Top 10 Metal Albums of 2016

How can you in good conscience discount an entire genre of music? That's like when people say they listen to everything "except rap and country"

But this discussion is about Korn specifically, which is an absolutely charming band to get bad to, and you don't have to like them but to deny the creativity and influence is blind.
To be fair Korn is the one band I listened to some of back then from that sub genre. They were very creative and different, but these days they annoy me. Also tbf you brought up the sub genre in general not just korn. I also don't listen to rap or country, heh.
Hang on, what did l say? Korn suck? yes. Did l i discredit the whole useless genre?
Yes, yes l did. That tiny blip in all things metal will forever stain a noble and entirely legitimate beautiful force of rock and heavy metal that came before and more importantly after it. And that includes some wonderful glam/hair metal.
Let's take a poll of what genres of metal are important and indicative to the name of metal.
l guarantee you nu-fucking-metal wont be there.
l don't hold personal grudges or judge, but if you follow those type of bands then to me you don't really understand metal
I don't really "follow" Korn or nu metal in general, I think the latest Korn album I've listened to in full was Take a Look in the Mirror (if not Untouchables), but nu metal was definitely a significant and notable chapter in metal's development. Check out Gorguts' Obscura for some clear nu metal influence on an established death metal classic, for example.
Nu metal obviously made an impact because St. Anger was influenced by it. If the biggest metal band in the world puts out an album with nu metal influences, obviously it made an impact
Its really incredible how dated most nu-metal sounds when you consider its heyday really wasn't all that long ago. It just shows how short its shelf life really was. And normally I'm never one to use the term "dated" as a criticism but nu-metal's rise and fall was so short lived its impossible to not think of that brief period in time when ridiculously baggy pants with those weird strap things on the side and spiky leopard print hair was all the rage with the kids.

Korn does have some pretty slammin bass lines, I'll say that but Jonathan Davis' scatting/childish gibberish shtick become annoying very fast.
The irony here is that people are being accused of hating Korn/nu-metal because they're old, yet nu-metal is only being salvaged due to nostalgia. If a band like Korn formed tomorrow, nobody in here would give a flying shit about it.

Did they have an impact? Sure. Too popular not to have an impact, same with nu-metal. Who cares? It impacted and influenced nothing really worth mentioning. It impacted a bunch of retarded wigger kids and assclowns with eyebrow piercings.

Also, Ozz only likes The Wall because he's a Trump supporter.
Nu metal obviously made an impact because St. Anger was influenced by it. If the biggest metal band in the world puts out an album with nu metal influences, obviously it made an impact

To be fair, it shows that they, the pioneers of a genre have so lost sight of their vision that they have to mimic what's 'in' at the time to even come up with an album. More sad than anything :/
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There's almost no, if any nu metal that I care for, and believe me, I tried so hard to like it, I honest to Christ did. It just sounds like rancid buffalo vomit to me. I'm an older guy, but I can get behind something if I think it's good, no matter its age. Nu metal just doesn't appeal to me, at all.