top 3 reasons why revenge of the sith sucked.

I just think you people should not watch movies you don't like the concept of in the first place. Secondly you should not act disappointed. Thirdly you should not think the flaws you have found are aha's to all the other people who hasn't bothered to comment on it. The dialogue, twists and tricks to make it fit the older movies and other irritation elements were all noticed by the lot of us, we just don't bother to let it ruin the movie.

And as for the comment above, that's exactly how you sound.
Well since I never pick the fights I guess I'm entitled to defend myself.
Well first of all I'm sorry for being slightly educated and opinionated. Apparently the concept of opinions are foreign to you. Secondly instead of making childish comments to prove how much of a brute you really are, you could just say I disagree not "I'm an arrogant bastard and heres why". Before you start going off on how wrong I am and how right you are about everything, just don't even bother.
panzerKunt said:
I'm not picking fights, I just feel entitled to comment your stupidass statements.
How you react to it is our problem not mine.
thats exactly what Im talking about.
Yeah how unrealistic, I mean, lightsabers and eletrictricity shot ouf of someone's hand and telekinesis was ok, but OMG she died like that
And as for the comment above, that's exactly how you sound.
I'm not picking fights, I just feel entitled to comment your stupidass statements.

Now go get yourself a positive IQ, you brute. The hypocrisy hurts my eyes, but apparently you tarzan and she jane, so you don't understand it. Go die in a cave, stop breathing the air that people need to live, fucking wasted on an animal like yourself.
dont congratulate me, congratulate bec.

but i suppose if you hate it that much I could take it down. doesnt really matter much
to find Natalie Portman attractive is to admit you're a pedophile. She looks like a 10 year old.
Even when she's preggo.
do you think that this santa likes natalie?: :loco:
