To the home entertainment gurus...


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia

I'm thinking of getting one of them surround sound thingies so I can watch DVDs while having 5.1 sound stuff thingos blasting into my ears (PM me if you want a less technical explanation). My question is, are these easy enough for a gumby like me to install? Is it just a case of plugging it into the DVD player or TV and then putting the speakers where I want them?

Any advice would be appreciated.
Not having one myself (I am thinking of getting one too, but I will need to get a powerful amp to be able to get the most out of the speakers I already own, and I can't afford it just yet), I can't give great advice, but I think it is just a matter of plugging the digital out (optical cable or whatever it is) into the amp, unless you get a Home Theater that has a DVD player, then you just need to hook it up and watch movies.
I found the hardest thing was getting all your options straight in the first place. With mine, there were so many options available I got confused and scared and ended up curling into the foetal position and gently rocking while my brother came over and set it up for me.

I could run the TV through the amp, vcr or solo. I could connect the DVD player so the video went straight to the TV to through the amp or through the VCR, and then have the sound throught the amp or the VCR, or straight into the TV and then out to the amp. And then the antenna could plug into about 19 different holes, and they'd all work, depending on which switch I had in whatever position.

And my stereo wasn't able to connect at all, otherwise I would have been in real trouble.

You need a grand plan first, but once you have that, all you've got to do is plug in wires.
Go work in a power station for a while.

When you lose 15dB in your 3-4kHz range, you can't even hear the lyrics sometimes.

Then you won't desire, nor need a surround sound system.
Buy the DVD Audio edition of Death Cult Armageddon when you get one Spiffo, its Bombastictastic.
Considering its only 9 dollars more than a regular cd I think its actually quite good! :headbang: It also has all the lyrics, a crapload of photos from the recording of the album and promo pics and the almighty, brilliant, best video clip ever for Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse. Phloggy should download it if he is bored, its really good, even if they did edit the song down :(
I still believe that unless you're paying mega-bucks, stereo is better.
This sounds too difficult for me.

I already have a TV and a DVD player, so I'm not gonna go buy some silly combo thing. And I know nothing about audio outs and nonsense like that. This just sounds too painful to bother with.

Don't they have, like, the AOL equivelant to surround sound where people who have no business using it can get by with little hassle?