Tools Lateralus A Masterpiece!!

I got Aenima for Christmas along with Dream Theater's Awake. Haven't really heard Aenima yet...Don't know why. Maybe I'll get to it. I hear that it's better than Lateralus.
DreamingofUr said:
When he did the deftones thing that was the nail in the coffin for my Tool days. Deftones suck major numetal dick and doing some faggot song with them is just homo. I'll never get over that and don't think I should. If Mike did a duet with some completely talentless queerbaits I'd cease listening to Opeth as well for those of you ready to ask that. I know he would never do that so I'm not scared btw.
thats just sad that you think that way.
taken by the reaper said:
but do u think that the drumming on that song is not metal?.,..i cant see how anyone could think of danny carey as a nu-metal drummer
Danny is awesome at drumming, but for some reason I always feel that Maynard is bringing everyone down in that band. I wish they had a better singer IMO, but no turning back now, eh?
KielbasaSausage said:
I wish they had a better singer IMO, but no turning back now, eh?

I'm sorry, but though I don't listen to Tool very often anymore, I can't see how whether you like the band or not, anyone could say that Maynard is a less than stellar singer. Open your ears and listen, damnit! Can't give specific examples because I haven't listened to them in so long, but the man has a strong set of pipes, for sure :)
I think the key thing that'a missing from Tool's sound is chord dynamics. They all have a similar tone to their songs. It just sounds all the same, as far as notes go. But they do excel very much in ambience and atmosphere. Still, it tends to sound a bit redundant after a while that gives me a drone effect.
KielbasaSausage said:
Danny is awesome at drumming, but for some reason I always feel that Maynard is bringing everyone down in that band. I wish they had a better singer IMO, but no turning back now, eh?

i guess i do see where your coming from...maynards clean vocals are definitely outstanding so i dont think they bring down the band at all...but on songs like Ticks & Leeches and Hooker With a Penis they way he kinda yells is what your talking about right?
taken by the reaper said:
i guess i do see where your coming from...maynards clean vocals are definitely outstanding so i dont think they bring down the band at all...but on songs like Ticks & Leeches and Hooker With a Penis they way he kinda yells is what your talking about right?
yes, thanks for correcting me.
In my opinion, the only downfall to Tool's sound is the guitars, they got some sick riffs though. I like APC as well. I think Maynard has a helluva voice that's got it's own sound. Maynard sings differently from other singers, he emphasizes words on different beats like syncopation. I like it alot :)
I really like that album a was in my cd player in my car for about a month straight when I first got it. Great album!

I really liked Tool until I saw them live...they bored me to tears and Maynard acted like a retard..he faced the back wall and never moved at all! NOT A GOOD FRONT MAN! The drummer was the ONLY redeeming feature...well and the sound was pretty killer too.
MindInsane said:
I really liked Tool until I saw them live...they bored me to tears and Maynard acted like a retard..he faced the back wall and never moved at all! NOT A GOOD FRONT MAN! The drummer was the ONLY redeeming feature...well and the sound was pretty killer too.

stfu. tool plays with their back facing the crowd for a reason. they aren't there to entertain you. Tool Is tool. where do you think they got their name from ? Duh.
DeathChild said:
stfu. tool plays with their back facing the crowd for a reason. they aren't there to entertain you. Tool Is tool. where do you think they got their name from ? Duh.
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