Tonight is the night!

i need, i would've waited after the venue to meet them.....but i literally couldn't stand.and my dad was waiting. they seem a little intimidating...

not very friendly unless you're a whore with no dignity. they seem to be really difficult to make nice with. i think i was lucky to even get a smile out of them.
Vortex is a fucking douchebag who tries to rape groupies on their bus. I think he was disappointed with me cause I wore pants and a non-see through shirt with a high neckline. Oh, and I must mention the face he gave me when I said no thanks to the offer to fuck any member of the band.

If he didn't have rock star status he'd be locked up for several attempted rapes and harrassment, I'm sure.

Seriously? That's fucking sick. Goddamn, I'm going to see the band later this year, but I'm sure I don't wanna meet Vortex (if what you said is true). Silenoz and Shagrath seem cool. I'm not sure if I can recognize them withot the paint tho :D
So do all the worst psycos and killers. Either that or total weirdos.
Well in that case, I guess a lot of the characters on this forum are psychos, killers or total weirdos. Oh... wait... ok that makes sense. :p

People are people. Until somebody stalks or threatens me, they're all equal in my book.
Did your dad wait out side, i can just imagan it,

1000 metal heads come out of some doors and he is standing on his tip toes trying to find you with a nice warm jumper so you dont get cold walking home.