Tonight's Decision Drum Tabs


May 1, 2003
Heya, I really want to play these three songs:
For My Demons
I Am Nothing
In Death, A Song

Especially I need For My Demons Tabs..
Where I can get it ?

Thank's in advance.

S-k said:
Heya, I really want to play these three songs:
For My Demons
I Am Nothing
In Death, A Song

Especially I need For My Demons Tabs..
Where I can get it ?

Thank's in advance.


I never heard of anyone who wants DrumTabs! You can hear everything clear on that album. I'm really confused....
A small advice for you (I am taking that you are an amateur drummer like me, too)
DOnt look for tabs of the songs, try to make them out yourself, especially for my demons and I am nothing should be pretty easy (I cant remember ind eath a song now)

I tried writing tabs for drums once (I have some background on music) and try something like writing them like one by one, first finding out if it is 4/4 or 6/8 as example.

And the reason to try them out yourself is, practice! Practice makes perfect! (I'm gonna force my friends to play Sweet Nurse this year :))
S-k said:
Heya, I really want to play these three songs:
For My Demons
I Am Nothing
In Death, A Song

Especially I need For My Demons Tabs..
Where I can get it ?

Thank's in advance.

Wow... I have played drums for a total of 3 months, and I can figure all three of them out. If you have been playing longer than 3 months, then I would suggest a different instrument. Perhaps the tambourine. :p

Oh man...... For my Demons is the easiest.....
I am listening to For My Demons right now... are you having trouble discenring which cymbols are being used at which times? That is seriously the only trouble that I could see anyone having with it.
Well, that is why I asked what it was specifically he was having trouble with. Perhaps he doesn't understand timing in general. I can help with that.

Anyhoo, grant me amnesty for my misunderstood humour; for I originate from the opeth board :P