Sweet! I'm getting the new Bloodbath tonight!

Originally posted by Opethfan1980
Sue me.

I only gave the link to three people who all promised not to share it.

It's called trying to be nice.

If you keep bitching at me, I WILL fucking put it up on kazaa just to spite you.

heh.....the funny thing is...I think that you could get sued by the band and their record label for putting the album online before the release....eh....it's still not cool what you did....how is it that you are SO sure that those people you gave the album to aren't going to give it to their friends who will give it to their friends and so on....eventually it will end up being pirated by someone and if Bloodbath wanted to, I'm sure they could probably pursue some kind of litigation...hell, I would...
Triste, exactly. I gave the URL to exactly three people. The guy from sonicdeath, whom I know is trustworthy, Thorns of Sorrow, whom I know is trustworthy, and Iandork.

I HOPE he's trustworthy.

Believe me, I'm not trying to undermine the bands' work by distrubuting it to a bunch of people.

But, as you said, it will get out there eventually.

The person that gave it to me is VERY liberal about sharing, which I am not.

But, I feel guilty about giving out the URL to anyone know.

I just didn't want to seem like I was rubbing it in people's faces that I have the album.
well if you didn't want to rub it in....why did you start the thread in the first place? And I was saying that it will eventually get out because of your actions...maybe other people have it but who do you think Bloodbath are going to think of when they see their album online? YOU.
Originally posted by Opethfan1980
Triste, exactly. I gave the URL to exactly three people. The guy from sonicdeath, whom I know is trustworthy, Thorns of Sorrow, whom I know is trustworthy, and Iandork.

I HOPE he's trustworthy.

Believe me, I'm not trying to undermine the bands' work by distrubuting it to a bunch of people.

But, as you said, it will get out there eventually.

The person that gave it to me is VERY liberal about sharing, which I am not.

But, I feel guilty about giving out the URL to anyone know.

I just didn't want to seem like I was rubbing it in people's faces that I have the album.

It's not going anywhere, at least not from me. And the rest of you, quit bitching. He got something cool, he wanted to make it known. I got it as well, but I'd feel no anger had I not. And quite frankly, people are gonna buy the album whether it leaks out or not. I know I'll still make it a point to pick it up the day it comes out.

It's damn good by the way...:lol:
Geez, melodrama, or what?

As I said before, I just shared this with three people, and I'm not sharing it with anyone else.

Sharing isn't going away, bro. In pretty much every other forum here, people put albums up all the time.

On COB's forum, for example, someone put up their new single a while before it was released.

If I had actually posted the link here on this thread, I think that would have been messed up (after all, this is the official Opeth forum).

But, I didn't (and believe me, I was tempted). This album WILL get out there, but don't scapegoat me as the reason. As soon as something gets put out as a promo, it will be available on the internet.

That's the sad truth, like it or not.
The album is going to be all over the internet sooner or later anyway, it's not like this matters much. I'd be interested in hearing but I'm not about to grovel for some URL for a band's songs that I'm not really looking forward to... if you happen to have Deliverance though, then alright, I shall grovel as much as you wish :)
I saw a discussion like this coming when I read the first post... :(

Originally posted by Moonlapse
The album is going to be all over the internet sooner or later anyway...


Originally posted by Opethfan1980
On COB's forum, for example, someone put up their new single a while before it was released.

Just to stay with the truth:
Nope, it was only a low quality Radio-Rip of "You're better off dead"( new COB single ) posted there..
Sharing isn't going away, bro. In pretty much every other forum here, people put albums up all the time.

YUCKY! :yuk: Nooo! That's supposed to make it OK??!! People litter all the time too. Does that mean it'd be OK if I did it too? I can't stand that type of thinking. "Well, everyone else does it all the time." Yeah, that's why things keep getting worse and worse (in a matter of speaking). The blind leading the blind for "crying out loud". <-- :lol:
All the stuff going on in this thread aside...

THIS IS A PLEA OF DESPERATION: Does anyone know when it is coming out in New Zealand?

Please help me!! Pleeeaassee!!!