Top 10 Metal Albums of 2016

A lot of 70s prog rock guys were high as fuck and let shit drag on way longer than it even meant to be. PF was a really bad offender, sometimes their filler was just fucking noises.
Agreed. Hour long albums piss me off. Obviously like with anything there are exceptions (Reverend Bizarre!) but since the advent of the compact disc, every dickhole thinks they're capable of making long ass albums.

Hip hop is one of the worst offenders with this.
Unless you're effectively communicating something high concept, it's just self-indulgent to surpass an hour. I feel like this was the main catalyst for the stylistic changes in the 80's.
I can extend the threshold to about 47 minutes if that helps?

Seriously, though, I love plenty of albums that exceed an hour, but I do have a better reason than most for generally preferring albums to be shorter.

In that case, I honestly agree with you. The success rate of 40-49 minute albums is much higher than that of 60+ minute albums. It's just more fun to talk shit...
All of progressive rock would like a word with you

The entire Gentle Giant discography and the best Yes and King Crimson albums would like a word with you.

Garbage like Genesis and Pink Floyd are further proof that length is strongly correlated with shit.
Garbage like Genesis
