Top 10 Metal Albums of 2016

The Wall is my wife's favorite PF album. She also likes Korn though. Wish You Were Here and Animals are their best imo.

Daddy is more heart-wrenching and emotive than every David Gilmour solo put together. One day people will look back on those early Korn albums and realize what visionary works of brutal honesty they were and reevaluate them as the artistic masterpieces they are.
i don't get the barrett era really, seems totally drug-dependent but idk. i do rather like certain waters era songs, mostly from WYWH, TW and ECHOES, but to me post-barrett they represent the epitome of rich rock star vanity/smarm and a faux- as fuck counter-cultural streak lapped up by people who can't handle actual subversion. although i'm never sure whether floyd actually think they're way cleverer than they are (no wonder crimsonfloyd is half-named after them), or if they just purposefully pander to people like that in order to make a fucknut of money... which is actually pretty clever. either way it's utterly soulless though. and often reeeeeeally
I honestly believe Syd Barrett was the best floyd member
I wouldn't go that far, I mean, just about every Floyd member is a certifiable rock legend, but Syd certainly had a patina to his creativity that stood out, likely why he's a forefather of psychedelic rock alongside Roky Erickson. I'll admit it, I prefer him to Roger, which is nothing at all against Roger.
Daddy is more heart-wrenching and emotive than every David Gilmour solo put together. One day people will look back on those early Korn albums and realize what visionary works of brutal honesty they were and reevaluate them as the artistic masterpieces they are.
Oh, so you're the reason the Book of Armageddon got put in the Bible then? Cause that's outright apocalyptic retardation.
I never understood why Korn gets such flak. They Are emotive. Great bass work, great vocals, and it's not like they're overtly feminine or anything. And truly, I've made this point before, but John Davis scats. And the son of a bitch makes it work. In rock/metal. If you can't at least respect them, you're just part of a hater train in the true metals community, you fucking sheep.

Course I wouldn't put them above David Gilmour, I got a little triggered, but yeah.
I never understood why Korn gets such flak. They Are emotive. Great bass work, great vocals, and it's not like they're overtly feminine or anything. And truly, I've made this point before, but John Davis scats. And the son of a bitch makes it work. In rock/metal. If you can't at least respect them, you're just part of a hater train in the true metals community, you fucking sheep.
When I first heard him do that on Follow the Leader, all I could think was, "You know...this wasn't something I knew I wanted." :tickled:
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I never understood why Korn gets such flak. They Are emotive. Great bass work, great vocals, and it's not like they're overtly feminine or anything. And truly, I've made this point before, but John Davis scats. And the son of a bitch makes it work. In rock/metal. If you can't at least respect them, you're just part of a hater train in the true metals community, you fucking sheep.

Course I wouldn't put them above David Gilmour, I got a little triggered, but yeah.
I don't care whether they're overtly feminine, I just think they're abominable as a band. I don't care if John Davis scats, if I want scatting I'll go listen to jazz or German pornos. Just never been my thing.
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Korn is numetal. That's a simple explanation of the pushback that comes from "real" metal fans.

I personally don't like them but if they're on the radio I don' reflexively change it out of some weird insecurity.
I'm gonna take a gander that you hate all numetal. Why? Because it's new, and you're old, and old guys are crotchety about nonconformity to an accepted set of parameters.