didnt know that.

CHROMO>>I agree.
"LOM>>>YOu noticed all i talked about was the guitar. WD did wonders on this cd, as did the rest overall, including JEFF"
Yeah, I just thought I would throw that in there. Actually, I just think that DHiaDW is pure raw emotion. But DREAMING NEON BLACK, shall always be their best :headbang:. Disagree and say that PoE is their best if you want to, but you are wrong. :lol:
well, yes, PoE is my fav, hahaha.

BUt its all up to the individual. BUt the sounds on DEAD HEART cannot be denied. IT doesnt mean the cd is totle trash, and no one song on the cd sucks.
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*goosebumps* after the greatestest favouritestest band o'mine presents to the world the new baby, I'll know if I'll be :zombie: or :cool:. long live to see, but L, this was scary....
Like I said, when you've got that 7th string, its awfuly tempting to chug away on it. Look at the first song Dream Theater ever did with the 7 string, The Mirror. Thats that kind of thing you play the first time you pick up your first 7. There's nothing inheritly WRONG with that, as its a fun thing to do, but where some people say that having another string at your disposal adds to your arsenal of creativity, I think it just hinders it.

In essence, it really only is another 5 notes. But having it there just brings out your primal urge to groove down, and its been done thousands of times before. The 6 string, while also been done thousands of times before, makes you have to push that much harder to do something creative and original.

Nevermore was so great before DHIADW because they were pushing themselves that much harder. With the layered guitars, thick haunting textured dissonance that made it sound like sirens signaling the end of the world. It all added into Nevermore's flavor, that something was wrong, and something needed to be done about it. Nevermore was all about challanging what people were bred to think, politically, spiritually, and socially. Now, I know this isn't DIRECTLY related to just using a 7 string, but when that thing was brought out for the last album, some of that magical Nevermore ideology was lost, in favor of a more cookie cutter, straightforward, A to B to C songwriting.

The Engines of Hate guitar solo was pretty badass though ;)
IHREIL JUNKENSTIEN>>>ANd your saying you didnt notice the NU and rock rythem sounds right away?
SHit dude, i did.

TEE>>whats scary, the stuff i said about my fav band, or the fact that i was almost totley nice. Or those pics i sent you hahaha. ???
ledmag said:
TEE>>whats scary, the stuff i said about my fav band, or the fact that i was almost totley nice. Or those pics i sent you hahaha. ???

the things you said 'bout the band. I have fears for what's to come on the new album.
I'll see the pics in some 12 hours, that's the e-mail from work. they already seem to be amusing. :D