top 10 favorite lists


no stop go away
Feb 18, 2004
1. favorite artists
2. favorite songs
3. favorite decades for music
4. favorite albums
5. favorite metal genres
6. favorite non-metal artists
7. favorite guitarists
8. favorite vocal style
9. favorite drummers
10. favorite lyricist

1. top 10 favorite lists
2. favorite 5 songs with a song length between 3:20 and 3:54
3. favorite drum production on 2005 black metal albums by bands starting with 'A'

those are my top 3 at least
1. top 10 favorite lists
2. top 10 favourite black metal albums
3. top 10 best non-metal guitarists
4. top 10 favourite composers
5. UM member list
6. UM "who's online"-list
7. list of smilies
8. favourite drummers
9. favourite foods

that's my top 9 anyway
1. top 10 reasons why living colour rule
2. best living colour band member
3. best living colour album
4. top 10 ways to enjoy the music of living colour
4. bands living colour own the most
5. top 10 most inappropriate occasions to mention living colour
1. Top Ten polkacore releases of 1976.
2. Top Ten vowels in "Metallica".
3. Top Ten people I've kicked in the balls.
4. Top Ten headshops to visit in the greater Topeka area.
5. Top Ten scrotum-cancer victims named "Lance".
6. Top Ten burned CDs lying in a pile on my car floor.


I'll think of more...
1. top 10 albums that begin with P end with D and have 11 tracks atleast 4 are between 3:30 and 4:00 mins long
2. Top 10 guitarists who use BC Rich for the first quarter of their setlist and then switch to Strats because they think they are Yngwie Malmsteen when it reality they are not.
3. Top 10 albums sitting in your car that are on the floor and have footprints on them of mud and leaves because your best friend was drunk and stumbled through a mud-bog and climbed into your car.
4. Top 10 songs that end at 4:20 and have an exact intro length of 42.7 seconds before blast beats take over and ruin the perfectly good tr00 pagan black metal song.
5. Top 10 black metal photos taken in a dark forest, each member holding a medievil weapon in their right hand (One member with it in their left) and the lead singer is holding a torch. The torch lights up the background where you can see one of their best friends who isn't in the band accidently caught in the picture.
6. Top 10 TV shows that have a metal song as the intro, but it's just a 15 second loop of the most generic riff over and over and over. People think it's metal, but it's not. It's just a generic riff that sounds metal.
7. Top 10 people on the street who have listened to metal and didn't know what it was but listened to nu-metal and thought it was real metal. They also thought Strapping Young Lad was Slipknot and Nightwish was Evanesance.
8. Top 10 choruses lasting 37 seconds and contained the word SHIT for no reason at all except to be "different" from any other band but in reality they are turning to nu-metal.
9. Top 10 ways to listen to your favorite black metal band on the date of Feb 26 at exactly 10:21 AM.
10. Top 10 Favorites list