
Damn you fuckin retard, learn to read english right :lol: . Are you still stuck with the idea that just because there are 2 tool fans in opeth, then "lateralus haters" must change their opinion? You still haven't answered me that one smart guy.
There is no contradiction in what i said because Mike writes the frame base of each song - it is apparent that opeth's style is Mikes style; although the others add to make the albums sound a little more "prettier," THEY HAVE NO PART IN COMING UP WITH THE IMPORTANT MATERIAL. Is it that hard to get through your thick skull?
I never said that Mike writes each and every beat; drumming and rhythym does not make an album musical. This is why i hate most tool fans - they replace technical with musical talent in all their choices of "music" and seem to believe that technical abilities are the main part of music.

EDIT: Remember that i said nothing negative about Tool, but their extremely simple-minded fanbase.
Originally posted by KielbasaSausage

EDIT: Remember that i said nothing negative about Tool, but their extremely simple-minded fanbase.

Considering some of the people and comments that frequent the Opeth forum, no-one here should be calling any other fan-base simple-minded. There are some dead-set drop kicks here.
KielbasaSausage... nah, i refuse to believe you have a really solid understanding of exactly how Opeth's music gets written. I don't think any of us know what goes on inside their studio. None of us know which bits are whose material. True Mikael writes most of it, but I can't believe that you know for a certainty that the stuff the others come up with is irrelevant. You don't know that every riff on every album is Mike's.

drumming and rhythym does not make an album musical
... alright man, I give up. Pardon me but I thought drums were a musical instrument.

I'm not asking anyone to change their opinion, but I think professing that the tastes of the Martins is just insignificant because "they obviously have NOTHING to do with the writing", "they just make it prettier" is pretty retarted.

Btw, don't criticise my English, yours is worse.
So you're saying that the Martins taste of music directly impacts Opeth's music... im sorry, but such a statement is pretty dumb. If you've read any interviews with Mike, he says that he writes the music by himself, in solitude, without the help of the others. When in studio, Peter improvises solo on the spot. I don't know how dumb a person has to be in order to be explained to - 3 times in depth - and still not get the main point of the argument.

oh and its
Btw - don't criticise my English; yours is worse.
It's bad enough you can't read properly. Stop making it harder for us; learn to write English as well.
A dude I work with is one of these people who think Tool is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but then again he believes in reincarnation and such so it suites him very well. Since meeting me he has been introduced to Opeth and other proggy type stuff and really digs it. So yeah Tool fans are zealous but so long as they are open to other stuff its cool.
Originally posted by Iblys
*yawn* Alright buddy you understand better than I do how Opeth's music is conceived written and played. Hell, looks like you fucking know it all..... can we rest now?

Damn, you really are a self-loving idiot, aren't you?

EDIT: You can go rest, because i know all this feedback is just killing you. You obviously still think that Tool is God, and as an argument for liking Lateralus - two Opeth members like them too! That means we should as well!
No really relax, you have a better understanding of the role the Martins play in writing Opeth's music than I. It's almost like you've been there in the studio with them.

And I don't think it's a good argument for liking Lateralus. I just think you've been really arrogant and that you don't know what you're talking about.

you. do. not. know. how. opeth. works.

None of us do.
I don't wanna step in the middle of an arguement here, but yes people's musical taste do usually influence their playing style and other things.

I'm sure Mike does write almost all of Opeth's music though, but the parts that the Martins contribute are probably 0.1% Tool inspired, which make the last few albums about 0.0000000001% Tool inspired.

Whether or not that is enough to make Opeth fans respect Tool isn't up to me though.
Originally posted by Iblys

you. do. not. know. how. opeth. works.

None of us do.

Yes, well i guess Mike himself doesn't know either. :lol: In all his interviews, he is completely piss drunk and shits out of his mouth; its a blatant fact that he misled us into thinking that he writes the material himself.

You, my friend, are completely dense. Everything i "know" about the band comes directly from Mike's mouth. Heh, most likely, you still won't get that through your head; it seems that retardation has taken over your thought process.
This is a ridiculous argument. Whether or not a member of Opeth likes Tool does not influence their credibility or dictate whether they deserve respect.

Mikael is obviously a big fan of Steve Wilson and Porcupine Tree and that has proven to be enough reason for a lot of people on this forum to turn around and worship Porcupine Tree. I, for one, am not one of those people. I understand that some people actually dig PT's music, but it seems like a lot of people here are easily influenced and very week minded. Think for yourself for once.

Tool is a great band in my opinion. They, at the very least, have earned the respect of even the most die-hard metal fans out there. If you have taken the time to listen to ALL of Lateralus and Aenima, it is impossible to dispute the talent and vision of this band.
"it seems that retardation has taken over your thought process."

Fuck man, don't EVER criticise my english again.
Michael may write all the material but you can't garuntee me the others have no input. The end.
interferenz... shut the fuck up - you know shit about Emperor...

And why is there some idiot who makes a new Tool thread every
fucking month? Piss off!
Every WEEK we get someone pissing and moaning cos someone doesn't like some band they love.


EVEN TALENT (apparently).

so who gives a fuck who likes what? If a musician likes TOOL, they'll make a conscious decision whether to let it influence their style of playing. If so, no problem. If not, no problem.
May be it's because they are just amazing?
i like their lyrics, everything is so real and full of truth and emotion.
the same things i find in Opeth.
whenever i'm listening to them it fills me and makes me feel better even though the lyrics are hard&dark sometimes..

and BTW you can't compare tool to emperor...