To guitar, bass and keyboard players


New Metal Member
Aug 7, 2005
Hi guys. I'm a drummer from greece.Is anyone interested to join an internet band? The style would be something like Spastic Ink, Liquid Tension and all that kind of tech/prog instrumental bands

We could write our own music, and then exchange our ideas with mp3s etc..
At the end, everyone should record his own instrument, and then gather everything, mix it and have a nice album... :loco:

Always open to any suggestions.
Oh, a neighbour. Come little norther to Serbia for a jam session. :D

My main problem with participation would be an internet connection and I am trying finish my (our) album these days. But, it would be cool to try something like that one day. I'll have to past this time.
I would love to add some basslines, unless anybody else with a more stable internet connection gets in touch! Exchanging midis are all right, but until I get a gmail that's really working - gmail hates me, for some reason - I'll have problems sending files larger than 2mb...
Not sure how much time I'll have for composing, but I and a friend have plans on getting a record done within the next year anyway, and we would very much need a good drummer, unless we'll stick to the drumkit from hell on his computer.. :)
Allright allright, I'll join if you want. :loco:
My msn is, but I'll soon be difficult to reach unless by mail, so try haven't got the same address for msn and mail, just to keep things as complex as possible... :erk:

Anybody show up with a midi file and I'll try to do some work on it! We could make use for a keyboardist, though, but it seems like they always are the ones who are the most difficult to find...

As for name, I'd go for something as cheesy as possible, in either the over-exaggerating way (Delirious at the Gates of Heaven with Salvation in my Pocket and a Branch of Doom up my Ass is the worst I can come up with at the moment...) or something like a bad rapping artist would call himself.
A friend of mine came up with the name Disco 2000 for a project of ours, a name whose sheer ridiculousness still amazes me, but I guess you can consider that name taken already.. ;)
Cool bityear, what instrument do you play? add me to your msn nsanchez1980 at hotmail dot com, i've already exchanged a few riffs with the guitar player from norway, so you can say that we are up and running.
The name "Delirious at the Gates of Heaven with Salvation in my Pocket and a Branch of Doom up my Ass" is reeeeaaaalllllyyyy funny, so i would choose that one, unless any other of the "virtual members" disagree
That's great! I think we are enough but it would be ok to have a keyboard player too...I have many drum patterns and ideas recorded (i have electronic drums) so i could send them to someone (maybe a guitar player) to work on them.The opposite could happen too.
My problem is that i am moving out of my house and i will have an internet connection in 2 weeks again...So...if anyone want to send me something my mail adress is and i 'll try to check it out.

As far as the name is concerned....wouldn't you prefer something more proggy? I was thinking something like "Fluid Spectrum" or "The adventures of a cyclothymic electron"(Yes I admit it, it reminds something of spastic ink....)

keep in touch
Things are shapening up i see :) . Liked that name "fluid spectrum", scientific and very suitable for a band of this kind.

By the way Chris2112, if you have the opportunity to send me some of those drumparts too it would be great(see my previous post for e-mail adress), nothing to hestitate about though.

Recieved your guitar parts nicosanchez, indeed they were more metal and less technical, as you wrote, but they were cool. Will send you some more stuff as soon as i have got the time for it.

well, then "Fluid Spectrum" will be, i've already reserved the domain, if anyone can reserve for free, that'll be great! I just need you guys send me all you personal data (well, not all, just name, location, influences, bla bla bla) and I'll make a simple (really simple) web page, just to begin, if anyone has webskills, i could use an extra hand.
nicosanchez said:
well, then "Fluid Spectrum" will be, i've already reserved the domain, if anyone can reserve for free, that'll be great! I just need you guys send me all you personal data (well, not all, just name, location, influences, bla bla bla) and I'll make a simple (really simple) web page, just to begin, if anyone has webskills, i could use an extra hand.

Dildo of Doom would be a kickass name, but maybe that can be a track name, then. :dopey:

I couldn't make a proper web page if my life depended on it, sorry! I'll email some basic info about me, but feel free to ask anything you want.

I checked out PowerTab, and thought it pretty much sucked... Great for writing down a tab from somebody else's music, but when I write music, I prefer to be able to write drum tracks as well, to get the whole thing. If it's okay with you, could we stick to midi files? You can export your tabs into a midi file with Powertab.
And, if any of you knows a keyboard player, or are into software synths, that would rock. I always found it real difficult to write music without being able to throw in a good synth lead and mellotron strings... ;)