To guitar, bass and keyboard players

hey rea send me some cool guitar tab files i need too learn some new stuff ive been playin for two years but i can already sweep and all that good stuff but i need to learn some really cool technical stuff send to
i just started getting into tech prog once i found out about spiral architect back in november
Oh, don't force the poor fellow; it's always difficult to air opinions on a crappy thing without lying too much, and without upsetting too many people! :yow:
And, really... there's not really anything to show yet, is there? I kind of agree with ...Vitae, we could very well wait with promoting the site until we've got a couple of songs up there...
Well...I'm sure that the website is not what we need right now because we are 5 people who know this, but i think it would be cool in the near future.

I also think that we should focus on real work...I will send tonight an mp3 with some acoustic drums i have recorded last year on some music, but it never worked out is something like watchtower and control denied.
I hope that you can manage the odd time signatures etc... I want to hear your opinions

I would also suggest (when the hole thing is ready) not to ask Ron his opinion, but to play a little solo in one song (do you find me kinda optimist? :-)
dude seriously thats awsome you guys are having an internet band and just to let ya know i wannna heare some goods solos from everybody including the bass damnit basses are cool too ya know
put good tremelo bar stuff in there espesially if ya got a floyd rose oh i love mine
scale wanking with lots of tremolo dives, that does indeed rock! We'll have some!! :D

But, bass solos? That means I'll actually be heard through the guitars! Argh! It'll have to be something of a Dance of Eternity-distorted showoff without very much of a melody, I suppose... I play the bass to AVOID all the soloing! :lol: