Top 10 Metal Albums of 2016

The irony here is that people are being accused of hating Korn/nu-metal because they're old, yet nu-metal is only being salvaged due to nostalgia. If a band like Korn formed tomorrow, nobody in here would give a flying shit about it.

Did they have an impact? Sure. Too popular not to have an impact, same with nu-metal. Who cares? It impacted and influenced nothing really worth mentioning. It impacted a bunch of retarded wigger kids and assclowns with eyebrow piercings.

Also, Ozz only likes The Wall because he's a Trump supporter.

I'd listen to a new Korn-style band if it was any good. It's not a nostalgia thing for me anyways, I was pretty much shielded from nu metal as a kid and never even thought about checking it out until I was already deep into tr00 metal.

A lot of good metal had negligible/no influence on metal as a whole. Early At the Gates, for example; how many bands tried copying that? Some of my favorite thrash, like Anacrusis, had probably no impact on metal as a whole. And does impact demonstrate worth? Later At the Gates influenced a bazillion cookie-cutter melodeath and mallcore bands, who gives a shit when Slaughter of the Soul is still a monotonous and boring as fuck album?
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Back when I was growing up Korn was 'cool' among my circle of friends. I bought Follow the Leader and Issues and always thought they were shit. I remember hanging out with my bro one day, and I was in a destructive mood so I chucked my Issues CD up into a ceiling fan, in which it gratifyingly shattered into a million pieces. Never had a CD explode like that ever again, and I tried with countless CD-R coasters back from the early days of burning CDs.
I did something similar with a Linkin Park CD back in the day. It really is satisfying to see pure shit annihilated into a million pieces.
Pretty sure I haven't actually listened to much nu metal in years, but I'd never be an ass and say all bands of a particular genre are garbage. That seems to be the pervading thought when Korn or any of the others are brought up and that's just hella close minded.

I also haven't listened to much "new" metal in 2016, really busy year with work and school. This was cool though.

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Pretty sure I haven't actually listened to much nu metal in years, but I'd never be an ass and say all bands of a particular genre are garbage. That seems to be the pervading thought when Korn or any of the others are brought up and that's just hella close minded.

I also haven't listened to much "new" metal in 2016, really busy year with work and school. This was cool though.


It's just, the bad of numetal was so bad it makes it hard to enjoy the better stuff in the subgenre. But yeah Korn would be up near the top probably.

That stoner album looks fucking sexy I'll check it out
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Every old anime/DBZ fight scene compilation back then had some bullshit Linkin Park song to it. :lol:
Yes, because we all know the best soundtrack to seeing powerful beings with the capabilities of destroying entire planets with a single attack fighting each other is a Linkin Park album.

What the hell was the thought process behind that?! :bah:
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WYWH and Animals by far tbh. Dark Side is good just really inconsistent (gets really "elevator music" at times). And The Wall, is as you said, very self-indulgent.