What has UM & DT forum given to you?

rahvin said:
i think i only got stuff you forwarded to everybody in your address book...

rahvin. (one of many)

Hmm...But I guess there was one espeacially for you...something like a Birthday email - I don't know the date anymore ( shame on me.. :ill: ), but thought it was in april, but UM calender showed it at may ...
Maybe it wasn't send - there were many problems with the pcs - they changed a lot and now there's also ICQ ( amazing - the future is coming!!)
rahvin said:
that's ok. i think it's not exactly dramatic if you forgot to send me a birthday postcard at the wrong time, you know. ;)

Well...some people say : live every day as if it were your last - and your born on every day you don't wake up dead :Spin: ;)
so happy B-day to you all :wave:
Cohnina said:
Well...some people say : live every day as if it were your last - and your born on every day you don't wake up dead :Spin: ;)
so happy B-day to you all :wave:
I think that if i was dead i wouldn't exactly wake up...

At least i hope so :zombie:
i have discovered metal that i would never have looked up by myself, hell, swedish bands that i didn't know about at all :zombie:, i've practizised my written english a bit, which mind you, was poor from the beginning and hasn't improved much. :) - and, some kind of outlet.

oh, and a drunken phone call with the netherlands.
plenty of chances, a betterment of my english fluency, testing ground for my writing skills, friends, travel opportunities, recurring nightmares, repeated traumas, a widening of my knowledge of music, some of the darkest nights of my soul, and on this very night a stupid headache. :lol:
JackhammerRape said:
The constant furious mouse button hammering in disbelief at yet another fucking database error, has meant my right wrist is now almost as strong as my left!
my ctrl+c , ctrl+v skills have also improved greatly since i stood in amazement at my three pages of philosophical rant disappearing into nothingness for the hundredth time.
new friends, english practice, an insight into popularity dynamics, and last but not least a chance to keep in touch with my best friend even after moving away.