To-do-list for a year 2003

Actually the finishing is the only thing that I´m good at :lol:

and Inferno sounds nice.. but it depends of the bands that are there..
*read more stuff from Terry Pratchett and Marianne Fredriksson
*be a good student :rolleyes: and get my degree
*start studying seriously for my german classes :mad:
*broaden my cooking horizons ( :lol: ) beyond spaghetti and typical stuff
*make my close family proud of me (how and why maybe i'll tell you some time in the future ;) )
*watch and get to know some things about Sar wars

*make more candles
*become an expert in "word racer" :loco:
*maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe,maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe relearn to drive a car :cry:

and of course spread hugs and love to those who deserve it..but this shouldn't be on a to-do-list since i don't have to be reminded about comes naturally.....
Originally posted by rahvin
* work a lot and learn a lot of money

rahvin. (not in any mood)

well it's a year we have euro, pal....and I've already learnt it, now, may be I'm confusing and you are going far beyond (as you usually do ;) ) and you will get money in different currencies so you learn a lot of money from abroad so you'll be able to distinguish a Vietnam coin from, let's say a Greenland banknote (tssss, they're softer :p :loco: )

now for my to-do-list...
i think the first on the list I can already erase, since it was "Do a to-do-list" I also can erase the "get a flat" one!!!!!! :eek:
Now for the usual stuff:

-go beyond in the research for perfect Greek :lol:
-definitely not get drunk
-try to finish the cabinfevermedia winamp skin
-listen to Bergtatt
-work and study (once again)
-but well I'll base my life and constant hugging till my arms fall off so I will be able to put new iron arms which won't fall off from too much hugging ;)

fathervic (trying not to be lazy)
- lose the love gut
- get back to work, and FAST
- buy some more music that's not "100% twu metul yeh!"
- finally get my godforsaken band started
- continue silently wishing for bad things to happen to my ex-gf
- read something, and maybe start writing something again
- get laid. at least once.
- concentrate on writing more and better riffs/songs
- work long and hard on perfecting my icy stare of death
- eat better

i think that's it.
@fathervic: greenland banknotes are iced. and i'm a slow learner when it comes to money, i have to have the names repeated to me a lot of times. in my sleep. ;)

thing to do in 2003: *more spellchecks

* pass the november exam for a better title at work.
* finish my phd thesis (:lol: that's really ridiculous come to think of it, it's as likely as a dark bubu flying at midnight in front of my window).
* get a proper home.
* get a proper boyfriend (although i'm not sure i can do that in one year, possibly it needs more time).
* go to the world bank headquarters for one month in the summer (this is likelier every day, one good note).
* stop feeling guilty over everything.
* stop feeling homesick every time i think of my friends.
* stop being attached to people who don't care about me.
* get drunk LESS. it's killing me.
* maybe try to reduce smoking.
Gee, do something besides work and drink, so far not doing too well on that one ;)
Yep, sitting at work, trying to relax, but as soon as I leave, I have to read some stuff for mondays training, so I will actually know what the hell I am talking about.

Try to buy Dirty Old Town from Cabin Fever, but I seem to get this from my mail program, so Niklas, if you see this, send me a PM, ok?

Error transferring to CABINFEVERMEDIA.COM; SMTP Protocol Returned a Permanent Error 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for


Error transferring to CABINFEVERMEDIA.COM; SMTP Protocol Returned a Permanent Error 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for

UGH, I want something cool to fill my empty walls :)