to thewendy:


come on, i'll even admit that i could put up with him at first, but his constant flaming and vast thread-posting about stupid shit ("i'm horny, where's neal", "neal's parents found dead", etc etc) has become incessant and is detracting from any respectability this board might have possessed. in order to maintain any sense of order and thoughtful, relevant, and intelligent communication at the nevermore board, i suggest that he either be "warned" (like THAT will work!) by you, our moderator, or just banned outright. i have a feeling that i'm not the only one who feels this way. please reply if you have anything to say about this.
Your a fucking hoo. I didnt start this bullshit. But I guess I'll have to finish it you cry baby.

It wasnt me who started posting stupid shit like, " my mom likes nevermore' or ' look my car odometer read 42178" or " my classmates are mean" or any of the other pointless non-nevermore bullshit that gets posted here. FUck you.....get me banned. Its not like I dont have more than one name on this board you fucking yard ape. Sit back, wait, and let the bullshit flow........Your a VAGINA of the worst kind.
is it so wrong to have conversations with friends? if so, get off the fucking board, because thats what a message board is for... ask ANY nevermore related question and it WILL get answered... because we all know the answers. which is why we dont talk about the band ALL the time like all the other boards. and NEVERMORE unrelated stuff? lets see
"my odometer hit 42147" - 42147 = a nevermore song
"my mom likes nevermore" - Nevermore is Nevermore
"my classmates are mean" - which i started because of them making fun of NEVERMORE

read some more, and get rid of the cock-in-mouth syndrome that you've been born with
Well I must say he was on some cool topics, but this week, he is into the tiny tots of baiting people , and trolling for wood....

Wendy I doubt will do a thing!!!

Just ride it within a week, he will be back to the normal business.
Originally posted by rebirth
Well I must say he was on some cool topics, but this week, he is into the tiny tots of baiting people , and trolling for wood....

Wendy I doubt will do a thing!!!

Just ride it within a week, he will be back to the normal business.

Ya know, I was back to being a friendly person until some retard

named NEAL wants to start shit again. So BAM, the board gets wasted.

Lets see what happens
i dont like the cunt already....

and what is any cunt good for?
"FUCK 'IM!!!!!"
If he bothers you all that fucking much then just ignore him. 90% of the people hear post non-coherent shit anyway, so who gives a fuck.

dont ban the fucker. HE really isnt that bad. If only i had more time, this chump has potential. Hell, i myself have flamed better, and harsher, and much more worse than PILGY, and so have a few others in this very thread hahahahha.

BWD>>>I need to PM ya.....back.
i find posts like "my mom listens to that " "my car that" "in school the teacher did that " ..... " look what i bought ..." , " i ate tuna fish for the first time of my life" ," really really stupid , but it is not good to say shit about members of family and stuff ....

is it so wrong to have conversations with friends?
dont u have any real life friends to have conversations with ?
threats which are like "this is a report of my life" make me sick ...and there are lots of threads like this here ...
You know what, anyone here can say whatever they like. They can make a thread about whatever subject they please. Hell, I made a thread discussing reality, religion, the soul, etc. etc. If you don't like someone making a thread about their personal life then just ignore it. Because for some people, it helps them to tell their problems or their beliefs or whatever to anonymous people and it helps them just to be able to tell it to someone. And the added bonus for that person is that they don't know anyone here personally (most at least) and that means that they can't be poked fun of because of something they said here. Keep it that way. It's not like there is anything to be discussed about Nevermore. They are writing right now, all of their material has already been covered here, no tours at the moment, all we can do right now to talk about Nevermore is talk about how amazing and talented they are and how we worship the ground they walk on and would scream like little girls if we saw them in person and just praise them like they were gods and could do no wrong. And if that's what you want to do, then fine start a thread stating that. If you don't like the threads here then start your own about whatever you want them to be or you could leave.
Originally posted by Lord of Metal
You know what, anyone here can say whatever they like. They can make a thread about whatever subject they please. Hell, I made a thread discussing reality, religion, the soul, etc. etc. If you don't like someone making a thread about their personal life then just ignore it. Because for some people, it helps them to tell their problems or their beliefs or whatever to anonymous people and it helps them just to be able to tell it to someone. And the added bonus for that person is that they don't know anyone here personally (most at least) and that means that they can't be poked fun of because of something they said here. Keep it that way. It's not like there is anything to be discussed about Nevermore. They are writing right now, all of their material has already been covered here, no tours at the moment, all we can do right now to talk about Nevermore is talk about how amazing and talented they are and how we worship the ground they walk on and would scream like little girls if we saw them in person and just praise them like they were gods and could do no wrong. And if that's what you want to do, then fine start a thread stating that. If you don't like the threads here then start your own about whatever you want them to be or you could leave.

LOM, you're arguments are all fine and good. in almost any other case, i would agree with them (everyone has known for quite some time that i post stuff WAY off topic sometimes), but that is not taken into account threads like these:

"me soo horny... wheres neal..."
"goatass calling goatass"
"Warrell Dane found with neal's mom"
"Let's play... pig fuckers"
"zebra buttholes and neal's mom"
"queen vs. neal's mom"
"neal's parents found dead"

and about 15 others like that.

your post may have been off tipic, but at least it had some worth. it was a DISCUSSION. if you think threads like those above hold any worth, then that is your opinion. however, it is not an opinion held by a majority of the board.

and ledmag, you can actually flame WELL (with your humor and so on). but this guy only serves to be annoying (YOU never posted 20+ threads in a day just to aggravate people).
Originally posted by Black Winter Day
LOM, you're arguments are all fine and good. in almost any other case, i would agree with them (everyone has known for quite some time that i post stuff WAY off topic sometimes), but that is not taken into account threads like these:

"me soo horny... wheres neal..."
"goatass calling goatass"
"Warrell Dane found with neal's mom"
"Let's play... pig fuckers"
"zebra buttholes and neal's mom"
"queen vs. neal's mom"
"neal's parents found dead"

and about 15 others like that.

your post may have been off tipic, but at least it had some worth. it was a DISCUSSION. if you think threads like those above hold any worth, then that is your opinion. however, it is not an opinion held by a majority of the board.

and ledmag, you can actually flame WELL (with your humor and so on). but this guy only serves to be annoying (YOU never posted 20+ threads in a day just to aggravate people).

I believe you all to be fucking idiots. Should I bring up other topics by other people that are just fucking stupid???

YOu will see.....
BWD you my friend, are a fucking pussy. You should just have bitch imprinted on your forehead, because you are ridiculously worthless. You listen to metal, act like it. But I guess I better be careful, you might try to ban me too. And just for grins... eat my dick.
BWD, I was talking to IotS, not about Pilgrim. It would've been fine if Pilgrim only posted one of those threads, but he posted about 20 or more of them in about 30 minutes. No, I don't agree with that. I was just saying that it is fine if someone wishes to make a thread about whatever they want to talk about or if they want to get something off of their chest or just talk about something stupid, but not 20 of them. And thanks Lizard :lol: